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[XML] xml related conversations

look at Technews - E4X for Javascript - I like the simplicity they 
integrated it into the language ....
We should choose the way of how we integrate it into rebol - SAX, 
DOM, other ...
Doing my first steps with REBOL I tried to do something with XML

(reading/eventually modifing/writing). I looked for some scripts 
me to do this and found:

1. xml2rebxml/rebxml2xml:
    I got the following problems:
    - missing/loosing comments
    - missing/loosing elements - that's realy serious
    my steps were:
      my-doc: xml2rebxml read %simple.xml
      write %simple2.xml rebxml2xml my-doc

    The second documents finishes outputting elements after some comment
    block in
     the source xml doc.

 2. xml-parse/xml-object:

     The versions I found on the reb library didn't work, I used some

     older versions from rebXR-1.3.0, I've got my objects, but it would 

     nice to have a third module like xml-write to get the object tree
     back to xml. Is somebody developing something like this?

 3. mt.r:

     I tried to figure out how it works. Basically I can write some XML

     based on a REBOL block but I couldn't figure out how to define the

     rules about elements and attributes. Where can I find an example

     about writing for instance svg with mt.r, how looks the coresponding
     REBOL block and the rules for svg?

Where can I find more about xml and REBOL, I think it would be very 
to have some REBOL scripts, doing things like 
   some-elem: xml-create [ elem "foo" namespace "myns" attribs [
                                     bar "something"
                                     xyz "123"]
   xml-modify [ elem another-elem append some-elem ]
and finally
   xml-write %mynewxml.xml my-doc

Is somebody developing something like this with REBOL? Some scripts 

me the same comfort in REBOL like maybe XOM (http://www.xom.nu) is 
for XML in Java. Of course done with some nice REBOL dialects?

What is the above mentioned "EasyXML" - is it available for use/testing?

Thank you for any tips, carsten
One more thing about XOM: E.R Harold has collected a lot of test 
XML files with many sophisticated XML things that can happen regarding 
to the XML 1.0 specs.
Carsten, xml2rebxml should be able to handle comments. Are you sure, 
your simple.xml is valid xml?
By "handle", I mean parse them, but comments ain't in the output. 
The script shouldn't stop for valid XML input.
I played around with some shorter XML document, to figure out, how 
it works - my REBOL experiences are from last week, so maybe I'm 
doing something wrong. The comments will be parsed and the block 
looks also complete but during writing it stops after an element 
that is followed by some comments. So far as  I have seen these comments 
are left out in the block but there are a lot of whitespaces between 
the last printed element and the next missing element.
Carsten, yes, I get the same problem here. I'll look into it.
cool, thank you for your time!
Carsten, ok I found a bug related to multiple comments after each 
other. Get fixed script here: http://home.tiscali.dk/john.niclasen/rebxml/xml2rebxml.r
Carsten, the script still strip comments. Do you need the comments 
to be lead through to the output? (I'm a bit in two minds about, 
how it should work.)
I've uploaded the script to the library.
taken from ML - http://www.xom.nu
I will try the new xml2rebxml.r, I think it would be nice to preserve 
the comments. If somebody writes xml in a text editor and makes some 
annotations, so it its nice, if he gets these comments back after 
processing the files with some other (REBOL) tool. But this feature 
has some lower priority.
I found some more thing in xml2rebxml.r, only the entities
      replace/all att-data ">" #">"
      replace/all att-data "&lt;" #"<"
      replace/all att-data "&amp;" #"&"
will be replaced,  the other two are missed, I think:
      replace/all att-data "&quot;" #"^""
      replace/all att-data "&apos;" #"'"
at xom.nu, you can find various articles too ...
What is wrong with XML apis - http://www.artima.com/intv/xmlapis.html
Carsten, you're right about the &quot; and &apos;. As I read the 
DTD (http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204/), those can only 
be found in attribute values (see [10] AttValue), not in character 
data (see [14] CharData). Is that correct?
http://www.artima.com/intv/dom.html- The Good, the bad and the DOM 
- "a camel is a horse designed by committee" :-)
I seem to like XOM, at least upon what author says about it - of 
course, he eventually might be biased towards his own work - http://www.artima.com/intv/xomdesign.html
- if it is true that simplicity was his motivation, then we could 
look into XOM as possible way to go ...
hmm, not so easy and small anyway ... probably the best aproch will 
be to decide what direction we go and then starting to build rebol-oriented 
solution, not trying to port something. Looking at some stuff it 
seems to me sometimes it is designed to fit target language, e.g. 
java ....
For sure we shouldn't try to simply port something. But maybe it's 
anyway better to see what Christophe (Coussement) is doing (or his 
team). But XOM as a base for ideas might not be bad, as it's well 
designed based on some simple principles which I would sign at least. 
But it's completely object oriented, so there might be a more Rebol 
like way to go - don't know.

What I would be interested to know is how Christophe is going to 
handle Unicode files? There are some scripts to help converting utf8 
and the like, but I can'f oversee right now how well this will work.
I liked the discussion Chris and Brian hold here week or so ago ... 
simply let's find a way of how to work with XML in rebol - once we 
know what do we want, we can start coding ...
As Christophe told on the mailinglist - we actually need both SAX 
and DOM, because if you have a large document and are only interested 
in a sequence of appearings of elements one at a time, you don't 
need DOM, but if you need information about the overall structure 
of a document you have to read in the whole document and that's DOM. 
But if Christophe is doing DOM already - don't know to what extend 
- this would be very nice and might be ok for now.
Would it make sense to have XML files be represented as a port like 
xml:// . This could make sense for DOM and for SAX. But please correct 
me if that's stupid. For SAX this would enable one to copy from the 
port and get events by copying, for some one could navigate with 
some dialect and position the cursor in the document. A copy would 
read the data at the current positon - but then a block or something 
which represents an element could be returned. But I guess that's 
not well thought out. :-)
Carsten, I've added suport for &quot; and &apos; in xml2rebxml. I've 
also added preservation of comments, if xml2rebxml is called with 
/preserve refinement (just call it like: xml2rebxml/preserve <xml 
code>). I've uploaded the scripts to my page: http://home.tiscali.dk/john.niclasen/rebxml/

I think, they need some testing, before they go to the library at 
John, I've downloaded it from your website - thank you!

One more question from an unexperienced REBOL-user:

What is the most commen way to enhance a block I've got with xml2rebxml, 
source is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<chapter id="ch_testxml" name="Test XML">
  <title>A chapter with some xml tests</title>
  <sect1 id="sct_about" name="About my Tests">
    <title>What kind of tests I will do</title>
      <para>Some simple paragraph.</para>

After read in the file with
my-doc: xml2rebxml read %test.xml

I'd like to insert a second sect1-element in the block my-doc, whats 
the best way - just to avoid some stupid mistakes.
To Michael:

I'm not sure if need DOM and SAX, there problem is, that the commitee 
tried to develop language independant interfaces - so both APIs have 
problems in the targeted programming language. DOM is inefficient, 
and you should avoid it. The best way seems to be:
1. have a parser like SAX with events
2. build the model in the best way for your language
3. provide a API for your language

Basically XOM does it for JAVA very well, E.R.H. uses a SAX parser 
and converts to its own object model that is optimized for java. 
For REBOL this should be something like a block, I think. (Blocks 
are best way to store things in REBOL ?). But thats internal side 
of the the tool and could be the rebxml block structure. As api there 
should be a dialect, maybe one that uses a port (there I have less 
knowledge - have to learn about this).
Carsten, to insert second sect1, do something like:

append last my-doc [sect1 id "sct_about" name "Another about" [title 
Thanks Carsten, that clarifies things clearly to me .... I like Sax 
aproach more too .... IIRC Gavain's stuff was Sax like too ... it 
just could not write back to XML ...
Well this is a great place to learn !
Pekr: I do not know XOM, i will study it. Maybe it fits beter than 
our idea of DOM.
MichaelB: about unicode handling. That's a point we didn't think 
about, because we're working in iso-8859-1 (western european) and 
not utf-8 or-16. So we've to see what would the cost be of it. If 
here is any suggestion about how to handle this, those are mostly 
welcome ! (I handled a similar problem with a simple replace/all, 
but i don't know if it's the best approach)
About a port-approach... What should be the advantages ?
Geomol: you've done a great job with your rebxml. But we really need 
some kind a dialect to easilly acces nested data.

Like Xpath... I need to be able to say get-data [//*/bbb/ccc[@id='geek']] 
 and get the info. I think xpath have a great notation for that (and 
a standard). So e have to find the format wich best fit this dialect...
I was fighting today to find the best internal data format. Out of 
the tests seems object! the most performant when using nested data 
structure. hash! when not nested. but the problem with object! is 
that we cannot have a recurrent element in the  structure, like:
   <bbb bbb_attrib="attrib1"></bbb>

because, of course, when evaluated the last definition of bbb overrides 
the others.
So, we are trying to work with hash!

We got a little diminution of the overhead comparing to XML, but 
the processing time compare to block! seems from 10 to 20% more.

I need some more tests about data retrieving in the structure to 
find the right combination;
Any suggestion is welcome !
A rough idea: Maybe like vid does it? /color /colors ? it puts the 
first color in color if there is only one. if there are more, they 
are put in /colors-block .
I do not get where you gain in performance? Or do i get it wrong 
because you can use an object as long as there is only one value. 
But not sure if that helps.
but 10-20% is not much anyway.
And with blocks there is a better chance to use rebcode?
Or for that matter, block parsing.
Volker: i got your point. I don't know yet. I will study it tomorrow.
rebcode could be an issue. But still under development ..
Should this group be web public?
Gregg - I think no problem here to make it web-public ...
Gregg: as fast as lightning :-)
He's like a Marvel Super Hero! :-)
Hat-man? :)
carsten: I should have kept my mouth shut about XOM and asked you 
before :-)

the port-idea was just that a thought - in any case if one wants 
to use a dialect there has to be an entity to interpret the dialect, 
whether that's an function or something else doesn't matter, but 
a port seams to be a common rebol entity to encapsulate things - 
that's why I thought it would maybe even make sense to use a port 
as abstraction .... opening a port to an xml file and the port will 
parse it in whatever way - by sending (inserting) a dialected block 
into the port the xml document could be worked on - at least from 
the users point of view one wouldn't have to handle the xml-code-block/rebol 
code block separetely - even though it might be nice to access it 
directly .... well maybe I have too little glue about ports so the 
idea might not make too much sense when I forgot about some important 
drawbacks and the like