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[DevCon2005] DevCon 2005

The last week in September is the best.
(trust me)
I meant to do a call for papers/presentation abstracts earlier, but 
have been busy, the time is still good.
but whereever it is, I can help, but I don't think it will be in 
the USA.
I should mention... I was wondering if we should have DevCon every-other-year... 
  A year is such a short period of time!
(We need a 1000 day year. That would be much better.)
While we're add it lets make the days 48 hours long. ;-)
add: at
Carl: does that mean that R/S won't be ready for september? ;)
anyway, i guess the main point is "meeting", however considering 
the amount of travel involved one year is not much indeed. but... 
can we really wait two? :)
If we are going to stretch it beyond a year, I personally wouldn't 
want to stretch it beyond 18 months...
One idea would be for REBOLers to put together something which corresponds 
to REBOL Day of REBOL France.
A collaborative meeting with worldwide attendance.
Nice idea, but not very easy to synchronise 2 conferences even with 
same timezone.

And it means that people at one conf can"t follow the other one (except 
when we "cyber"meet each other).

And others can't follow video of the 2 conferences in the same time 
I think us REBOLer's should build up our products and tools to make 
this easy to do.
Yes, Italy sounds very well to me. I would do my best to show up.
Consider that many europeans didn't/coudn't came last year, I agree 
with Gabriele, the point is "meeting"
Where in Italy?
and Carl should really be there! if not it would be like going to 
Apple WWDC and not having Steve doing the keynote! 8)
if possible, also bring a bit better video and audio recording equipment. 
I liked last years videos, but the quality was poor
the quality was porr beacause of the poor video support
the quicktime server was extremly null I thinl it could be good to 
start to seek  for a better technology since to have to research 
one 2 days before the conf  ;)
Italy, eh? Sounds cool.
[unknown: 9]
I'll go to Italy;
Could try to come too.
Let's do it every year. Remember: Each second is the start of the 
rest of your lifetime.
about video: the quality was poor because of the bandwidth restrictions. 
if you are streaming live, you want to use as low bandwidth as possible.
i wanted to record to tape too, however that would mean changing 
the tape every 60 min, i.e. stopping the stream every 60 mins. if 
we manage to have two cameras this time, we won't have this problem. 
i'll record to tape and another camera will be used for the stream.
also, shadwolf, if you know any better technology i'll be very happy 
to adopt it. in my searches i didn't find anything.
3 hour videotape?  6 hour long play videotape ?
no talk would be longer than one hour .. plenty of time to change 
minDV is only 60min, at least that's what i found here. but anyway, 
yes, one expects talks to be shorter, but there's still the problem 
of having to stop the stream. it's much better to have two cameras, 
one for the stream and one for recording.
also, while the stream camera would mainly point to the screen, the 
recording camera would point mainly to the speaker, since with minimal 
editing you can just make a screenshot of the slides and insert them 
in the video at the appropriate places.
anyway, i think it's early to talk about the video; let's find out 
where and when first. :)
it seems to me people like the last week of september.
about the place, here where i live would be cheaper (and we have 
some good winemakes in this region too ;), but it's not very easy 
to reach (the closest airport is Pescara, but it's a small airport; 
the closest international airport is Rome)
we could do it in Rome, so we're close to the airport and we can 
visit the city (everybody wants to visit Rome at least once :), but 
it will probably be more expensive. also, traffic in Rome is very 
chaotic, and this is something we may want to take into account.
other choices could be Milan or Florence (but Florence's airport 
is small too). I don't know people in other cities so it would be 
harder for me to organize.
I do not like Milan from a turist perspective, no mountains, hills 
, no lake , no see, nothing but grey buildings, of course some nice 
churches butof those there are many in Italy.
Being so that we need lot of brain exercises during the conferences, 
would you prefer a cahotic metropolitan city that would take you 
anyway a whole week to visit or a nice quite relaxing place with 
sea view, good food (that is almost anywhere in Italy) ?
Howabout Como? Nice place and Star Wars did some takes there.
I like Italy, and I would go.
but likely best for Gab's convenience would be where he would suggest.
It is already a time to do a call for papers/presentations to build 
up publicity, and to do a press release, which gives plenty of time 
for it to google up.
If it is decided to do, then first press release could be one for 
call for papers, not naming exact location, only the name, then when 
a location decided, a second press release. (just wanting to throw 
some ideas from last years experiences)
The classes or scheduled things should be with plenty of time between, 
maybe alternate between a lecture and then a discussion activity 
so people have a longer time to "network".  And a big clock on the 
wall to help manage time...;-)
A bad thing about the hotel last year is that the conference room 
was not close to the lobby.  A better setup might be a good conference 
room, and a secondary room for "networking" / labbing (or just a 
room with an open door adjacent) with the conference room near the 
lobby so the flow of REBOLers is always near it, and the schedule 
posted there with any announcements.
I think we should try to get the conference to be hosted in a university, 
and exponsored by the university. Plus is that you may attract some 
students, also costs will lower, and the university campus will be 