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[DevCon2005] DevCon 2005

Perhaps next year you should come yourself  ;-)
there was also mentioned the team grows - does it basically mean 
that RT has some more ppl on contracts, will have them, or will even 
employ some ppl as in the past? (Holger, Jeff)
Don't know
Maarten - that is typical answer and rather dishonest to those who 
could not some. Smells like elite talk - we don't need it, really 
some = come
But honestly, I don't know. I know Gabriele is doing work, Cyphre 
did, ....
Your overall impression? Are you staying with Rebol? :-)
My impression is that it is time to bite the bullet: either the next 
two years will be the big step forward or it is dead (community-wise). 
I expect the first; there are simply getting more rebol based products 
out that make people say "Wow!"
- Qtask
- Altme2
- SURFnet Detective
- Canvas/Dpaint
- Some of Ashley's stuff
- Jaime's wireless stuff
And then all the projects I can't remember
IT in general is at a dead-end. Rebol based products will break new 
markets open.
And there are a lot of new features/libraries that will enable even 
more rapid (=profitable) development.
To quote Reichart:
Phase1: Get underwear
Phase2: Never mind phase 2
Phase3: Profit
rebGUI, BEER, ... rebCode, rich-text, LNS, ...
Gotta go now, later!
ok, thnks ...
I'd be interested in a comparison on how BEER implements LNS and 
the official LNS.
But it certainly sounds as though much more was shown this year .. 
whereas last year's stuff seems to have largely evapourated.
last year there was also the French Rebol Conference....and I believed 
Magic was shown there
I think LNS was stated as one of last year's objective...
We will see - however - my impression is, that plans are once again 
in "we should" layear, than in concrete dev roadmap being set-up 
... We know about Altme2-ios eventual improvements for quite some 
time, don't we? So rephrasing that such product could change something 
is nice, but if no dev. roudmap for those things was set, than actually 
what changed? :-)
So - I hope such plans exists at least in non-public form, that such 
plans are really implementaiton-concrete ....
I believe all these are tied to the need to get the community involved 
in Rebol's improvements...initiatives like getting Gab and Cyphre 
in ..

a lot of things revolves around getting the language in position... 
(and we do see some movements there )
getting RebService or LNS stuffs...ready..

I believe having these foundation blocks ready is crucial... (from 
memory, I think this is also mention in last year's conference,... 
Carl mentions it... sometimes I can't remember whether it is last 
year events or this years mentions).

I, personally, think there is more opportunity ahead for RT and the 
community given that the above 2 are slowly falling in place (slow 
at times, but strong foundations helps build skyskrapers )

part of our expectations can be better managed... moving forward.

Carl's blog was a good start to help communicate better with us..and 
there is RAMBO...
last year, I told myself... the window of opportunity is the next 
5 years...

we got 4 more to go... and I don't think we will see a gradual growth..but 
more of a rapid or explosive growth with respect to rebol adoption
Those are pretty big assumptions... what makes the next 4 years any 
better than the last?  Is there some killer app coming out?  Nothing 
I see.  All this stuff is readily available with other products... 
and then some.  With the lack of community and resources.. Rebol 
is in a constant game of 'catch up'... but the competition isn't 
sitting by idly.
In Nashville, muscians are a dime a dozen.. the money comes from 
writing a big hit.
Terry: I partially agree. But REBOL is /more/ productive and has 
some very good things coming. Sometimes a big hit comes from a different 
tuning; now may be the time.
yes, that might be true ... if such new good things are used for 
kind of killer app creation ...
The more I toy with AJAX, the more disinterested I become with desktop 
apps.    I think client/server is the future now..  and apparently 
so does Google.. they're buying up tons of dark fibre and wireless 
'last mile' solutions.. some have speculated that they plan on pushing 
apps to the end user.. and apparently for free   http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000853054453/
Sometimes a killer app is an app like any other, just taking up 1/10th 
of the space, has much fewer bugs and was designed and programmed 
much quicker than competing apps by fewer developers. Such apps have 
a better chance to grow into something big, because REBOL offers 
real leverage in programming and deployment. It can make you deliver 
and you can even do it cheaper. A lot of the Java folks, I talk to, 
often have these problems. It just takes too long to do something 
simple and it costs money.

I think this is why many projects run up in millions of dollars, 
are buggy and delayed. Leverage is wildly important if you want to 

I haven't worked with AJAX, but I've coded up javascript RPC systems 
and have been working on building web pages that feel more like apps 
than web pages. It's a nightmare, because a web browser isn't really 
built for apps. It's built for document viewing and browsing, and 
by adding a ton of APIs and technologies, it's now possible to build 
something that can perform slightly like a real application, but 
is much slower and much harder to develop. I'm done with that. It 
gives me absolutely no leverage.
Bobik here (half a year novice to rebol), mentioned screen painter 
is badly missing. Typical developer imo looses too much of  time 
designing VID for screen to look acceptable ....
I hope rich-text and rebcode allow for some nice, may it be even 
very simple, but usefull IDE :-)
about rich-text, what was demoed? was it only possible to display 
rich-text or actually edit it? what about speed?
hopefully rebcode could help to seepd things eventually up? :-)
Has Carl said he would implement rebcode ?

The last I heard it was an interesting experiment that Carl toyed 
with whilst on holiday.
if it was already working, why not to have it inside? :-)
Well, it may not be complete .... or be incompatible in some way 
with existing code .... who knows.

For a speed increase on 30 times one would have thought it would 
have generated more excitment in the community .....
making some things possible that are currently infeasable .... like 
mp3 playback from within Rebol.
I think we've had plenty of excitement? I just think most of us wouldn't 
see it so soon, plus Carl has a million things in the pipeline...
Terry: you may be right, and you may be not. I like AJAX. But is 
Google Earth Ajax'ed? Or MSN? Skype? Winamp? ...
On rebcode, check the alpha/beta downloads http://www.rebol.net/builds/031/rebcode.zip
 but be sure to read the warning in the docs!!!
wow! too bad I can't play with it now, but I'm sure pekr would like 
to give it a try? :-)
Philb, a realistic rebcode gain in real code is 16-18x, but a lot 
depends from how much is optimized the rebol code and the rebcode 
-- obviously if you use it in loop anly to do math on integer, gain 
can be greater, and if you make a lot of change on string and image, 
gain can be lesser.
For example i wrote a Arc4 algorithm in rebol and rebcode: the result 
is 16x with maximum optimization on both side (i can reach).
I think that the example of Carl: unrolled loop of integer add, is 
just the best case for rebcode performance. Consider it a max.
just run demos. From doc I can understand it is still missing some 
features, so not fully finished?
Romano - you talk about it in a strange mood, don't you? Would you 
guys expected rebcode to speed rebol even further?
My 30x quote was from Carl's Blog .... he waas just being more realistic 
I think.
Still a 16x increase is pretty impressive ....