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[DevCon2005] DevCon 2005

It's the first time I'm using Bittorent . What does Seeds 4(6) and 
Peers 0(1) mean ?
think it means that there are 6 ppl with the torrent and 4 are online/the 
other not sure about
It means there are 6 people who are seeding ( ie. they are not downloading 
), and you are connected to 4 of them, and there is 1 peer ( who 
is downloading ), but 0 connected to you.
ie. you are not uploading to anyone.
Everyone that is downloading or has downloaded the file(s) is a peer, 
part of the swarm, until they disconnect. What Azureus calls a Peer 
is someone who hasn't finished downloading yet - this was traditionally 
referred to as a Leach, but some people got offended. A seed is someone 
who has the whole file(s) and is still connected to the torrent to 
provide the file(s) to those who are still downloading.

When it says Seeds 4(6) and Peers 0(1), it means the tracker can 
see 6 "seeds" but you are actually connected to 4, and that the tracker 
can see 4 "peers" but you aren't connected to any of them. If you 
are behind a NAT your external IP address is different, so you may 
be in either the peer or seed set, one of the ones you aren't connected 

You may also be connected to others through DHT, a kind of distributed 
tracker. The regular tracker won't necessarily see those, so you 
can't assume that the 4 seeds you are connected to are all part of 
the 6 that the tracker sees, for instance. This only matters when 
you are connecting to shaky tracker sites or those that enforce friendly 
upload/download ratios.
1 peer
On a more DevCon-related note:

Maarten, thanks for mentioning the posting of the experimental rebcode 
support! I have been going through it, figuring out how to improve 
the assembler and such. Fun!
What can I use to view the mp4 file?  Get errors in WMP and QT that 
the profile used to encode it is not supported. Have updated QT to 
support mpeg-4.
I used WMP, but I guess I had all the codecs needed.
Brett - I received an error about an unknow codec from Quicktime 
too, but if I press the play button when it shows a black screen, 
the video starts with a good video and audio.
no problem with codecs here. I stopped to use whatever else than 
divx and xvid. Those guys did really good work in bringing you good 
codecs. So - go and download some codec pack - e.g. ffdshow, or all-in-one 
codeck pack ... go to http://www.free-codecs.com
I'm using ABC and I'm behind a router, even if I didn't configure 
any forwarding the program is able to upload. Is it starting the 
uploads sessions as a client other than a server?
Carl says "I invented multitasking" !
This was at 20:46
I saw that too. I don' t know or care enough to argue, though :-)
Thanks for the tips. Luca, yes I should have just clicked play on 
the black screen! Sheesh. :-)
The www.free-codecs.com site is a little iffy nowadays, and doesn't 
have current versions. The K-Lite people lost the domain and someone 
else picked it up for their portal. The current K-Lite codec packs, 
Real and Quicktime Alternative are now at http://www.codecguide.com/
Good luck!
Luca, torrent clients can initiate connections either as a client 
or a server, but if you open a port to allow connections as a server 
you usually get a faster connection, depending on circumstances. 
It is a better idea in the long run, especially if you keep your 
torrent client (and in the case of Azureus, Java runtime) updated 
so you get the latest security fixes, as you should with any network 
I thougth that they open client connections to download files while 
keep an open server port to let others download from its. it  would 
be interesting to understand how a client that share a file open 
a client connection. I mean where it connects to.
[unknown: 9]
I believe Carl is talking about pre-emptive multitasking.  And as 
far as I'm aware, he did invent it, do you know something different?
when? didnt unix or such have it before? or gepard, sinclair ql? 
or does "re-emptive multitasking" mean something more special?
when -> when, must be before amiga then?
i admit his one is was best :)
i'm currently recording my speech. will be on in a few hours.
recording? ah hum, does that mean you talk now? ;)
But Carl said that tasking for rebol will come in 3.x family, so 
it means - never or not sooner than in two years imo :-)
Volker: he surely means encoding :-)
Give Carl a loong holliday and i am sure he comes back with tasking, 
3.0 or not :)
yes, it seems so :-) VM appeared from nowhere and voila - it is here 
transferring to the computer; recording is not that wrong to indicate 
that and it was shorter :P
after transfer we have encoding.
[unknown: 9]
Volker, no, as far as I'm aware even back in the early 80's `Carl 
was credited by even Byte magazine as the inventor.
I am just curious how is that Carl did not include strong modularisation 
into Rebol from the very beginning?
Amiga had even async library calls (devices), it was really a joy 
to watch that 7HMz system do cool job, copying on 3 floppies, without 
a glitch to UI usablitiy - now try to insert floppy or CD into your 
3GHz WinXP system - that is really rudiculous what MS thinks :-)
[unknown: 9]
I'm guessing the reason Rebol was not modularized up front, is that 
his goals was that it be so small that it did not need to be.

It is sort of like when developers make games for handhelds, they 
think it will be easier somehow than full computers.  But a hand 
held is only small in size physically.

And yes, the Amiga was simply cool.  PCs still suck, even when they 
are 400 bloody times faster!!!
yes, but I mean modularisation in regards to tasking/threading, other 
kind of events etc ...
but for overall kind of apps, rebol is ok as it is, plus minus few 
handy changes would be welcomed. Lack of tasking imo in no way prevets 
us from building usefull stuff (maybe only in the case when you want 
to have kind of server app)
I wonder about one thing - would ppl here or even let's include ml 
to have kind of poll available? I think that RT has (starting from 
1.3 project) kind of fresh energy aproach, so maybe if we present 
our ideas for enhancements/fixes to Carl in some unified way (REP 
for e.g.), we could then create dedicated SIGs to work on it further. 
Some topics for discusion - better library interface, oulining VID 
future, sound, Rebol windowing (in regards to OS layer) etc.
[unknown: 9]
Yup, I suggested this in detail at the DevCon.
The question is, how public to make it?

We could Use Qtask right now for this.  Use the Project Chat to discuss 
features, and the Tasks to outline specific items.

With Qtask, you can assign Carl as the Doer (LOL), and you can set 
yourself as a watcher so that if there is any action on a task you 
know about it.


Qtask is by invite only right now (which makes it a bit a elitist, 
which I apologize for).

It is a slow interface, although it will get faster each month, until 
we reach the point it has client apps, which will be very fast.
I noticed its interface is rather slow - is that due to complicated 
design? Or slow connection to Internet?
it's due to it being a web page :P
Gabriele - maybe not? I browse web here and there and I am not sure 
it is because of web in general - plenty of very fast websites around 
it's alpha, which means non optimized yet.
My suspicion is that it holds strong table design - all that shadowing 
is imo done by table-in-table, using bitmaps etc. Maybe more of css 
based design would help?
but, you can't get very much out of the web anyway. qtask has a long 
list of prople with the photos and so on...
but back to topic .... dunno if general audience is interested into 
what I described very shortly. The thing is QTask may be the right 
way to get the job done, although to discuss, I would use AltME still 
.... but to define tasks, subtasks etc., QTask may be OK.
RAMBO is ok, but in no way to watch implementation plan ....
anyone with photos of the DevCon - please upload them here: http://www.rebol.net/devcon/2005/
Today in the morning I watched Carl's presentation and it seems to 
me that this time Carl was not so concrete as last year, mainly a 
general ideas were presented and "what would be cool to achieve" 
without actually defining how to achieve that?