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[DevCon2005] DevCon 2005

Please remember that you must register before July 31st if you want 
to get hotel reservations with your registration.
I am looking for a roommate to split costs.
If you select sharing a room and check "suggest ..." I will suggest 
possible roommates as soon as i have enough submissions.
Registration is now available via a web form, too.
in all cases REbGUI must be presented as a main effort of cooperativ 
work on a bettring VID project that commes from the ground (people 
like me the basement or rebol coder community and not REbol Technology) 
This kind of work are essential iMO for a better diffusion of rebol 
and to make lighter the work of CARL upon REBOL VM ... Do carl can 
handle all alone ? Can't we apport a sort pf answer and show to rebolers 
and to RT that cooperativ work and hudge project are pretty usefull 
for educationnal purposes but for rebol large diffusion and adoption 
by the professional area ?
MDP-BRowser is a good tool too allready on work but even with the 
remaining bugs I will try to solve soon this open a new scope for 
IOS use an professionnal share working.
MDP-BRowser have been done fast because of thatt the idea was yet 
there floating in the air (most of code was existing but exploded 
in several project related but disociated ...)
shadwolf, sounds like you are volunteering to present REBGUI...(wink, 
wink, nudge, nudge, say no more...Monty Python quote)
It IS what REBOL needs most, applications which are complete, professional, 
and good examples to others what REBOLers can do.
and/or MDP-GUI ...
He is, if you paid his ticket ;-)
Speakers don't pay any ticket. (except the Banquet, of course.)
now, you'll regret not being a speaker. :P
btw, i will not send the payment request immediately. no need for 
that right now; (especially the banquet). but, please hurry if you 
want an hotel reservation! the sooner you register, the more time 
we have to arrange things and so on.
so... if you were waiting to register because you want to wait for 
paying... please register now, and you will pay later. (in a couple 
weeks, a month for speakers that only need to pay for the banquet.)
I should have put ticket into quote. By "ticket", I mean, planes, 
train, lunch, hotel....
I should have said the "Journey" or "Travel" instead
I need Milan plan to be announce before registering :(
what do you need to know exactly? i'll ask mario if he has any plans 
Does it plan "visit of Milan" for the Wenesday or Thursday ?

And so for hotel, it mean one night at Milan or all at Treviglio 

All this for a question of total cost for my italian trip!
I need the most informations to "budget" everything.
my idea was for it to be on thursday, and i think there's no need 
to stay one night in milan (treviglio is close enough). i'll ask 
Mario what his plans are.
From Mario: "I think that coming in a hotel in Treviglio is cheaper. 
The return Treviglio-Milano railway ticket is around 10€ and the 
Milan 24h underground/bus/tram ticket is 3€ so DideC can save money 
as the train usually takes 30 to 45 minutes from Treviglio to Milano.

About the visit in Milano I can help for sure during the afternoon 
and evening. If there are a few people I can go with them and ttake 
them back with the car. If there are a lot of people willing to see 
Milan the days before the conference I can make a plan for Milan 

How much can be the budget for Milano tour? Leaving out the 3€ 
there are free things to visit as museums (should pay) or the castle 
(free or paid guided tour) as the Cathedral lift to see "il Duomo 
e la Madunina"...

I just need to know how much time, when, who and an aproximate budget 
per day."
€ = euro

I think 30 uero per day for the visists could be enough.
assume hotel and transports as fixed cost (60 euros at most per day 
unless one gets the royal suite deluxe).
For food one can choose 
between 5 euro at McDonalds or 100 euro for an expensive restaurant. 
With 40 euros a day you can eat a lot and still choose very good 
food. I think 25 to 30 euros per day is the right choice.

I'm away 
for an hour (must eat)...
website updated! http://www.colellachiara.com/devcon05/index.html
I've two questions. 1) I plan to come Saterday 24th at Rome and already 
visit things in Rome with my wife even if I'll visit Rome with the 
group on Wednesday 28th. Can I make a reservation for hotel Virginia 
with registration form of DevCon2005 website with your interresting 
price (90€ for a double room) for my whole stay in Rome (5 nights)
2) What do we visit together in Rome. Everything on the Linea 110open 
path ? It's just to organise visits for the previous days with my 
And just a thing... Great work  for the new version of the website 
! Thanks Gabriele !
1) Yes. just put 24-sep-2005 for arrival date.
2) the idea is to visit anything we can do in one day on that line. 
maybe i'll spend a day on that line before september so that i can 
have an idea of the time we have and so on.
also, i'm open to suggestions to things you think we should really 
visit. we can also plan things on the fly based on interests once 
we're there.
great, looking forward to it
Teviglio or Treviglio ? (title seems Wrong!)
I mean marron title!
yep, was wrong, sorry. (even that big i did not notice! doh!)
[unknown: 9]
Lets eat WELL!  I expect GREAT FOOD.
That's for sure. ;-)
As I'm still not sure about the discussion topic for the DevCon05 
I'd like to ask you, the DevCon audience, for suggestions. I don't 
want to be boring so: " What you would like to hear from me?"  ;-) 
 As for now I'm thinking about 'library wrapping' and/or 'VID style 
creation' topics. Any other ideas are welcome. Thanks!
library wrapping
'VID style creation' would be *great* IMO, because if you write it 
up we can use it as docs. :-)
Cyphre: "How to use AGG to forget Flash" :-)
VID styles and how to design them for a library :-))
Everyone: please don't forget to register if you want an hotel reservation. 
Time is running short.
Hallo all, I'm trying to plan a city tour in Milano for people attending 
the DevCon and arriving early or leaving late.
Who plans to go for a walk in Milan? Any special request? I will 
make you use feet a lot and 15 to 20 euros for transports and tickets.
Mario, I will join you. I arrive around 11:30am.
Jaime, on what day? Which airport? Is someone planning to come with 
Please register on http://www.colellachiara.com/devcon05/register.html
and put as many notes as possible so Gabriele can forward me the 
info and requests from you. We are finishing with the Milan tour 
details and we ha a few days left for othel reservations.
Gabrielle,  the deadline of 31st of august is a tough one for me... 
I'm still trying to secure funds so I'm not even sure I can make 
it.  what happens after the 31 ? can I still make reservations the 
week after? I mean, its still 2 months away...
Maxim, it's July 31st, not August 31st so it's a matter of days.