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[Hardware] Computer Hardware Issues

Yeah, I find that too distracting.  At corporate they had walls of 
monitors.  I watched the staff ignore a big red dot for many minutes 
before I mentioned it.   They get swamped in data...but yeah I see 
your point.
another thing that has been *really* great is using vim vertical 
split after stretching it to cover both monitors :-) eg. vimdiff. 
it does not even compare to using it on a single monitor where you 
see only half of the line.
That I can see being useful...  I do stuggle with side by side compares...
Well, struggle's not the right word...but I can see it being better 
with diff -y
Without tabbed Konsole I might freak out a ltitle, but with...tabs 
15 inch is nice for focus
Enjoy the big screens.  :)
Ashley, can you explain in a little more detail how your setup works 
for you?

 Sure. I run a home office with two studies. Each has a Mac mini (plus 
 Cinema display) for day-to-day work. My study also has a TabletPC 
 connected to a 1280x1024 VGA LCD display. I use this for REBOL development 
 and demos away from home.

The iBook is located in the other study and is used by my better 
half when running Windows software related to our finance company 
(CRM/Sales software distributed via the professional body we belong 
to, no Mac or Linux option available). We also use the iBook when 
showing non-IT people stuff (e.g. a spreadsheet showing how much 
their portfolio could be worth if they geared it) and when attending 
training sessions.

The ADSL modem has an ethernet connection to Airport express, which 
in turn has the MFC plugged into its USB slot. The Mac's pick up 
the printer automatically, the TabletPC runs Bonjour and does the 
same. Everything, including the TabletPC, detected the Network without 
issue. It really has been as simple as, 1) Unpack, 2) Plug-in, 3) 
Use. I've also noticed that WinXP running on the iBook is a lot faster/smoother 
than on the TabletPC as it installs 'clean' (i.e. piggy-backs off 
the Mac's Network and Hardware support).

Large screens are a must if you write and or read a lot of documents. 
A 1920x1200 screen lets you do a slideshow on a PDF document and 
read the pages side-by-side. On wide screens I always have the task-bar/dock 
on the right to maximize the vertical display area.
Ahhh, a multi-room setup. Excellent info, and most helpful. Thanks 
very much Ashley.
And one more: I'm using a 2TB NAS system (Thecus) to store shared 
things. Works great (things to add: automatic backup to Amazon S3 
(now you know why I want it)). Than I have two PCs (1 Desktop and 
1 Laptop) and 1 Mac Mini (Intel)

The Mac Mini is a totaly cool machine. Silent, fast, and it just 

Hence, my next desktop will become a Mac Pro. Hopefully VMWare works 
VMWare is x86 only though ....
To get rid of reinstalling everything I have packed two things into 
a VMWare:

1. My office stuff. Only office and some add-ons nothing else. (To 
keep it alive)

2. My development setup. Everything configured, compiler, include 
paths etc. Totally self contained.

Than one that I don't use that much for some apps like graphics stuff.
robert, VMWare should work fine now in MacOSX?
I haven't tried it, but good hint, if it's available I give it a 
I heard that Parallels eats a lot of memory and degrades in performance 
over time, so VMWare is perhaps better.
Going for a VMWare for development was my best decision. I hate it 
to setup/move complex environment with different compilers etc. As 
long as you have enough memory, you don't feel a speed difference. 
For some things I even have the feeling it's faster.
So: NAS (and use Gigabit ethernet), VMWare for stuff you will use 
for years and don't want to reinstall and keep protected by wild 
software setups, and if everything you need is available for Mac, 
go for a Mac.
Ah, and I have one more VMWare for testing software.
BTW: For single apps, going with application virtualization is a 
good choice too. You can get Office packed into 4 EXE files.
I have ordered my guys to prepare new notebook for me. Recently I 
have Core Duo Dell, but one month after purchase keyboard broke and 
now USB ports don't work well. Vista today ruined my whole REBOL 
USB pen directory, damned. It finds my usb pen on some ports every 
30 secs. What is more, I have 7200rpm drive, battery lasts only some 
two hours. Now I will have well, Dell once again, this time with 
slower HD but 2 GB RAM. I was at VMWare presentation for our datacenter 
just yesterday and I really liked it, so I am putting it on my notebook 
too ...
The more I can virtualize the "still Windows only apps" I will move 
away from this crappy PC stuff.
That way I can finally not hesitate to try Syllable, some Linuxes, 
etc. Man, Vista is so useless. So much of wasted resources imo. XP 
SP2 just does everything you need.
Yes, and as soon as MS forces you to use Vista I'm switching to Mac 
Mac is rather expensive here though ....
Are you sure OS-X is better than Vista? OS-X is friendly Linux, no? 
Why not e.g. Ubuntu? :-)
Isn't it there yet? :-)
Yes, but it's worth the money. If I save 20h per year by using a 
Mac the ROI is more than enough.
OSX just works. It's really nicely done. Covers the whole Unix core 
from user, but you can still get access to it.
My girlfriend needed 15 minutes to switch from Windows to Mac and 
haven't asked me anything since than... So it has a good WAF = women 
acceptance factor.
WAF - LOL :-)
Robert - still working with REBOL from time to time? :-) We'll upgrade 
SAP BW this year and SAP next year. I just wonder, if there is anything 
better for reporting than BW :-) Not everything is covered by that 
and e.g. in financial area we got some other offer. That whole area 
so overlaps with various offers, that it is kind of difficult to 
get myself oriented :-)
Robert, doing the same here. Pulled my last WinXP out behind the 
shed a few weeks ago and shot it. Just need some way to get encap 
for windows working again.
The more I can virtualize the 'still Windows only apps'

 ... you can even replace Windows itself these days without resorting 
 to Wine. Check out ReactOS ( http://www.reactos.org/), quite a few 
 forum posts indicating that folks are running it on Mac under Parallels 
 ... there was even mention of REBOL/View running on it.
Ashley, well it's a bit early to switch to it. But my needs for Win 
only apps is really vanishing. I think getting Office for Mac would 
be enough to switch. And of course, doing my own transition phase 
to find all the equivalent tools on Mac.
I downloaded the reactos livecd, and couldn't find any pc that it 
would successfully boot.  I also tried the LivePC version and it's 
highly unstable
I'm building a computer system for my friend. The motherboard comes 
with a magnetic ring which is supposed to reduce interference. But 
which cables is it supposed to go on ? (I think I've seen it in another 
system around the front led/power/reset cables.)
the ones going to the front panel
thanks, Graham.
I'm considering getting the new Apple iPhone.  Does anyone have any 
ideas or opinions on what it would take to get rebol to work on that 
platform?  Or is that an unrealistic goal?  What would it take to 
get rebol to work on that platform?
A web-based console?
Patrick, as the iPhone uses a "stripped" down version of OSX, I think 
it should be pretty simple.
But, you need access to the source-code. So, no chance for R2. R3 
will be possible but is not yet ready for prime-time.
R2, no, but R3 will eventually be there. If Carl releases the code, 
I'm willing to buy one and do the port myself...
Hmm, but - can you freely port apps to iPhone? IIRC you need their 
SDK, and you need to plug your app into kind of iTunes app delivery 
infrastructure, no?
I'm not sure they will allow runtimes and emulators meant for running 
other programs on the iPhone. it will probably need to be done on 
a jailbroken iPhone.
You can't port REBOL as-is to the iPhone with their SDK, as the SDK 
license specifically forbids porting programming languages, though 
compiled languages might be allowed if they cross-compile from the 
development machine. Runtime code generation is prohibited.
then screw iPhone ....
HTC Diamond is the answer then ...
On the other hand, REBOL isn't really a programming language: it's 
a structure processor with a set of library functions available at 
runtime. Encapped apps may be legal.
REBOL on the iPhone would make sense if we have decent integration 
with its builtin facilities, particularly its graphics and animation.
You cannot sell or distribute the REBOL interpreter. But that does 
not mean you cannot create iPhone apps with REBOL. REBOL basically 
becomes an add-on to their SDK. :)