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[SVG Renderer] SVG rendering in Draw AGG

Vincent add some path rendering commands S Q T H A V
	Title:		"SVG Demo"
	Owner:		"Ashley G. Trüter"
	Version:	0.0.1
	Date:		21-Jun-2005
	Purpose:	"Loads and displays a resizeable SVG file."
	History: {
		0.0.1	Initial release
	Notes: {
		Tested on very simple SVG icons
		Only a few basic styles / attributes / commands supported

  Does not handle sizes in units other than pixels (e.g. pt, in, cm, 
  mm, etc)

  SVG path has an optional close command, "z" ... AGG shape equivalent 

  load-svg function needs to be totally refactored / optimized ... 
  *sample only*

;	The following commands are available for path data:
;		M = moveto
;		L = lineto
;		H = horizontal lineto
;		V = vertical lineto
;		C = curveto
;		S = smooth curveto
;		Q = quadratic Belzier curve
;		T = smooth quadratic Belzier curveto
;		A = elliptical Arc
;		Z = closepath

;print: none	; comment out this line to enable debug messages

load-svg: function [svg-file [file! string!] size [pair!]] [

 id defs x y to-color to-byte draw-blk append-style svg-size scale-x 
	xml: either string? svg-file [parse-xml svg-file] [

  unless %.svg = suffix? svg-file [to error! "File has an invalid suffix!"]
		parse-xml read svg-file

 unless xml/3/1/1 = "svg" [to error! "Could not find SVG header!"]

 ;unless find ["id" "xmlns"] xml/3/1/2/1 [to error! "Could not find 
 ID header!"]

 ;unless xml/3/1/3/1/1 = "defs" [to error! "Could not find DEFS header!"]

	id: xml/3/1/2
	defs: xml/3/1/3

	;	--- Parse SVG id

	svg-size: either find ["32pt" "48pt" "72pt"] select id "width" [
		switch select id "width" [
			"72pt"	[120x120]
			"48pt"	[80x80]
			"32pt"	[60x60]

  as-pair to integer! any [select id "width" "100"] to integer! any 
  [select id "height" "100"]

	x: to integer! any [select id "x" "0"]
	y: to integer! any [select id "y" "0"]

	scale-x: size/x / svg-size/x
	scale-y: size/y / svg-size/y

	;	--- Helper functions

 to-color: func [s [string!]] [	; converts a string in the form "#FFFFFF" 
 to a 4-byte tuple
		to tuple! load rejoin ["#{" next s "00}"]

 to-byte: func [s [string!]] [	; converts a string with a value 0-1 
 to an inverted byte
		255 - to integer! 255 * to decimal! s

	;	--- Parse SVG defs

	draw-blk: copy []

	append-style: function [
		command [string!] blk [block!]
		x xy pen-color fill-color line-width mode size radius shape
		closed? matrix transf-command
		xy: 0x0
		size: 0x0
		line-width: 1
		matrice: make block! []
		radius: none
		transf-command: none
		foreach [attr val] blk [
			switch attr [
				"transform" [print "tranform have been found" 
						;probe val halt 
						val: parse val "(),"
						transf-command: first val
						probe transf-command
						switch transf-command [
							"matrix" [ 
								foreach word val [
									if not find word "matrix"
										insert tail matrice to-decimal word
				"style" [
					foreach [attr val] parse val ":;" [
						switch/default attr [
							"font-size" [ ]
							"stroke" [
								switch/default first val [
									#"#" [pen-color: to-color val]
									#"n" [pen-color: none]
									print ["Unknown stroke:" val]
							"stroke-width" [line-width: to decimal! val]
							"fill" [
								fill-color: switch/default first val [
									#"#" [to-color val]
									#"n" [none]
									print ["Unknown fill value:" val]
							"fill-rule" [
								mode: switch/default val [
									"evenodd"	['even-odd]
									print ["Unknown fill-rule value:" val]

       "stroke-opacity" [pen-color: any [pen-color] pen-color/4: 
       to-byte val]

       "fill-opacity" [fill-color: any [fill-color] fill-color/4: 
       to-byte val]
							"stroke-linejoin" [
								insert tail draw-blk switch/default val [
									"miter"		[compose [line-join miter]]
									"round"		[compose [line-join round]]
									"bevel"		[compose [line-join bevel]]
									print ["Unknown stroke-linejoin value:" val]
							"stroke-linecap" [
								insert tail draw-blk 'line-cap
								insert tail draw-blk to word! val
							print ["Unknown style:" attr]
				"x"			[xy/x: scale-x * val]
				"y"			[xy/y: scale-y * val]
				"width"		[size/x: scale-x * val]
				"height"	[size/y: scale-y * val]
				"rx"		[print "rx"]
				"ry"		[radius: to decimal! val]
				"d"	[
					shape: copy []
					x: none
					closed?: false
					foreach token load val [
						switch/default token [
							M	[insert tail shape 'move]
							C	[insert tail shape 'curve]
							S   [insert tail shape 'curv]
							L	[insert tail shape 'line]
							Q   [insert tail shape 'qcurve]
							T   [insert tail shape 'qcurv]
							z	[closed?: true]
							H   [insert tail shape 'hline]
							V   [insert tail shape 'vline]
							A   [insert tail shape 'arc]

       unless number? token [print ["Unknown path command:" token]]

       either x [insert tail shape as-pair x scale-y * token x: none] [x: 
       scale-x * token]
		insert tail draw-blk compose [
			pen (pen-color)
			fill-pen (fill-color)
			fill-rule (mode)
			line-width (line-width * min scale-x scale-y)
		switch command [
			"rect" [
				insert tail draw-blk compose [box (xy) (xy + size)]
				if radius [insert tail draw-blk radius]
			"path" [
				unless closed? [print "Path closed"]
				either transf-command <> none  [
					switch transf-command [

      "matrix" [insert tail draw-blk compose/only [ (to-word transf-command) 
      (matrice) shape (shape) reset-matrix]]
					insert tail draw-blk compose/only [shape (shape)]

   "g" [ print "Write here how to handle G insertion to Draw block" 

    insert tail draw-blk probe compose/only [reset-matrix (to-word transf-command) 
	probe defs
	foreach blk defs [
		switch first blk [
			"rect"	[append-style first blk second blk]
			"path"	[append-style first blk second blk]
			"g"		[
						print "key word" probe first blk  
						print "matrix and style in G" probe second blk  
						append-style first blk second blk 
						;print "what to draw in G" probe third blk
						foreach blk2 third blk [
							probe blk2
							switch first blk2[ 
								"path" [append-style first blk2 second blk2]
probe draw-blk

view make face [
	offset:	100x100
	size:	200x200
	action:	request-file/filter/only "*.svg"
	text:	rejoin ["SVG Demo [" last split-path action "]"]
	data:	read action
	color:	white
	effect:	compose/only [draw (load-svg data size)]
	edge: font: para: none
	feel: make feel [
		detect: func [face event] [
			if event/type = 'resize [
				insert clear face/effect/draw load-svg face/data face/size
				show face
			if event/type = 'close [quit]
	options: [resize]
Oops too fast: 

commands Q S T -> OK

commands H &t V -> need to add (just before "foreach token load val 
[") :
if all [x not number? token] [
    insert tail shape x * either token = 'V [scale-y][scale-x]
    x: none
command A -> not yet solved sign issues
	Title:		"SVG Demo"
	Owner:		"Ashley G. Trüter"
	Version:	0.0.1
	Date:		21-Jun-2005
	Purpose:	"Loads and displays a resizeable SVG file."
	History: {
		0.0.1	Initial release
	Notes: {
		Tested on very simple SVG icons
		Only a few basic styles / attributes / commands supported

  Does not handle sizes in units other than pixels (e.g. pt, in, cm, 
  mm, etc)

  SVG path has an optional close command, "z" ... AGG shape equivalent 

  load-svg function needs to be totally refactored / optimized ... 
  *sample only*

;	The following commands are available for path data:
;		M = moveto
;		L = lineto
;		H = horizontal lineto
;		V = vertical lineto
;		C = curveto
;		S = smooth curveto
;		Q = quadratic Belzier curve
;		T = smooth quadratic Belzier curveto
;		A = elliptical Arc
;		Z = closepath

;print: none	; comment out this line to enable debug messages

load-svg: function [svg-file [file! string!] size [pair!]] [

 id defs x y to-color to-byte draw-blk append-style svg-size scale-x 
	xml: either string? svg-file [parse-xml svg-file] [

  unless %.svg = suffix? svg-file [to error! "File has an invalid suffix!"]
		parse-xml read svg-file

 unless xml/3/1/1 = "svg" [to error! "Could not find SVG header!"]

 ;unless find ["id" "xmlns"] xml/3/1/2/1 [to error! "Could not find 
 ID header!"]

 ;unless xml/3/1/3/1/1 = "defs" [to error! "Could not find DEFS header!"]

	id: xml/3/1/2
	defs: xml/3/1/3

	;	--- Parse SVG id

	svg-size: either find ["32pt" "48pt" "72pt"] select id "width" [
		switch select id "width" [
			"72pt"	[120x120]
			"48pt"	[80x80]
			"32pt"	[60x60]

  as-pair to integer! any [select id "width" "100"] to integer! any 
  [select id "height" "100"]

	x: to integer! any [select id "x" "0"]
	y: to integer! any [select id "y" "0"]

	scale-x: size/x / svg-size/x
	scale-y: size/y / svg-size/y

	;	--- Helper functions

 to-color: func [s [string!]] [	; converts a string in the form "#FFFFFF" 
 to a 4-byte tuple
		to tuple! load rejoin ["#{" next s "00}"]

 to-byte: func [s [string!]] [	; converts a string with a value 0-1 
 to an inverted byte
		255 - to integer! 255 * to decimal! s

	;	--- Parse SVG defs

	draw-blk: copy []

	append-style: function [
		command [string!] blk [block!]
		x xy pen-color fill-color line-width mode size radius shape
		closed? matrix transf-command
		xy: 0x0
		size: 0x0
		line-width: 1
		matrice: make block! []
		radius: none
		transf-command: none
		foreach [attr val] blk [
			switch attr [
				"transform" [print "tranform have been found" 
						;probe val halt 
						val: parse val "(),"
						transf-command: first val
						probe transf-command
						switch transf-command [
							"matrix" [ 
								foreach word val [
									if not find word "matrix"
										insert tail matrice to-decimal word
				"style" [
					foreach [attr val] parse val ":;" [
						switch/default attr [
							"font-size" [ ]
							"stroke" [
								switch/default first val [
									#"#" [pen-color: to-color val]
									#"n" [pen-color: none]
									print ["Unknown stroke:" val]
							"stroke-width" [line-width: to decimal! val]
							"fill" [
								fill-color: switch/default first val [
									#"#" [to-color val]
									#"n" [none]
									print ["Unknown fill value:" val]
							"fill-rule" [
								mode: switch/default val [
									"evenodd"	['even-odd]
									print ["Unknown fill-rule value:" val]

       "stroke-opacity" [pen-color: any [pen-color] pen-color/4: 
       to-byte val]

       "fill-opacity" [fill-color: any [fill-color] fill-color/4: 
       to-byte val]
							"stroke-linejoin" [
								insert tail draw-blk switch/default val [
									"miter"		[compose [line-join miter]]
									"round"		[compose [line-join round]]
									"bevel"		[compose [line-join bevel]]
									print ["Unknown stroke-linejoin value:" val]
							"stroke-linecap" [
								insert tail draw-blk 'line-cap
								insert tail draw-blk to word! val
							print ["Unknown style:" attr]
				"x"			[xy/x: scale-x * val]
				"y"			[xy/y: scale-y * val]
				"width"		[size/x: scale-x * val]
				"height"	[size/y: scale-y * val]
				"rx"		[print "rx"]
				"ry"		[radius: to decimal! val]
				"d"	[
					shape: copy []
					x: none
					closed?: false
					if all [x not number? token] [

          insert tail shape x * either token = 'V [scale-y][scale-x]
  						    x: none
					foreach token load val [
						switch/default token [
							M	[insert tail shape 'move]
							C	[insert tail shape 'curve]
							S   [insert tail shape 'curv]
							L	[insert tail shape 'line]
							Q   [insert tail shape 'qcurve]
							T   [insert tail shape 'qcurv]
							z	[closed?: true]
							H   [insert tail shape 'hline]
							V   [insert tail shape 'vline]
							A   [insert tail shape 'arc]

       unless number? token [print ["Unknown path command:" token]]

       either x [insert tail shape as-pair x scale-y * token x: none] [x: 
       scale-x * token]
		insert tail draw-blk compose [
			pen (pen-color)
			fill-pen (fill-color)
			fill-rule (mode)
			line-width (line-width * min scale-x scale-y)
		switch command [
			"rect" [
				insert tail draw-blk compose [box (xy) (xy + size)]
				if radius [insert tail draw-blk radius]
			"path" [
				unless closed? [print "Path closed"]
				either transf-command <> none  [
					switch transf-command [

      "matrix" [insert tail draw-blk compose/only [ (to-word transf-command) 
      (matrice) shape (shape) reset-matrix]]
					insert tail draw-blk compose/only [shape (shape)]

   "g" [ print "Write here how to handle G insertion to Draw block" 

    insert tail draw-blk probe compose/only [reset-matrix (to-word transf-command) 
	probe defs
	foreach blk defs [
		switch first blk [
			"rect"	[append-style first blk second blk]
			"path"	[append-style first blk second blk]
			"g"		[
						print "key word" probe first blk  
						print "matrix and style in G" probe second blk  
						append-style first blk second blk 
						;print "what to draw in G" probe third blk
						foreach blk2 third blk [
							probe blk2
							switch first blk2[ 
								"path" [append-style first blk2 second blk2]
probe draw-blk

view make face [
	offset:	100x100
	size:	200x200
	action:	request-file/filter/only "*.svg"
	text:	rejoin ["SVG Demo [" last split-path action "]"]
	data:	read action
	color:	white
	effect:	compose/only [draw (load-svg data size)]
	edge: font: para: none
	feel: make feel [
		detect: func [face event] [
			if event/type = 'resize [
				insert clear face/effect/draw load-svg face/data face/size
				show face
			if event/type = 'close [quit]
	options: [resize]
corrected thank you vincent ;)
my FTP tis back from death so here is my last script http://shadwolf.free.fr/svg-demo-shadwolf.r
I allways use as reference script for my work the blender.svg file 
provided in ashley's archive svg-demo.zip
so my version of the script supports in the SVG <g> block with in 
this block header   transform matrix and in block <G> path with or 
without in it tranform matrix. I have a little problem with this 
point. Then I add the support for path d field coded in the format 
of INKSCAPE SVG PLAIN TEXT (the SVG light weight version available 
under inkscape )
New D field for "path" flag  processing and translation made by Vincent
support  MLHVCSQT commands
can be found on http://shadwolf.free.fr/svg-demo-shadwolf.r
Thanks for taking this up and running with it guys, you're making 
great progress (far better than I could have). Feel free to take 
ownership of the code and refactor it as needed.

Two minor improvements are:

	unless closed? [insert tail shape reduce ['move 0x0]]

which is Gabriele's fix to the shape close problem, and:

	feel: make feel [
		redraw: func [face act pos] [

   if act = 'draw [insert clear face/effect/draw load-svg face/data 

which cleans the sample feel code up a bit. I'd also remove "VID" 
from the title of this group as DRAW AGG is tied to View. ;)
okay I have imporved matrix support it seems to be good for scale-x: 
1 scale-y: 1 if cyphre can see the code of the matrix gestion and 
makes some fix optimisation it could allow us to advance more with 
the rest of the SVG word format
groupe title rename done
matrix intervention of cyphre could be very educationnal and help 
me a lot to see what I'm messing in my code
Thanks Ashley: there's still a lot of work to do - as SVG is quite 
yes it' quite a nightmare for a AGG newbie as I'm ...
for example the implementation of the LIneargradient I dont have 
any idea about how to translate it to AGG
I suppose 'fill-pen is what you need. Can render gradient in many 
yes DideC you are right the most problem will be to create tht tree 
structure to store all the LinearGradient définition and there childs 
then retrieve the approprieted informations
drawing  primitives have a xlink:href field that point to the appropiate 
main lineargradient (countainer)
I'm working hard on the translation of the linearGradient informations 
from SVG files   to AGG
and I have some asks
how to apply a matrix tranformation only over a grendient definition 
I think I handle web the creation of the rebol list of linear gradient
if you wants to write the "in" AGG/draw code that is based on my 
rebol linear gradient list there is the code and a sample file from 
Noticed you found some conversion numbers (where from?? ;) ), so 
here's a simple func to make use of them:

to-unit: func [s [string!]] [
	switch/default skip tail s -2 [
		"pt"	[1.25 * to decimal! copy/part s -2 + length? s]
		"pc"	[15 * to decimal! copy/part s -2 + length? s]
		"mm"	[3.543307 * to decimal! copy/part s -2 + length? s]
		"cm"	[35.43307 * to decimal! copy/part s -2 + length? s]
		"in"	[90 * to decimal! copy/part s -2 + length? s]
		"px"	[to decimal! copy/part s -2 + length? s]
		to decimal! s
Ashley yes  !!! You noticed right I found them deep hided in the 
SVG format documentation on W3C dedicated pages to SVG format ....
I copy past the conversion units into the script becaus I know that 
could be usefull but AS I was working on lineargradient and as it's 
a complicated part of the format SVG I had no time to make a conversion 
algorithm I glad to see that you make it  :)
the page where I found the conversion rules
see chapter 7.10
I read most of the documentation but then make the link to AGG data 
structure is rather difficult
linearGradient for example are splitted the first one contain the 
coordonates systeme and tranfromation informations  the second one 
countains the colors involved and their order in the gradient
so you avac primitive(fill:url) ->LinearGRadient (coords) -> LinearGradient 
(colors order)
where do I plug the to-unit function ?
in svg-size
Yes, to-unit is called from svg-size; and also from "path d", stroke-width, 
fill-width, etc ... probably anywhere in SVG where we "expect" an 
integer or decimal! ;)
okay good stuf in it Vincent and I are planning to use the xml-to-object.r 
script from Brian Wisti to enbetter and make a more sophisticate 
support for our actual work upon SVG parsing translation and rendering 
into a VID  window
shadwolf, I'm not the author - just a guy who made it available in 
the Rebol library :-)
it says author hahah ;)
opkay so we are planning on the opportinity to use a REBOL tree object! 
structure to represente SVG datas :)
this in the goal to improve drastically the performance and be more 
performant  on some key issues like recursivity etc...
I make a base code but now I have to find a good code to exploit 
the relevent datas from the object tree
this means to interogate the content of the objet a gived level
then construc path to get data then translate this data to a draw 
equivalent exploitable datas
and fill the draw block with this data
my point is to make a recursif capapble code