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[SVG Renderer] SVG rendering in Draw AGG

Inkscape is the successor project of sodipodi (for example you can 
see reference to sodipodi into teh SVG output files ...) Sodipodi 
was abandonned by the dev team so some of them retakes it and continue 
the adventure with inkscape
All this to say that it doesn't fall from the sky  ;)
I like particularly the capability of generating light weight SVG 
files (plein text) the drawing tools are simple powerfull very well 
thinked and pretty good
I psent lot of time using it (more than 80 hours since this last 
weeks ) all SVG files that I could found exists
I like the XML  primitive draw explorer like a tree view of the compoun 
of your draw this is particularly good to write SVG renderer
Handling SVG as REBOL object! tree makes it really really easier 
to set recursivity and code writing ( as all can be exploded into 
small fonctions I hope the resulting code once terminated won't be 
so deficult to read
but you know now my way to work I prefer easy and powerfull /flexible 
code than hudge monolitic code ;)
No argument here. ;)
now supports rect tag ;)
oups I make it only for groups ;)
hahaha ;)
Firefox is supposed to be able to support SVG ( a subset at least 
) without plugins, but I couldn't get it to work.  I had to download 
Adobe's plugin.
so we can see in my code 2 approch for retrieving information one 
for top level second for g tags (groups can be recursiv)
GRaham same for me adobe plugin works well with IE but not with firefox
maybe they saw a boggus open door in this plugin and disable it's 
support (this can be the case for a 1.0.4)
I got the Adobe plugin to work with firefox eventually.
so you have to remaining choice (3 in fact ) 1) using IE  but then 
your not my pal any more, 2) installing Inkscape and relate it to 
svg file 3) help me finishing the SVG viewer using REBOL !!! ;))
but what I need are high level information and formation on draw 
agg and this I know very little people that can respond in this point 
this could be a good promotion point to insert SVG rendering into 
the rebplug for firefox once it's completed and optimised ;)
my actual code is about  587 lines of code and it's not ended
still lot of work on it gradients  and transform handling can be 
very code consummer
I need to handle others drawing primitivs too
corrected  ;)
I improve some more the rendering now the file gnome-keyboard-dev.svg 
is fully and perfectly rendererd. I put a red pen-fill color for 
identify all primitives that needs fill:url related gradient
I have improved the svg rendering engine
here is the new version
* Cleaner Code (near 200 lines saved)
* support new draw primitives Ellipse,  Path Arc, rect 
* recursiv G block parsing have been improved

Still not supported
* transformation information (matrix,scale, rotate, skew) 
* gradient information (linear, radiant etc...)
* circle, text, line, polyline, polygones
Release 15 of the OpenClipart library is out: http://www.openclipart.org/downloads/index.php
... over 4,000 high-quality *public domain* SVG images!
I'm hard working on the matrix support ..
and I'm close to have found a solution to one of my problems regarding 
to the transformation matrix
Features still on the work table are:
- SVG Transformation translation (mostly matrix)
- SVG Gradient translation (linear partern radiant)

- SVG drawing primitives (some drawing primitives are not supported 
actually ) 

- SVG Animation translation (don't know if this is a usefull and 
suitable fonctionnality tellme what do you think about it)

Ed Pegg writes "I did a survey of all available vector-based drawing 
programs, in anticipation of SVG in the 

next Firefox. I found 29 different vector drawing programs. Of these, 
14 were free or open source. More than I 
expected. Did I miss any good ones?"

Good list ;)
personnaly I'm working with InkScape a very good SVG software...
For ppl interrested in  SVG rendering engine. My  tonight work  and 
 test on the engine   is resumed in the AGG topic. To resume before 
matrix bug as causing bad scale and bad position.  Now we have good 
position but still bad scale  i post screen cap samples and we can 
see that the evolution is good  betwin View 1.3.1 and 1.3.2
transform problem are on their way to be solve gradient too by cyphre 
and  Carl those  two things are the most blockant problems until 
they are not completly solved we can't expect to have a full working 
SVG rendering engine  -> most of SVG  imagines use transform effects 
and gradients this means    that if we want to get a pretty good 
and reliable SVG engine we have to fixe those two issue. SVR rendering 
engine is a good and hudge test upon AGG integration to REBOL/View 
and it allows us to embetter it !!! 

Once we get a fully working engine with basic human understandable 
algorithm i will start the  optimisation process using  parse (but 
to be franck i don't  know how parse will react in front svg row 
data or how will be the time to dev this parse based SVG engine ... 
 in all cases I think the actual engine have teached me a lot arrounf 
the SVG to AGG adaptation process so i hope the translation to parse 
and parse/rules will not be too hard and too long)
well last thing i can say is that SVG rendering  engine is very high 
on my task  list ( task number one) i worked on the adding of some 
other new drawing primitive  (image rect, circles). I will continue 
to  work on the close support of all SVG datas that can have a meaning 
in AGG context. SVG rendering engine is  a   2   weeks of work only!!! 
... until i fall on the gradient and transforms problems so this 
ensure us advancing on this project will be very fast once we solve 
bugs in REBOL/View related to AGG (wich is in progress actually)
I still take as SVG workshop / reference software INKSCAPE  pretty 
good LGPL  sofware available for  all OS.
In the futur i hope we will use a lot svg in dynamic  drawing composition.
Well done, keep up the good progress! ;)
ty ashley   ^^ time i wasn't giving notice of my progress but mainly 
because Gradeint and transform problem where dependent on AGG an 
not on my  script.
but this not means i'm not anymore interrested by the project or 
that the  project is dead. I found like you pretty hudge hopes on 
the integration of High scalable grphics in rebol  ^^
for me to be honnest the advantages of  using SVG instead of images 
 are a lot this is a quick list of my thoughts on what can be done 
with  SVG format.
 - easier embeding of graphical content
- resizing auto ith not grphics quality loss
- cheap but sharp skining 

 - graphical content of an  User  Interface  very low because rebol 
 is pretty able to  work with compression of text content ( compress/decompress)

A little sample to enlight this  compressed SVG file with blender 
logo ->  less than 500 octets (any size can be applyed with no graphic 
loss (aliasing, color loose, blur, pixelisation etc..) )  a fixed 
jped for same content will use  around  50ko. This means less datas 
in memory to as graphic pixel tables are very heavy in VM memory

- Dynamic graphical content. some thing like text scrolling or efffect 
like Flash ones but with  a  reduction of  1000  of the data and 
memory use SVG use a labeling system for  each graphical content 
that compose the image we can provided a tiny system to handle easy 
animation and show/hide of graphical content using raw rebol commands 
-> this will make pretty easier the realisation of dynamic animations 
in rebol ViD content and  as any REBOL/View face is DRaw/AGG capable 
the effects that we can create isn the futur with this idea will 
have no limits  -> this means too to have a pretty fast and ell designed 
SVG engine (that's my actual path on research)
One other big advantage is that there is a lot of high-quality SVG 
in the public domain, and it's growing fast.
Ashely when are you updating RebGUI?
When I find some spare time. ;) Next week or two hopefully.
shadwolf, a good example to use with your svg renderer is the word 
map with political borders (public domain license) http://www.mappinghacks.com/maps/world_borders.svgz