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World: r3wp

[Rebol School] Rebol School

yeah ignore me like you ignored the thousand telling you that rebol 
lacked  implication and commitement 
in the end those are right
store the values and use GET-FACE and SET-FACE

 - more accurately, "store and retrieve the values using GET-FACE 
 and SET-FACE".
who cares henrik get face set face who cares there is no r3gui
and r2 VID we went as far as we could on  it and it ended to be bugged 
 reason why we started 5 years ago  r3
so yeah you can endlessly talk about r2  ... a product that was abandoned 
by it's author to do r3 ... and he abandoned r3 too ....
Marco, the one thing that VID then doesn't do so well is allow groups 
of faces to be SET-FACEd and GET-FACEd easily, which is probably 
what scared you. The VID Extension Kit solves this by allowing these 
functions to work on entire layouts.
we all knew that  carl lackled commitement toward r3 those missing 
phased where even at first called "Carl's cave thinking process" 
all those years you lied to us
and he lied to us .. he never gived enough  work to rebol to make 
rebol something big and you as a community acknoledged it and played 
that game
@shadwolf I didn't know about viva rebol. I knew about areatc because 
I found it somewere I can't recall.

Why don't you upload it to rebol.org so other can benefit from it. 
I personally will download and start examining it
to learn thing expecially the menu bar ;)
rebol is all about carl's working 2 moth for it his ass off and letting 
the rest of the year pass by  unfortunatly for the people her  2 
moth of of carl's work is worthwhile
marco I'm sad but not surprise you don't know about me ... who will 
tell you about who I Am ? HENRIK ? Robert Muünch  ? do robert münch 
the all mighty RMA guru told you I was the only one in betting on 
his MAkje doc Pro dialect when everyone else was considering him 
as a  spinoff project of carl's MAke doc ?
@shadwolf Why don't you upload viva rebol to rebol.org so others 
can benefit from it ?
do robert told you that in that era  (6 years ago) his make doc pro 
was one of the many spin off project  around carl ?  do robert tells 
you that slapping me  steeve and ashley on their face by totally 
ignoring rebgui  to do r3gui  wasn't the brightesdt idea ?
marco cause I don't want to support a stupid rebol.org that make 
me a pain to submit my creation and trust me I really tryed ard to 
make this sucker of sunanda understand thsi point ...
since 2004 rebol.org not changed a bit
HOW can I support that we are  just  SEVEN YEARS LATER !!! what was 
 hum a fault of youth in 2004 is just a stupid lack of work and comitement 
in 2011 and to tell yopu the truth rebol.org  was done as response 
of french commity script sharing tool I PRESEN TED  IN REBOL DAYS
@shadwolf I am new to the rebol "scene". Why is it a pain to submit 
a script?
this is the  main thing here ...  lots of bunch  orf rebol world 
were entrusted to us the rebol comunity and we  just wasted it !!! 
have you ever seen sunanda  asking for help  ? have you ever seen 
RMA asking for help ?  have you seen my  viva-rebol page ? don't 
I ask for help ?! do that help  is granted so far ?! look the people 
realy helping me on area-tc where maxime and steeve and steeve wrote 
the mote of the code I was just he lucky dumb ass to show the way 
and I assume it
but htis community just do like I don't exist like my10 years of 
work for rebol was nothing and I should be down with that without 
a word ?!
@marco rebol is not worth carl time how can it be worth you time 
@shadwolf Fortunatly I don't use rebol for earning money. If so I 
probably will think similar to you.
Why is it a pain to submit a script?
I was one of te  main contributor to RebGUI I was the one that  convinced 
ashley to do rebgui .... in fact here is how it went after a rebolday 
in paris france I ended talking with some in the time french gurus 
and then told me what is a core truth .... the strong point of rebol 
is VID  but VID isn't suited enought to stand on par with other products 
like wxwindows QT GTK+ or win 32
marco hum for the thing In should use rebol  I can use perl or python 
or ruby ---.
you want to compare rebol 3 VID  any time I take you with python 
gtk+ or ruby wxwindows
problem is  computing world progressed and rebol world got stuck 
on 1998
@shadwolf  Why is it a pain to submit a script?
so yeah people like robert or cyphre are all full of their granted 
gurus state  grantgeds by the missing carl but as a follower the 
basic question is what RMA produced this past year can it be compared 
to entienne's  work or asheley's work ? why ashley isn't a part of 
RMA  ? why this troll of shadwolf that was very active in rebgui 
isn't part of RM A ?  why this trolll ofg shadwolf that produced 
neither the less eareatc and viva-rebol isn't par of RMA ? why this 
troll of shadwolf that is the only one t had write a browser tool 
for robert Munch's MDP isn't part of RMA ?
marco it's a pain to submit a script to rebol.org cause you have 
to exactly properly stupidly and exactly submit the header !!
look mnarco sionce 2004 try to tell sunanda that the rebol script 
header in rebol.org could be done  with a form  you know html <form> 
</form> and since 2004 there is noooooooooooooo way to make thsi 
all mighty guru understand thus !!!
worst when I gently take on my free time to give some advice as a 
professional that get  7K euros every month to do websites in php 
javascript c /C++/java/.net  since more thamn 20 years  .. I'm just 
ignored liek you can see henriok ignores me hoping my rage wares 
off on its own to resume it's futile routine
@shadwolf  Perhaps it's a pain to submit a script to rebol.org cause 
you have to exactly properly stupidly and exactly submit the header 
!!, but if you kindly do that you can share your good scripts with 
others who can learn from them (this is Rebol school ;) ) and more 
progress in rebol will be done. Better not hope in others to follow 
our advices (or answer our questions)
you are to much of a commentator too few of an actor that' why Carl 
sassenrath can piss on your head without expecting you to react
marco  over my 10 years of action there is 3 scripts submited by 
me and one .... hold your tights... is  a françois jouan free memory 
 script  !!! this is a master piece out of that nothing is worst 
being publicated on  rebol.org
you fucking morons ... RMA lies to you cark  lies to you and you 
fucking dam sheep don't see  farthen than that 
why do you thing the more than 500 people populated this altme world 
grow tired of rebol and this rebol community ?
cauyse hey rma's r3gui project is just the fucking 5th project at 
least to  give to rebol  a proper set of  usefull widgets
it's not like it was a fresh thing .... since vid existed people 
wanted to give more to it
cause well VID is fanstastic but  teh widget are set to reflect 1997 
HTML  widget
will any one say this ?
look  I can do more  with css 3 only  than i can ever do with rebol 
VID people in charge of r3gui produced nothing
@shadwolf everything is worth publicated on rebol.org (even if sunanda 
neglects it) so it becomes a central place where every one can take 
scripts and learn from them.
and basicvally rma based their action and convinced carl cause they 
received bounties, and cause cyphre backed them up one year later 
we hare nowhere  there is no progress and I defy any RMA member including 
cyphre to proove me wrong
marco it isn't as an author I made my choice after noticing that 
 the things publicated on rebol.org had no echos  and was sent to 
every oen here talk about how rebol lack of multitasking .... we 
the french community took this topic as a main issue and we produce 
a solution we publicated
and we were ignored
this is the reward for month and month of discusion betwin the french 
does the francois jouan multi task siñulator was  retaken ? no ! 
and not even by nemad in cheyenne!
you have to be aware that in that time we as a french community through 
our own forum tried to  answer this question "is it posible to do 
multitasking in rebol as it?"
francois jouan a french rebol long time member answered with a master 
piece of code that I published in the early time of the rebol.org
sooooooooooo then  Carl came out of the blue and replyed to that 
brasin storming with you don't need multitasking ... since there 
is asynchronous processing and which produced uniserv and cheyene!