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[Rebol School] Rebol School

@shadwolf  Why is it a pain to submit a script?
so yeah people like robert or cyphre are all full of their granted 
gurus state  grantgeds by the missing carl but as a follower the 
basic question is what RMA produced this past year can it be compared 
to entienne's  work or asheley's work ? why ashley isn't a part of 
RMA  ? why this troll of shadwolf that was very active in rebgui 
isn't part of RM A ?  why this trolll ofg shadwolf that produced 
neither the less eareatc and viva-rebol isn't par of RMA ? why this 
troll of shadwolf that is the only one t had write a browser tool 
for robert Munch's MDP isn't part of RMA ?
marco it's a pain to submit a script to rebol.org cause you have 
to exactly properly stupidly and exactly submit the header !!
look mnarco sionce 2004 try to tell sunanda that the rebol script 
header in rebol.org could be done  with a form  you know html <form> 
</form> and since 2004 there is noooooooooooooo way to make thsi 
all mighty guru understand thus !!!
worst when I gently take on my free time to give some advice as a 
professional that get  7K euros every month to do websites in php 
javascript c /C++/java/.net  since more thamn 20 years  .. I'm just 
ignored liek you can see henriok ignores me hoping my rage wares 
off on its own to resume it's futile routine
@shadwolf  Perhaps it's a pain to submit a script to rebol.org cause 
you have to exactly properly stupidly and exactly submit the header 
!!, but if you kindly do that you can share your good scripts with 
others who can learn from them (this is Rebol school ;) ) and more 
progress in rebol will be done. Better not hope in others to follow 
our advices (or answer our questions)
you are to much of a commentator too few of an actor that' why Carl 
sassenrath can piss on your head without expecting you to react
marco  over my 10 years of action there is 3 scripts submited by 
me and one .... hold your tights... is  a françois jouan free memory 
 script  !!! this is a master piece out of that nothing is worst 
being publicated on  rebol.org
you fucking morons ... RMA lies to you cark  lies to you and you 
fucking dam sheep don't see  farthen than that 
why do you thing the more than 500 people populated this altme world 
grow tired of rebol and this rebol community ?
cauyse hey rma's r3gui project is just the fucking 5th project at 
least to  give to rebol  a proper set of  usefull widgets
it's not like it was a fresh thing .... since vid existed people 
wanted to give more to it
cause well VID is fanstastic but  teh widget are set to reflect 1997 
HTML  widget
will any one say this ?
look  I can do more  with css 3 only  than i can ever do with rebol 
VID people in charge of r3gui produced nothing
@shadwolf everything is worth publicated on rebol.org (even if sunanda 
neglects it) so it becomes a central place where every one can take 
scripts and learn from them.
and basicvally rma based their action and convinced carl cause they 
received bounties, and cause cyphre backed them up one year later 
we hare nowhere  there is no progress and I defy any RMA member including 
cyphre to proove me wrong
marco it isn't as an author I made my choice after noticing that 
 the things publicated on rebol.org had no echos  and was sent to 
every oen here talk about how rebol lack of multitasking .... we 
the french community took this topic as a main issue and we produce 
a solution we publicated
and we were ignored
this is the reward for month and month of discusion betwin the french 
does the francois jouan multi task siñulator was  retaken ? no ! 
and not even by nemad in cheyenne!
you have to be aware that in that time we as a french community through 
our own forum tried to  answer this question "is it posible to do 
multitasking in rebol as it?"
francois jouan a french rebol long time member answered with a master 
piece of code that I published in the early time of the rebol.org
sooooooooooo then  Carl came out of the blue and replyed to that 
brasin storming with you don't need multitasking ... since there 
is asynchronous processing and which produced uniserv and cheyene!
so all you now are proud of is a negation of a working solution offering 
to rebol REAL multi tasking ... how dumb is that
unfortunatly for most of the gurus around   now I was part of the 
last decade rebol action so they can't fool me with stupid talks
and notice this .., to all of my asks they so far do like I wasn't 
like if ignoring me would make rebol a success .... damn if it was 
so easy ...
i realy  which you could put the whole blame on me and then geting 
 ride of me have this brillant successfull  rebol we all want
@marco you should learn perl or python your perspective about rebol 
rebol would change
you are talking with a guy that master more than  20 programing languages 
and mekes that ability to manage them his everyday leaving
amd trust me none of them are rebol
do rebol is a waste of time ? wel kind of .... but the thing that 
rebol teach the nooby wanabee programer i was in 1998  is to keep 
it simple and to focus onm the goal ....
this  until this very day is the raw phylosophy carl sassenrath passed 
to me and that I in my everyday life applyed .. and it made me so 
far  really successfull
cause I always was the faster developer in what ever goal was assigned 
me and you all know as professionals that the faster to do the job 
gets the job ----
I can't beleive rebol get such a pathetic endign
Shadwolf -- you are off-topic for this group.
Please switch to ~vent.
i think to appriaciate my work ability only the people  close to 
me can ... like maxime or steeeve .....  I really like steeeve ... 
and maxime and if it was up to me to do r3gui I choose them with 
a set of feature... I would had to the experience ashley truter telling 
him to do what he did in the rebGUI begining and forgetting on the 
over optimised code redused habite he developped later on this project<d
sunanda I tryed to talk to you even to  offer  to you help to make 
rebol.org  better  you ignored me those past 6 years buddy so keep 
doing it you website is a shame it tasks more than 30 hours to submit 
a scrit you failled
it takes me than 30 mitnute to submit a rebol script ! you failled!
and sunanda understand me .. I like  you ... I appreciate you like 
I appreciate cyphre and robert munch or carl ,,,
when you fail guys you need someone to tell you so honnestly without 
any corner and you know if you ask me I woudl be the very first in 
but since 2004 it was your baby and no one had to  give a comment 
on it
my comment to rebol,org sunanda in 2004 was obvious can't you do 
a form for the very heavy header submision ? ahnd in 2011 it's not 
done ...
sunanda don't take me wrong .... even carl don't use rebol.org he 
use github as a rebol.org how can you stand this  ?
and  I liked all the improvement done to rebol.org .... sunanda really 
but the core thing "script submition" never improved
Shadwolf -- you are off-topic for this group.
Please switch to ~vent.
7 years later sunanda can you say here to me that rebol.org isn't 
a pain in the ass for script subscribers ?
sunanda I won't go to vent cause this will just allow you to once 
again ignore me ... so please answer or even blame me and offer the 
means to redem myself