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[Rebol School] Rebol School

It works!!!!  Code to convert UNICODE to 

InFile:	%"Test In unicode.txt"
InText: rejoin extract Read InFile 2
write OutFile InText
I'm not too much into unicode. Is that utf-16, where every char is 
2 byte? I think, my scripts can only handle utf-8.
When you try to save a document under Notebook, the encoding choices 
are UTF-8, UNICODE, ANSI among others.  UNICODE may be the same as 
UTF-16 because it does look like every single character is saved 
as two bytes.  

The code (rejoin extract read InFile 2) does eliminate the double 
characters but I noticed that the entire file is still double spaced 
-- as if the newline is coded twice and not removed from the rejoin. 
 But that extra newline may be an annoyance than anything else.
Hello my teachers.  Is there a more elegant way to create a ruler 
than this in rebol...

Str7:	Str8:	"" 

Ruler:	rejoin [	for Count  10  90  10 [ Str8: rejoin [ Str8 "....+..." 
Count ] ]

  for Count 100 250  10 [ Str7: rejoin [ Str7 "....+.."  Count ] ]
print Ruler
I don't know about more elegant, but here's a func, just for fun.
make-ruler: func [count /local res str-ct offset] [
    res: head insert/dup copy "" "....+....+" count
    repeat ct count [
        str-ct: form ct * 10
        offset: subtract length? str-ct 1
        change at res ct * 10 - offset str-ct
To match your ruler, do:  make-ruler 25
Patrick ... on your AS400 problem .... how is the data transferred 
to the PC?  Is it directly from an AS400 file via the data transfer 
utility built into, or is it a file from the IFS ?

(I have used Rebol to read data transferred from an AS400 and didnt 
get the data as unicode.)
Hi PhilB -- The formatted text report is generated on the AS400 into 
the work spool area.  I then can use the INavigator software on the 
PC to connect to it and drag and drop it on the PC, where I can look 
at it via Word or Notebook.  I'm not sure where the encoding to UniCode 
is happening -- I suspect the INavigator software, but then, it may 
not be an issue since Rebol can convert it to readable text, even 
with the extra newline between each line, I'm sure that annoyance 
can be overcome too.
Patrick, on the double newlines. Can you inspect the result of   
read InFile ? How many newlines are present at that point ?
Useful rebol words:
	NEWLINE	; this is the newline character that rebol uses
	CR	; carriage return character
	LF	; linefeed character
	CRLF	; both CR and LF in a string

READ is text mode and translates line terminators automatically from 
the target system into rebol's format, which is the same as unix 
(using LF).
I don't think EXTRACT is at fault, it does a very simple job, getting 
every second character.
Hi Anton -- This is my simulated input for a unicode text file:
If I run this code:
	InFile:		%"Small In unicode.txt"

 InText:	rejoin extract read InFile 2	; Convert from UNICODE to ANSI 
 but keeps double spacing.
	OutFile:	%"Test Out.txt"
	write OutFile InText
	print InText	
I get these results

I get them in the output file when I use the Rebol editor, and in 
notebook (when I open the file) and I get them in console when PRINT 
Notice the spanish y at the beginning of the output
At first, I thought it just be some stray bytes comming from the 
AS400, but I was able to re-create a file using Notebook and get 
same results.
Any of you should be able to test this out by:
1.  Open Notebook
2.  Type in some text
3.  Save the file with Encoding to UNICODE
Anton,  Is it possible that Rebol is interpreting the CRLF as newline 
newline when dealing with unicode files?
Look at the binary/ascii value of those chars; what are they?
Gregg -- I dont know how to reveal the binary/ascii values of the 
file, but the spanish y looks like it may be hex FF.  Do you have 
rebol code that can convert the characters into hex?
By default, REBOL shows binary values as hex, but you can change 
to other bases. Check out enbase/debase also.

>> system/options/binary-base
== 16

>> s: "Gregg"
== "Gregg"
>> as-binary s
== #{4772656767}
>> system/options/binary-base: 2
== 2
>> as-binary s
== 2#{0100011101110010011001010110011101100111}
>> system/options/binary-base: 64
== 64
>> as-binary s
== 64#{R3JlZ2c=}
Notice the leading base value at the head of the binary! value.
Ok -- I think I have it:   my sample input is a two line text field 
in UNICODE like

as-binary InText shows #{FFFE4C0069006E00650031000A000A004C0069006E0065003200}

_ ___y____L___i_____n____e____1____?____?____L____i_____n____e____2
What are those questionmarks?
#{FF_4C_69_6E_65_31_0A_0A_4C_69_6E_65_32}  <-- this is what I get 
when I use the extract routine for InText

__y__L___i___n__e__1__?__?__L__i___n__e__2   <-- The extract is clearly 
NOT skipping the newline.
What do you think?
FFFE is a "byte order mark" -- something that has been slipped in 
at the beginning of the file to indicate the file is in UTF-16, little 
endian format....If it started FEFF you'd have to extract all the 
other bytes. 

Looks like the original file (or whatever did the EBCDIC to UTF-16 
conversion on the AS400)  is using A0A0 to mean newline. You may 
need to clean those up by hand:
Hi Sunanda,  -- Thanks for your input on byte order mark.  Aside 
from that would you have any idea as to why the extract will not 
remove the second A0?  See notes above -- here is Greggs suggested 
code to convert UTF-16:

 InText: rejoin extract Read InFile 2    ; gets rid of every other 
 byte except newline.
If I'm reading it right:
Your input has 
   _0A00_0A00_   -- two new lines
and your output has:
  _0A_0A_  -- two new lines

Extract won't affect that -- it simply takes every second byte of 
the input string, regardless of whether they are newlines or not.
>> system/options/binary-base: 16
== 16
>> as-binary "foo"
== #{666F6F}
>> system/options/binary-base: 4
== 4
>> as-binary "foo"
== #{666F6F}
you cannot set any binary base ... no nibbles
nor bases higher than 16 ...
Sunanda -- Now I see what you are saying  -- Out of the 4 bytes A0 
00 A0 00, Extract did its job right by returning A0 A0 and got rid 
of the two 00!
That's how it looks.
What's this "notebook" program ? You mean "notepad" (which does have 
option to save to unicode) ?
nor bases higher than 16 ...

 -- Except base64. I have some old base conversion code, and I think 
 Sunanda has some posted on REBOL.org as well, if you really need 
 to convert to intermediate bases.
I have indeed:

Will handle integer <--> base conversions.
Up up base 36 out of the box
Up to base 255 if you adjust the configurable parameters:

my mistake  -- I mean Notepad  -- not Notebook
:) ok
Question to all:   

If I have a block of data inside of In-text like this:
	Line A
	Line B
	Line C

How can I print the line number (position in the block) along with 
the contents of the line?               I tried this but it didn't 
foreach Line In-text [ print rejoin	[ Count:	Count + 1	]	Line ]
Now that I think of it, I probably do not need to manuipulate a Count 
variable  -- I can probably use INDEX right?
I tried this out but not getting the results I wanted:

	Data:	head In-text
	while	[not tail? Data] [
			print	[index? Data Data ]
			Data:	next Data		]

I'm getting this:
	1 Line A Line B Line C
	2 Line B Line C
	3 Line C
Any suggestions?
Give me enough time, and I will figure it out --- :-)

Data:	head In-text
while	[not tail? Data] [
		print	[index? Data first Data ]
		Data:	next Data		]

Is there a better way to code this kind of thing?
One way:
data: [a b c]
for n 1 length? data 1 [print [n data/:n]]
>> blk: ["First line of data" "Second line of data" "Third line of 
>> while [not tail? blk][ print [index? blk first blk] blk: n
ext blk]
1 First line of data
2 Second line of data
3 Third line of data
blk: [
first line
second line
third line

while [not tail? blk][ print [index? blk first blk] blk: next blk]
Your first answer seems to work for me
My first attempt had   print [index? Data Data]   while the second 
attempt has   print [index? Data first Data]
The second one got the right part of the series
Sunanda  --  I like to see how to solve the same problem in different 
ways   thanks for the reply
for n 1 length? data 1
 -> "repeat n length? data"