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[Rebol School] Rebol School

smtp servers usually don't allow you to send email via themselves, 
if you are not part of particular network, or they require authentication 
to smtp - usually your accont name and password is enough. I think 
that in such case, you are out of luck with REBOL. Not sure our smtp 
protocol can handle it ... but - go to www.rebol.org and try to search 
for "smtp" - there are some scripts which could help you ....
before you do so though, please try to configure your mail client 
(FireBird, Outlook), to see what kind of setting you are heading 
for, as the problem as well can be related to some other issue :-)
I just set up outlookexpress and "my server requires authentication" 
is a problem....
So this means my old provider was not that rigid on smtp control.... 
uffff.... :)
is there a way to give this user authentication data to it? Ill check 
rebol.org for that...
I would think  someone else already came with a solution for such 
acommon problem..........
try to look for esmtp. Usually there is a requirement for sending 
your user account name and pass. Hopefully you can find something 
I found it! :)
all you need to do is add info in set-net fields....
instead of this:
set-net [[user-:-mail-:-com] smtp.mail.com pop3.mail.com]
use this:

set-net [[user-:-mail-:-com] smtp.mail.com pop3.mail.com none none none 
"user" "pass"]

Im happy :)
heh, I know there can be user and pass set, I just did not know it 
could be set via set-net, I always used max of 6 params for the function 
I thought the problem may have been that the first character following 
set-net is a "|" characther rather than theh "[", that must just 
be a typo.
Now it works...
This functionality was not present in previous versions of rebol... 
I think it was introduced in some patch this year... By the way I 
dont know wich version of view I use on every other pc... one at 
home, one at work... laptop... I will download newest and update 
all.... :) Thanks for help...
How complicated is it to make simple file transfer between two computers 
(one client and one server) in rebol?
What protocol should I use?
Any ideas?

Currently I'm sending e-mails from clients with file-atachments because 
its the simplest way of collecting data from clients. (so far they 
were doing it by hand -  so this is a big improvement :)
how big files are you transfering?
There are a lot of ways you could do it, FTP, LNS, AltMe file sharing, 
custom protocol on TCP. It shouldn't be hard, but I would try to 
use something existing. The devil is in the details.
You could also write a custom app that sends via email, and a reader 
on the other end that grabs them.
I've done file transfer using async Rebol rpc, and also using Uniserve
I think Carl posted some code on how to do huge file transfers.
Here is something from the rebservices section from Gabriele:

client has experimental generic http proxy support; server has the 
new, much improved file service. see http://www.rebol.net/rs/demos/file-client.r
for example usage to transfer big files.
Vladimir;  Check out http://rebol.net/cookbook/recipes/0058.html
for one way.  It's a good exercise in getting a client server app 
running as well.  And of course, follow the advice of the others 
here; there are many options.
Files are 1-2 Mb. Ziped archives of dbf files.

As I said now I'm using small rebol script to send file as attachment, 
human on the other side is downloading them and unpacking them, and 
its working.

I planed to make a "server" side script that would download newly 
arrived attachments and unpack them in designated folders, but then 
I thought about trying some real client-server approch...

Then again, server would have to be started at the time of transfer. 
I have to know ip adresses and to make them public (hamachi jumps 
in as help)...

E-mail used as buffer for data is not bad... And it works... But 
I have to check max mailbox size .... What if workers execute sending 
script more then ones?

There is one strange thing with sending big (>1 Mb) files::

On win98 it goes without any problem. On XP at the end of transfer 
rebol returns an error message about network timeout, but the file 
is sent and all is ok..

Thanks guys... Lot of info... Will check it out and send my experiences.
A script to send files over the network using tcp. It once started 
with 2 3-liners, 

we're using rebol/services to transfer backups from www.rebol.net 
to mail.rebol.net. files are a couple hundred MB. see http://www.rebol.net/rs/demos/file-client.r
How can i convert content of dbf file to readable html file on webserver 

I thought to use rebol to make conversion, and then transfer html 
to server using ftp...
Can someone point me in the right direction ?
Francois Jouen did a DBF viewer some time back. I'm not sure if REBOLFrance 
is still up or not. I have the old code here.


I thought it would be a nice thing to have, but never pursued it 
since I didn't *need* it.
One thing REBOL isn't particularly good at is structured file I/O, 
which is what you need for DBF. Perfect job for a dialect though. 
Should I make dbf dialect ? :)
Gregg - don't forget you need to parse indices too :-)
what do you mean with "structured file I/O"?
File I/O with binary file structures needs better conversion facilities 
than REBOL has, at least to do efficiently.
Vladimir, yes, if you need it. I think it would be a neat thing to 
have, but there hasn't been a rush of people clamoring for it.

Petr, it can be done, it just won't be as much fun as it should be. 

Oldes, Brian is correct. QuickBASIC/VB and PowerBASIC were well-suited 
to this task, because you could declare a type structure and get/put 
it directly.
There is only one file that needs to be put online.....
Its 13 Mb big....
Anybody has some advice how to parse it in binary mode?
I'm using this script to parse binary formats: http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rebol/stream-io_latest.r
Here is for example script for parsing AVI file using the %stream-io.r 
script: http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rebol/avi_latest.rbut I use it 
to parse other formats as well
here is a version with some rebcode optimizations: http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rebol/stream-io_rebcode_latest.r
The output (write functions) is not complete as I don't need it so 
I don't have any DBF file, but looking at spec, it should not be 
difficult to read it.
DBF is rather simple format. Not sure it would not be better to use 
some ODBC driver for it though. There is a problem with indices and 
memo files. There were several systems out there with different aproaches. 
E.g. Clipper implemented RDD - abstracted "replaceable database drivers", 
which took different strategies for indices and memo files. I am 
also not sure, that nowadays, there is any advantage in using DBF 
files against e.g. SQLite.
btw - IIRC rebol.org contained some DBF viewer, but it was probably 
already mentioned. I was using DBFs for more than 15 years. Uh, those 
were the days :-)
I have dbf specifications printed out.... I'll try to make something 

My table is simple one... just a list of customers with their debt 
status , and that is what my boss wants to have with him where ever 
he is... :)

Thats why I want to upload it to webpage and he can then acces it 
even with his mobile phone......

But table has a lot of records so Ill have to make some filtering....
Thank you for suggestions....
I've been chatting with some students (Ontario, Canada mainly) and 
our high schools have been teaching Turing.  Well Holt Software just 
recently announced a cease to operations.  Turing is now free but 
I think this opens a door for what the kids in Ontario will be learning 
starting in September 2008.

Could REBOL be it?  What would it take to startup a REBOL in the 
Classroom commercial endeavour?  Would RT like it if such a company 
That last question is too short.  Would RT appreciate the potential 
of having bureaucrats trying to stick their hands in the cookie jar? 
  is more what I meant.
And getting serious;   We all love REBOL, our being here is testament 
to that.  BUT...  Would you deem REBOL as a language that could be 
taught to 14 year olds and have the principal of a school think "Yes, 
I've prepared my students for the IT world to the best of my abilities"? 

imho; REBOL is maybe a little too different to be the "Yep, if you 
know REBOL, you know enough to build a career in programming" language.
Yes, that I'm afraid is true. My son is studying VB now and I am 
for right now waiting to show him the Rebol way. In some ways it's 
like learning an instrument in that some are more likely to lead 
to jobs or bands for that matter. At some point statistically speaking, 
that is, you would have to learn another "accepted" language.
OTOH - I would not taught them anything like JAVA too. Maybe some 
basic. It is not even about particular language, but a bit of alghoritmical 
thinking ... and maybe Basic like syntax ...
So - the dialect of REBOL? :-)
Yeah; Turing is for algorithm thinking.  It's a Niklaus Wirth, Pascal 
variant, designed explicitly for teaching.  Which means some company 
in Toronto is probably building a rocket engine control system with 
it as we speak.  :)
It'd be fun to get REBOL into the classrooms.

But it'd take some plans and (probably) some pedagogically oriented 
libraries to beat a language like Turing that is described as "Designed 
for computer science instruction".
Sunanda;  I'm starting to take a deep interest in RitC.  But I have 
doubts.  Doubts that need to be squashed.  Sadly, Ontario (a fairly 
vast province) has standardised curriculum now.  It's all schools 
or no schools here.  I'm not a fan, the excuse was that some kids 
in some boards were getting sub-par educations, ignoring the fact 
that some boards were providing above-par educations and instead 
picking a middle-of-the-road bland education for all.