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[Rebol/Flash dialect] content related to Rebol/Flash dialect

Make sure you are not in folder with Always deny settings
on server it should not be a problem
Oldes, yes, I did figure out that it works perfectly under 6 and 
kinda under 8. That took a while until I noticed that your slideshow 
was created under 6. Thanks.
I have a question... I use this code patern quite often now:
if something = undefined [something: defaultValue]
Don't you know some better way how to write it?
But maybe it's not so useful.
if not value? something [something: default-value]
That would lead into same bytecode. I was thinking about something 
else... something like:
set-if-undefined something defaultValue 

but cannot find name for it. But because it's usually inside function, 
maybe I could add default value settings inside fhe func definition 
block. But I'm not sure now if I need it so much.
anyway... I would rather use: UNLESS instead of IF NOT
any [value? 'something something: defaultValue]
Thanks Henrik, I've often wondered how to approach that.
Oldes, do you have a MXML dialect?
Using rebol to call mxmlc.exe and deliver it some Rebol generated 
xml gives you a Flash 9 .swf file all set to go.. kinda cool.
Actually .  .. that's not cool at all.

What's REALLY cool is the new adobe flex plugin for Apache...   hand 
Apache some mxml, and it generates the .swf automatically  ..  
To give you an example.. this.. 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"layout="absolute">

<mx:Panel title="My Application" width="200" height="300" x="0" y="0">

<mx:Label text="Welcome to Flex!" mouseDownEffect="WipeRight" height="45"/>

	<mx:PopUpButton x="483" y="20" label="PopUpButton"/>
	<mx:Accordion x="441" y="50" width="200" height="200">
		<mx:Canvas label="Accordion Pane 1" width="100%" height="100%">
		<mx:Canvas label="asdf" width="100%" height="100%">
		<mx:Canvas label="asdf" width="100%" height="100%">
		<mx:Canvas label="adsf" width="100%" height="100%">
	<mx:CheckBox x="441" y="258" label="Checkbox"/>
	<mx:DateChooser x="238.5" y="31"/>

.. becomes this.. 

I smell a Kommonwealth Flex IDE by the middle of next week ;)
Using Adobe Air, Flex code doubles as a desktop app as well, complete 
with it's own SQLite DB.
The Flex framework is a free, open source development framework for 
quickly building RIAs. These RIAs can run on Adobe Flash Player runtime 
in the browser or Adobe AIR can be used to deliver them to the desktop. 
The Flex 3 SDK beta includes all of the required tools from the Adobe 
Adobe AIR beta provides additional features to enhance operating 
system integration:

    * Background applications

    * System tray icon (Windows) / Dock bar bounce (Mac OS X) notification
    * Default windows menus
    * Z-order control for native windows
    * Bitmap drag-and-drop support
    * Customization of program folder entry
    * New Mac and Windows install location
Ok.. enough spamming here ;)
er.. one more.. 

At a high level, Adobe AIR accomplishes this by taking the world-class 
WebKit browser engine (most notably used in Safari), and wrapping 
it alongside Flash and PDF technologies, as a cohesive desktop runtime.
An embeded webkit browser (aka Safari)... when is Rebol doing that?
moving this to Vent
Terry - REBOL3 does that next to Adobe. In that area, there is no 
other competition for us. In fact - Adobe copies old ideas of View.
I downloaded Air few months ago. You would not want to see its dialog 
box - tottally twisted sizes of UI elements. They have to learn not 
to use native Windows elements, yet do it right. VID3 can outshine 
it with VID. Or - Oldes will integrate it, that will be even better 
:-) You code in REBOL, run in Adobe ;-)
I don't have MXML dialect and don't like MXML and don't like Flash 
default components... sorry, but If I want a chackbox. I really don't 
need 168kB of compressed SWF code.
and your example: The server at atom.thruhere.net is taking too long 
to respond.
Never mind..
 version 2.12.0 http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/rswf_latest.r
new example: http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/example/swf8-iconlist
If I would like to use Flash components, I would do it. It's not 
difficult at all. You just have to export all the components into 
SWF file (more than 250kB) which I can import using my import-swf 
keyword in the dialect and that's it... than I could just place imported 
classes. But I don't want to do it. I would rather use my own. Yes... 
it's more difficult in the begining, but the more freedom I have 
when I want to do it how I like it to be.
example above updated with external iconset loader and with another 
new style: Menu
Well, creating a swf with a single checkbox is rather impractical... 
but all the components can be skinned using CSS (also cool).. so 
you can build things like this... 
or this
More flex skins here 

I hope VID3 is just the same, just faster :-)
Don't want to spam Oldes site here, but VID3 will never compete with 
this.. ever.

Rebols needs to get their head out of the sand.   Not only can Rebol 
not compete now, the likes of Adobe, Google (as in Gears), Javascript, 
PHP etc etc  are accelerating away faster than the galaxies.
Terry, you are completly wrong here. What is so special about it? 
Simply nothing. Some of that stuff is slow as molasses.
PHP, gee - what does have php in common with all that?
Pekr, what are you showing on that site: app.jsp
This is Petr's head ->  O  
This is Petr's head in san  ->   :::O:::
amacleod - nice app. At least link works here ...
VID3 will never compete with this.. ever.

 <-- well.. you haven't seen VID3. :-) That's all, I'll say for now.
I think Terry should get a sneak peak.  He appears to be, from the 
work he publicly shares with us, one of the most diverse Rebolers 
in the group.  I would think his input would be of value.  That's 
all I will say as well  ;-)
Yes, actually we could include most of the guys here ;-)
I hope it works great.. and I hope the plugin gets fixed properly... 
then I'll mash it in with all the rest.
Mmm... Rebol mash.. yum.
Can't we just all get along and keep Oldes cranking along with his 
examples? : )  You guys are all great.
If I can throw my two cents here. Terry is right to complain, because 
you can feel he cares, it's not destructive criticism. Pekr is saying 
he's a realist, but to me he sounds more like a dreamer (no offense).Flash 
is a Virtual Machine that lives in the browser. Rebol is a VM that 
lives on several OSes. Flash VM is present on 99% of the browsers. 
Rebol VM is not present  on browsers (plugin doesn't count because 
last time I tried it wouldn't install, and last version is more than 
a year old), and it is present on OSes of a small number of creative 
developers and hobbyists. If I had to develop a commercial app for 
the web, Flash and Flex give me extensive documentation, and a whole 
framework. Rebol can't compete with Adobe, and should not. Last week, 
I developed a GUI in Rebol and Rebgui that would have taken me four 
times longer in any other graphical toolkit, and I had a knack at 
it. But this app is for internal use. Rebol is a great language, 
and I would like to see it evolve as a computer language, not as 
a throw it all in kind of gizmo. It should go Open Source, because 
RT doesn't have the means to provide versions for all platforms. 
Where is the rebol for NetBSD? Last version is 2001. If RT hasn't 
the resources, let the developers do it. I want to run rebol on an 
internet tablet. I had wanted to run rebol on a palm (not anymore 
because Palm is deas, sort of). But the Nokia tablet run debian linux. 
There is no reason for the unabailability of rebol. It is just a 
matter of building it and packaging it. Who has the time for this? 
Plenty of people, they're just not at RT, because there people are 
busy with more important things (like developing the product).
flash is on zero browsers until installed...I've set up machines 
at work for guys in the firehouse to use. Every computer there gathers 
so much adware/spyware/viruses that I can never keep up cleaning 
them. I've had to re-install windows so many times and each time 
I have to re-install the latest flash player. I resorted to setting 
up puppy linux and running off a bootable cd..(with the typical complaints 
about it not being windows) Anyway...rebol plug-in is easire to download 
than flash so what's the bigdeal. I install active-x controls all 
the time when I find a site that interests me and needs the control.
Your other complaints are to be addressed with R3. You want to run 
it on a tablet, great, you will be able to port it yourself.