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[rebcode] Rebcode discussion

I think it is a bit more difficult to understand, but it made for 
a good experiment in rebuilding the standard opcode rules. That code 
framework will come in handy for me later.
By the way, I showed my father both dialects, yours and the current 
assembler. I had to explain what yours was doing; the standard dialect 
he just got, although he asked what a few of the opcodes meant. He's 
not a programmer (at least not recently) so that speaks well for 
the readability of the rebcode dialect.
How to traverse with series in rebcode? I wanted to make ucs2 encoder 
using rebcode but found out, that I'm not able to traverse the series 
by 2 chars
x: rebcode[str][copy s2 str -1 until [copy s s2 2 print s next s2 
tail? s2]] x "abcdefgh"
gives error
skip str 2
that's the same error
that was just a quick example
And other thing is, that I'm still missing better binary support
for example:
>> to-integer #{FF00}
== 65280
>> x: rebcode[][set b #{FF00} to-int i b print i] x
== 0
that's no good:( I cannot use rebcode to speed up any from my RSWF 
dialect functions as all of them are base on dealing with datatypes 
like UI16 UI32 SI16 SI32, FP and other which simply Rebol do not 
Are deciding that REBOL is bigendian? What about when it runs on 
x86 machines?
what about to add some options switch?
if I want to make binary structure, I now what binary type it is
and I want to make binaries all the time:(
event in the UTF8 you can specify if it is bigendian in the first 
bytest of the text
I tend to use struct! for that, when available. That is what I suggested 
struct! in REBOL/Core, and they agreed but haven't implemented it 
yet. I'm hoping for 2.7.0 :)
Me as well, but that is only for signed integers
Most of the time I have to use these ugly functions:
ints-to-sbs: func[

 ints [block!]	 "Block of integers, that I want to convert to SBs"

 /complete l-bits "Completes the bit-stream => l-bits stores the nBits 
 info of the values"
	;/maxb mb
	/local b b2 l bits sb
	ints: reduce ints
	max-bits: 0
	bits: make block! length? ints
	foreach i ints [
		;b: enbase/base load rejoin ["#{" to-hex i "}"] 2
		b: enbase/base head reverse int-to-ui32 i 2
		b: find b either i < 0 [#"0"][#"1"]
		b: copy either none? b [either i >= 0 ["00"]["11"]][back b]
		;insert b either i >= 0 [#"0"][#"1"]
		if max-bits < l: length? b [max-bits: l]
		append bits b
	foreach b bits [
		if max-bits > l: length? b [
			insert/dup b b/1 max-bits - l
	either complete [
		sb: int-to-bits max-bits l-bits
		foreach b bits [insert tail sb b]

int-to-FB: func[i /local x y fb][
	x: to integer! i
	y: to integer! (either x = 0 [i][i // x]) * 65535

 fb: rejoin [either x = 0 ["0"][first ints-to-sbs to block! x] int-to-bits 
 y 16]
	if all [x = 0 i < 0][fb/1: #"1"]
Unfortunately I'm not able to do it in Rebcode:(
Never mind, I will wait, maybe one day it will come.
In the meanwhile, ou can do it yourself:

pickz hi b 0
pickz lo b 1
lsl hi 8
add hi lo
skip b 2
for bigendian
Better yet, change the add to or, it should be faster.
Less likely to cause problems with large unsigned numbers too, it 
you are implementing unsigned int32s.
What are you trying to do with that function? I'm having a little 
trouble understanding its purpose, though I seem to get most of the 
Oldes - put it in RAMBO - or just guys let's decide what channel 
will we use for last-minute suggestions! Remember - if you don't 
get your desired functionality now, your wait might be quite long 
And posting your code here I can guarantee you, that Carl will not 
scroll thru them ;-)
The code I've posted here recently is for you all. I've posted the 
request code to RAMBO.
My suggestion goes mainly to Oldes now, who wishes to have rebcode 
supporting binary datatype and ability to switch endianness .....
In rebcode, the pick opcode can be used with both binaries and images. 
If you have an image, it's rgb values can be reached as image/rgb, 
and that is a binary serie. Each value is 0-255, and you then have 
to multiply the index by 3 and use an offset to reach the red, green 
or blue component of a pixel. It's also possible to work on the image 
as an image! datatype, and then it's not necessary to multiply the 
index by 3, as the full pixel is addressed, but the value isn't a 
tuple, as we're used to, but the binary version of a tuple as an 
integer. E.g. green (0.255.0 or #{00ff00}) is 65'280.

Now to my questions. Are there shortcuts or tricks to make it easier 
to work with pixel-valus in rebcode? Should it be possible to use 
tuples, or will that slow things down too much? What do others do?
Series in rebcode are offset-1 based like normal (except image positions 
in DRAW). Would it be a good idea to make them offset-zero based 
in rebcode? Example: if I wanna read a pixel value at a certain position 
in REBOL, I could write:
first skip image position
(If position was 0x0, I'll get the first pixel.)

If I pick an image in rebcode at offset 0, I get an out of range 
error. It's a tough decision, but what seems most 'correct'?
Why chose?
1-based: pick x s 1
0-based: pickz x s 0
Rebcode supports both.
LOL thanks! :-)
Oldes, after some testing, it seems that to-integer always acts big-endian. 
As long as that is predictable, cool!
I am writing int-to-binary conversions in rebcode that support lengths 
of binary from 1 to 4 bytes, little and big endian. I already wrote 
binary-to-int conversions in rebcode, 16 and 32 bit, little and bigendian, 
before it occured to me to check the behavior of to-integer. I'll 
speed-test the rebcode-versus-REBOL methods for comparison.
I'm writing these functions to figure out how to do Duff's Device 
efficiently in rebcode :)
Here's an example of using something like Duff's Device to do loop 
unrolling in rebcode.

binary-to-int16-be: rebcode [b [any-string!] /local x y l dest offs] 
    ; Get the length, bounded
    length? l b
    min l 2
    ; Set the initial value
    set x 0
    ; Switch on the length
    set offs [16 6 2]
    pickz dest offs l
    braw dest
    ; Set the low byte
    pickz x b 1
    ; Add the high byte
    pickz y b 0
    lsl y 8
    or x y
    ; Done!
    return x
>> binary-to-int16-be #{0001}
== none
okay, I submited to Rambo wish for better support for binary conversions, 
because I reaaly don't know why I should use image to store integer 
arrays if I want to deal with them in Rebcode
And I sould also write one, which points out, that there is probably 
no image alpha channel support in the rebcode
hmm, there is, but just with signed integers:)
you can access the alpha channel using the 32bit integer vaule in 
IMAGE! array.
AFAIK Carl plans to add vector! datatype so this should help you 
create arrays of integers for fast access from RebCode
Oldes, ouch :(

It turns out that the offsets of branches and the positions of labels 
are calculated from the end of the branch or label statement rather 
than the beginning. This was not clear from the treatment of them 
in the assembler. Fortunately, the principle of the above code stands, 
once you change  set offs [16 6 2]  to  set offs [14 4 0]
There, I've changed all of the code that I wrote that branches to 
numeric offsets. Turns out to not be much, just some hand-calculated 
switch code. Most of my branch code uses labels.
Jaime: "rebcode first priority is speed, according to Carl."

And it is fast, really. Later, when JIT is implemented, it will be 
even faster.