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[rebcode] Rebcode discussion

It would be interesting to have a parse opcode, but keep in mind 
that this kind of speedup would likely be implemented in the JIT, 
when we get that. And however fast parse is, its overhead dwarfs 
that of a function call. And remember, using apply would be significantly 
faster than calling a function in the do dialect because there isn't 
any evaluator overhead.
Keep in mind that parse can be jitted too :)
No, it really can't. You could in theory build a compiler for a static 
subset of parse, but parse rules can change at runtime, even while 
they are running. They are passed by reference, remember. The reason 
you can JIT rebcode is because every code block must be supplied 
as an immediate literal and so can be considered static. If you do 
runtime modifications of the code blocks, code-as-data stuff or other 
REBOL-like tricks a JIT wouldn't really work, and certainly provide 
any speedup. Keep in mind that rebcode is a compilable subset of 
REBOL - the rest of REBOL mostly isn't compilable.
JITs like hotspot can handle such changes.
Hotspot compiles a VM that doesn't allow self-modifying code, just 
replacable code.
It can switch from native code back to bytecode if the mathod is 
changed. and from bytecode to native once something is compiled.
All you need is tracking references to a parse-rule, and signal such 
references to fall back to interpreter if rule is changed.
When Java bytecode is changed, the entire function is replaced with 
a new function with the changes. It's not changed in place.
its practically changed in place. Thats magic inside vm, adapting 
stacks etc.
there was an example with a main which contained only a loop. it 
startd with bytecode, after a while it was compiled, and that loop 
was faster. without re-entering that method.
so practically changed in place.
But we would not need that, only a change-check when entering sub-blocks. 
and doing that block by interpreter. then.
The JIT replaces the bytecode function with native code. If the bytecode 
is changed, a new function is generated. The JIT can work on that 
new function too.
Technically yes. Practically the current method is changed to a faster 
Thats similar to changing a sub-rule at runtime. changing the current 
block would not work with my simpler propoal, but then i consider 
that bad style.
Back to parse, you could in theory statically translate the rules 
to an internal rebcode-like form for a different VM, and then JIT 
that. You wouldn't get as much of a speedup as you think though. 
The existing parse engine spends most of its time actually doing 
the parsing with the native code in the engine - a JIT would only 
speed up the reading of the parse rules, something it doesn't spend 
as much time doing in comparison.
Bernd Paysan once wrote a regexp compiling to jitted forth. 10* faster 
than the usual c-interpreter.
Bad style? Certain parse tasks require you to at least swap between 
parse rules on occasion - for instance incremental parsing.
parse processes bytes. thats what a compiler is good at. now you 
add some interpreter steps, one for any, one for the char. In comparison 
to byte-ops interpreter-steps are heavy.
bad style:
 rule: [ "<" (append rule [ | ">") ]
Parse may be a C interpreter, but the rules are REBOL blocks, not 
text. In some ways the compiler step of a regex compiler is done 
already in parse.
sub-rule: [ ..] sub-rule-2: [ .. ]
rule: ["<" (sub-rule: sub-rule-2) sub-rule]
; is better imho.
the rexexp-rules are byte-compiled in perl to, at least optional.
Those "interpreted" aren't interpreted themselves, they are implemented 
in efficient native code in the parse engine itself.
No, it has to look up what 'any does, then there is a char. Its done 
quickly by lookup-tables, but we compare to tiny native loops here.
Yeah, that is the style I generally use too, when possible.
Right now any of those flexible parsing and rule changes are implemented 
in do dialect code in the parens. To make the rules static, you would 
have to compile that code too.
thats what 'rebcode would do.
(rebol-code) -> use rebol
rebcode [rebcode-code] -> use rebcode
But rebcode only implements a subset of the REBOL semantics. General 
REBOL isn't really compilable.
In theory.
Thats what i mean. i don't need full rebol when appending a char. 
rebcode would do.
And parse processes a lot of bytes. The parsing is fast. then the 
() are slowing down things.
There have been suggestions for additional parse operations: remove, 
replace and change. I even suggested an if clause that would allow 
the return value paren to direct the parsing flow. Between these, 
that would take care of the vast majority of the operations performed 
in parens, and thus would speed up parse a lot in practice. Even 
more than rebcode would.
By the way, the if clause in Ladislav's compile-rules is not like 
the one I suggested, not even slightly.
I prefer better handling for output. replace and change are quite 
slow (moving the whole tail). instead a fresh string and appending 
there is faster. but tickier to code.
Change/part can be fast, especially if you what you are changing 
to is the same length.
some kind of default output would be nice. 
 html: parse/out [ newline emit[<br>] ]
[ pass to "http://"copy  to {"} emit[build-tag .. ] ] ; pass appends 
to as-is, better name?
Brian: "By the way, the if clause in Ladislav's compile-rules is 
not like the one I suggested, not even slightly." - the IF clause 
at R.E.P. was proposed by Gabriele and I commented it and tried to 
suggest a "simpler" version. Where is your version described?
A few years ago the list was collecting complaints and suggestions 
about the parse dialect. Robert Muench put up a web page where those 
suggestions were collected for REBOL Tech's benefit, and then it 
went nowhere. His page isn't there anymore, but it used to be http://www.robertmuench.de/parse_ideas.html
wayback ?
I had made two suggestions for clauses that would make parsing better, 
a USE clause and an IF clause. The use clause was meant to deal with 
the difficulty I was having with using variables in recursive parse 
rules. The if clause worked something like this:
    [if (test) rule1 | rule2]

The trick here was that the paren would be evaluated just like a 
normal paren, but the result of that evaluation would act as a match 
or not as far as the parser was concerned. It was an absolute requirement 
that the backtracker be able to backtrack through the if clause's 
paren, and that having it return a false or none would trigger a 
normal backtrack as if the parser had failed to match. Right now, 
normal parse parens won't be bactracked through because of internal 
issues in the engine's implementation.

You can fake this kind of behavior by changing
    if (test) rule1 | rule2
    (nextrule: either test [rule1] [rule2]) nextrule

but it shortcircuits the parser's backtracking to check alternatives.
I needed this kind of clause to be able to include semantic checking 
in parse rules when syntax checking is insufficient. Not all grammars 
can be translated to LL(n).
The particular thing to note here is that the
    if (test)

is the entire clause. It depends on the parse dialect's own flow 
control to tell where to go next, not some passed block.
Thanks Graham! According to the internet archive, the page was started 
in March, 2000 and was taken down after Dec, 2003.

The last version of this page is http://web.archive.org/web/20021209120704/www.robertmuench.de/parse_ideas.html

I am referenced twice in this page under different, outdated email 
then I think, that your suggestion is exactly like mine...
(as opposed to Gabriele's proposal, that is different)
May I ask you to put it to RAMBO?
(both USE and IF look worth it, maybe you can have each in its own 