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[Tech News] Interesting technology

that is strange - all mail is plain text and can be og GBs of size 
So will thunderbird move to binary files too? :-)
[unknown: 10]
lets hope those browsers will do some good for the internet community.. 
For now they only go straight ahead wihout improving things..they 
just add gadgets and bells..oohh yes and yuo need at least 50 Meg 
of memory free to run those bulldozers.. ;-)
nah, Mozilla is the only browser, which does go like the buldozer, 
implementing new MLs .... and look at W3C, how many MLs we've got 
:-) Opera does nice job working on mobile devices, whereas MS tries 
to catch-up, but - imo they are more and more trying to make us dependant 
upon .NET ...
there are talks ....of SQLite in Thunderbird

uf, so the only advantage of mozilla mail is now gone :-) they go 
ms outlook route - one big file, binary, what a route ....
[unknown: 10]
Do you know how much memory those Mobile devices use to run Java 
;-) Its outrages actualy...but it works..oke..and indeed all the 
modules etc its handy.. BUT..its all XML or C++ or Java Or javascript 
not realy the nicest lagunages to work with especialy when they need 
an engine to run on thats bigger then my Linux kernel....
About the Email.. I think they dont understand where email is going.. 
If they would have build an email client that would support encryption 
or packaging from text to grafics they would be on the route to the 
future.. For..re-inventing the wheel with lots of bells and advertising.. 
(yes im a little anti java and .net internet applications currently 
;-) Ever stranger...NET is dead and also is Java..still many use 
it.. i dont get it..
So I realy hope that someday the idea of Carl with ViewDesktop will 
pay off..
Java is not dead. It just moved to another segment - server apps. 
More and more systems are moving to Java  .... and .NET, at least, 
is being regarded as second big contender. I don't understand why, 
but then our company was never dependant upon any MS development 
tools. We are IBM guys :-)
[unknown: 10]
Isnt it more that the Java community is moving other ways because 
of the onsupport by SUN? And I have read from a .NET developer from 
Microsoft that the complete architecture of .NET was wrong wrong 
the start and that they where running into problems and because of 
that they wuold not survive time?
hmm, I talk with various companies reps, big ones, as SAP, IBM etc. 
consultants, and they mostly say there are three dev. containers 
- C++, Java, .Net ....
I can't agree to .Net, but maybe that is because we are so much of 
a MS independent. We run mainframe, unix servers etc., it has tradition 
within our company, MS has NOTHING to offer to us in that regard 
[unknown: 10]
I think that those development statements from consulatns are more 
related to the concervitive idea behind programming, like stick what 
you know..that cost effective..(im not sure)..and also the unknown 
is hard to target in projects... (and now im back angain at the year 
2000 and the rebol story...) Anyway.. as long as they stick with 
C++ .NET and Java.. the rest has probably an advantage..
Oke SAP and Oracle is a different story... ;-)
I wished that java and .NET started like this -> 

What would we put inside a binary if we only would have 600 Kb to 
be filled..
:-) they would put there credits and project specs comments, 600kb? 
noone thinks in that terms today :-)
[unknown: 10]
I think we should still think about small&effective..This has passed 
around 1995 i know..but its now all going back from big to small.. 
so if its small it fits... But what does the marked do? They make 
everything bigger to fit Java or .NET inside ..thats an odd way of 
Im happy with projects like"matchbox" http://projects.o-hand.com/matchbox/docs.html
the worst thing is, they are moving fat clients to java .... e.g. 
Lotus Notes 6.x UI is so much slower than 5.x .... now I know that 
version 8 will be entirely in Java - portable, well, but will require 
so much resources ....
[unknown: 10]
yes that a pitty.. I know back in 1997 where Lotus had to fight with 
Microsoft about the email..Lotus was already party slow on the interface 
part..The webconfiguration was not even to handle that..that slow.. 
But i happy to read its still alive because it had then some nice 
I must say though.. Its the way you program Java.. The speed is not 
always the issue because i have seen java boots screens that did 
my ears wave.. ;-) But i dont understand the choise of java..The 
idea thats its multi-platform is long past..there are alternatives..(but 
those are unknown and scary :-)
java is open-source, cross-platform, and hence availalbe everywhere 
- rebol is not ... and untill it changes, ppl will feel unsafe ....
[unknown: 10]
I agree..but its a contradiction ...the idea of company's floating 
on opensource and sell their applications for big money... that happens 
just too often...If you develop with opensource be that flexible 
and sell it for a low street price.. In this case SUN is taking the 
honour but not the money...pitty...
What is the big change in Firefox 2 that made them bump the major 
version number? (It looks more like a 1.7 from the tiny list of changes 
they have there ;)
Marketing talks... (I believe).

I am not sure when MSIE 7 will be released...but I would think they 
time the release of FF2.0 to be around the same time or earlier...and 
do their marketing spills
well, even that is possible :-) - Web browser for C64, including 
css support - http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=30400
Pekr: java is open-source

Java is not open source. It is however free.
You could call it Open Spec though.
http://www.podiobooks.com/Serialised Audio Books. Interesting to 
see serialised form revisited, Much of Dickens and H.G Wells work 
was originally serialized in magazines & newspapers long before they 
became popular Novels.
<--- seems there are a few management problems in Microsoft Land
From Henrik's link above: 

What's the difference between OS X and Vista?

Microsoft employees are excited about OS X...

a flash site to showcase Tag Heur.

try out how you can flip the pages and even tear it out.
[unknown: 10]
a little dated already but i like the idea behind the opensource 
movie creation with blender.. here the website: http://orange.blender.org/media-gallery
Im following this project now for some years (because its java im 
not very deep into it) but just nice to see what it does -> http://www.processing.org/
I cant realy place this product -> http://www.runrev.com/but Its 
somehow nice but also somehow very ugly product... Anyone any experies 
with it? Its commercial though it like the GUI part of Rebol in a 
very Big box.. (in size that is..)
experies = experience
Evolution Robotics today announced a strategic alliance with WowWee 
Robotics(TM) to integrate Evolution's technologies for vision and 
navigation into the next generation of WowWee products. http://robotgossip.blogspot.com/2006/03/wowwee-partners-with-evolution.html
Actualy we should have a rebol version of thisone !!! ;-) --> http://tryruby.hobix.com/
might be handy --> http://wufoo.com/
btw.. thats very nice done that wufoo.com
runrev: I think this is based on / was hypercard?
<--- things seem to be really bad in Microsoft Land. Or rewrites 
are healthy?
IE 7 is one of the buggiest pieces of garbage I've ever come across.. 
here's one problem I had.. (a quoted solution.)

This is just so 
Microsoft" it should almost be expected.

I had recently installed IE7 in an unsupported way using the instructions 
found here.  The nice thing about this, is that it lets you run IE7 
side by side with IE6.  As a developer, there's no way to just let 
IE7 install itself over IE6, so I thought this would be a good solution.

Fired up IE7 for the first time and it took about 2 minutes for me 
to realize there is just no possible reason why anybody would find 
this useful at all.  Not for end users... not for developers... it 
just doesn't work right.  The new toolbars are not that special either, 

So, that was it.  At least for Beta 2.  Fast-forward one week and 
I'm doing some serious testing of one of my new apps.  Of course, 
I'm testing on the fly in Firefox but testing in both browsers after 
finishing all pieces of major functionality.  Enter my URL into IE, 
press enter... and bang... up comes Firefox with the page I loaded!?!?! 
 Uh... what?

Google to the rescue.  A search for "IE Launches Firefox" returned 
only 2 results... but luckily, one of them had the solution.  It 
seems that a registry key installed when IE7 is run causes this situation. 
 Just brilliant.  From the IE Blog... locate this registry key and 
remove it: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{c90250f3-4d7d-4991-9b69-a5c5bc1c2ae6}

As stated... it fixed my problem.  Thanks Microsoft...
The windows registry is probably the most "crappy" (native english 
speaker, please replace this word by the word that is in my head 
and I can't find) invention of all the computer history.

If you have a problem and it's not hardware, then it's 99% chance 
it's a registry problem. The 1% rest is for files and DLL problem.

My boring all day experience.

 is just fine Dide. :-) There are stronger choices, which might apply 
 to the registry, but "crappy" gets the point across without being 
 offensive (IMO).