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[Tech News] Interesting technology

Pity we can't harness the power of tsunamis
It could be interesting to compare prices of electricity around the 
world. Also the prices, Reichart and Max give, are they total prices 
incl. all vat, tax and distribution?

In Denmark, where I live, we pay around DKK 2.00 in total per kWh, 
that's USD 0.39 per kWh. 1/5 of that is vat (danish: "moms"), almost 
half is a special tax on electricity, and the rest is split in actual 
price of electricity and its distribution. See pie diagram here:

http://www.dongenergy.dk/privat/El/omelprisen/Pages/om elprisen.aspx

In Denmark 25% of our electricity comes from wind mills, many located 
in the ocean. If some of you pay 0.075/kWh, that seems very cheap.
Geomol, you have perhaps noticed, there is a discussion of the merit 
of the wind mills, due to the enormous expense on building and maintaining 
I haven't really ... well, I remember hearing something from time 
to time in the news. I just pointed it out, because that might be 
valid information when comparing the prices.
Is the price, I gave, about the same in your area, Henrik? (I had 
no idea of the price here actually, so had to look it up.)
I think ours is perhaps 1.50 to 2 kr per kWh. Perhaps lower.
The brilliance of the electricity tax, is that it doesn't make economical 
sense to switch to solar or wind, since it's not a tax on the source, 
but on electricity in general. The best way is probably to have your 
own solar installation and use the government's program for allowing 
you to sell electricity back to the power plant by having it hooked 
up to the grid instead of using it to supply your own house. Each 
user is allowed up to a 6 kW installation.
I just noticed, we also have to pay subscriptions, DKK 12.50/month 
for el, DKK 67.50/month network (electricity network, I guess). That 
USD 15.57 per month in subscriptions.

So to get full price, I should figure out, how many kWh, I use for 
a whole year, times price per kWh, add subscriptions and divide by 
kWh, then I have full price per kWh.
Thinking pure economy, it pretty much sucks to live here, don't you 
think, Henrik? ;-)
Geomol, I always have thought that in 30 years, when our tax rate 
is 80-90%, we are the ones who will need food aid from Africa, once 
they launch a resource based economy.
That may very well happen.
For those interested into energy policy: http://www.withouthotair.com/
the cost of windmills energy depends on the quality of the winds. 
 they can be amongst the most efficient power sources because the 
very low initial cost and upgrade costs.  ultimately, when we'll 
know how to harvest the sun properly, probably through chemical photosyntesis(nature 
is rarely wrong)   every other energy source will seem "dum", a part 
from fusion when we find a cost-effective way to do it.
efficient should have been... cost-effective
First you'll have to find a way to do fusion in the first place - 
apart from bombs
Max, cost can only be a concern if you have enough of the energy. 
If not, then no matter how cost effective it can be, you also need 
to add other sources...
Geomol, I tried to calculate prices(incl. all taxes, distirbution 
etc.) from last year payments of our house consumption, here are 
the numbers:

electricity          $0.314(EUR 0.216) per kWh
natural gas      $0.072(EUR 0.050) per kWh
drinking water $3.817(EUR 2.629) per 1000 litres
so it looks we are close to Maui regarding the electricity :-)
Good info, thanks!
I'm curious how many here are following the Andrea Rossi LENR/cold 
fusion news.
I'm following Polywell, although there has not been much news lately.
The biggest news, and most promising, seems to be around the Rossi 
process. It's amazing how something of this magnitude is not covered 
by popular press. Not surprising, because of the bad rap the field 
got at its start, but the lack of coverage says a lot about how the 
scientific establishment operates.
With all the recent problems in Japan and the rapidly increasing 
cost of oil, something that is this close to being usable in production 
is being totally ignored.
interesting... I have never heard of this process.
Neither has 99.9% of the rest of the world - totally crazy
actually there should be a bunch more 9's after the decimal point
have you heard about Polywell?
no, is this something pretty recent?
oh - looks like this is conventional fusion
actually, it's close to 20 years old, but it was not revealed until 
around 2005. it has gone silent again a year ago.
what I wonder, if that any one of these projects will work, what 
happens to ITER. if they will keep funding ITER, that is perhaps 
the most crazy part.
I'm not too optimistic about hot fusion, based on what I've read.
polywell is kinetic fusion, not hot fusion, so it's a different process.
why did it go silent if results were promising?
because the US Navy is funding it.
well, the Navy has also had positive results with LENR - they're 
into whatever will give them cheap power
the nice thing about the Rossi process is that it is dirt cheap - 
can be done in your kitchen, basically
the technology needed is not much above what you'd see in a chemistry 
They funded the early research too from 1992 to 2005, but funding 
ran out in 2005 and a lack of results could not get the research 
funding renewed. It's a near miracle that the research started again. 
this happened, because the main researcher, Robert Bussard was going 
through test data from their last burnt out prototype and discovered 
interesting numbers that suggested that the principle actually works. 
Still no funding, and Bussard went public to get funding, even setting 
up a paypal account. Bussard then died in 2007 and other researchers 
took over the funding issue. They got the US Navy to start funding 
it again, built another prototype to verify the results and they 
turned out good. After this a plan was posted for more prototypes 
and then they went silent.
What I find amusing is that Robert Bussard worked on ITER early on, 
saw that it wouldn't work and left and basically worked in a garage 
for 10 years with speaker magnets for pocket money, while ITER received 
billions for barely any progress.
Polywell is gigawatt class fusion and is not likely to be something 
you put in your car, so LENR might supplement it well, if it can 
be done small-scale.
The planned 1MW plant using the Rossi process will have about 300 
units that produce about 4 kW each. The units have about 50cc. With 
some shielding around them, that still doesn't amount to much space.
to be clear, though - the output is steam - if you want to convert 
to electricity, you're talking about 30% of that
Polywell is advantagous over ITER in that the design is much, much 
simpler. The output is electricity and helium, so no conversion is 
needed to put it on a grid. There are still arguments over whether 
neutron radiation will be produced, when used with the pb11 fuel, 
but if not, then none will be produced, as there will be with ITER.

The disadvantage is the requirement for size, which probably is going 
to be more than 3x3x3 meters for a small-scale system, but it's still 
small enough to put in a submarine or a ship. The other disadvantage 
is that you probably will need 1-10 MW plant in front of it to start 
it, but once the process starts, it runs on its own.

Another point is safety: If you add too much or too little fuel, 
the process simply stops.
Sounds pretty interesting, but when will we see commercial deployment? 
Rossi is planning for October, this year, for his process. A Greek 
company is investing 200 million euros in the plant.
We won't know, as the state of development is still in understanding 
the physics and there is no public device that has worked for longer 
than a few milliseconds. After that, there are still engineering 
issues to overcome to build a production device. The researchers 
last said that the first real device could be in operation within 
5-10 years, which still is 50 years before ITER.

As far as I can tell, LENR is further ahead. But from what I can 
see, they are not in direct competition with eachother and there 
is a need for real table-top fusion.
I'm not sure what the maximum output from the Rossi process can be, 
but from what I've been reading it can actually produce much higher 
output than what is planned for the initial plant. For now, it is 
being limited it in order to have it operate in a safe range. The 
demonstration done in January showed about 12-15kW. It seems it can 
be self sustaining, but that might come after the theory behind the 
process is understood. As it is, it is a controllable process that 
can generate a known amount of energy given a set of operating parameters.
to clarify, the Jan demo showed that output from one unit of about 
1 litre capacity
Now that I looked over the wikipedia article on Polywell, I remember 
coming across it a few years back - I watched the Google talk that 
Bussard gave - but it fell off my radar when not much seemed to happen 
around the process.
I like working experiments which look like this:


it means we'll be able to build time-travelling deLoreans   ourselves 