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[SQLite] C library embeddable DB .

Thx for the link. As always, good references Petr. You should make 
your money with answers.google.com
and of course having more than one parent.
heh, never heard of answers.google.com ... well, maybe that is why 
I would like to work as a consultant, hopefully with IBM ... the 
bad thing is, that I might miss programming a bit :-)
as for real graphs with relational model storage - that is beyond 
my understanding .... hopefull article might give you some pointers 
It's worth tracking down some of Joe Celko's articles on the issue 
I'm thinking about updating to the newest SQLite version. And I just 
read there is a new API which should be used.

The sqlite3_prepare_v2() and sqlite3_prepare16_v2() interfaces are 
recommended for all new programs. The two older interfaces are retained 
for backwards compatibility, but their use is discouraged. In the 
"v2" interfaces, the prepared statement that is returned (the sqlite3_stmt 
object) contains a copy of the original SQL. This causes the sqlite3_step() 
interface to behave a differently in two ways:

If the database schema changes, instead of returning SQLITE_SCHEMA 
as it always used to do, sqlite3_step() will automatically recompile 
the SQL statement and try to run it again. If the schema has changed 
in a way that makes the statement no longer valid, sqlite3_step() 
will still return SQLITE_SCHEMA. But unlike the legacy behavior, 
SQLITE_SCHEMA is now a fatal error. Calling sqlite3_prepare_v2() 
again will not make the error go away. Note: use sqlite3_errmsg() 
to find the text of the parsing error that results in an SQLITE_SCHEMA 

When an error occurs, sqlite3_step() will return one of the detailed 
result-codes like SQLITE_IOERR or SQLITE_FULL or SQLITE_SCHEMA directly. 
The legacy behavior was that sqlite3_step() would only return a generic 
SQLITE_ERROR code and you would have to make a second call to sqlite3_reset() 
in order to find the underlying cause of the problem. With the "v2" 
prepare interfaces, the underlying reason for the error is returned 
Ashley, are you working on an update to SQLite.r at the moment?
How long will the old API exist?
I don't know.
btw - do you use collation for the german language?
No, just the plain version.
are you working on an update to SQLite.r at the moment?

 I didn't even know they had changed the API! If it's an easy change 
 I'll do it sooner than later.
one more link related to trees in mysql: http://www.artfulsoftware.com/mysqlbook/sampler/mysqled1ch20.html
Will, thx for the link.
Ashley, it looks mostly compatible to me, just the returned errors 
are a bit different.
1.0.3 available at: http://www.dobeash.com/download.html

Supports latest SQLite v2 API.

*** WARNING ***
Is not compatible with older versions of the SQLite DLL.
Great! I'll give it a try with a new DLL.

2007-Jun-18 - Version 3.4.0

  This release fixes two separate bugs either of which can lead to 
  database corruption. Upgrading is strongly recommended.
is there any solution, how to infuence shell window appearance, if 
using sqlite3.exe? There seems to be no silent mode ... you can start 
sqlite3.exe and type .help to see more comands, or look here:

1.0.4 available at: http://www.dobeash.com/download.html

Mac OS X version 10.4 support added as per http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/OSX_Technology_Overview/AppTechnology/chapter_5_section_20.html
Our Sqlite docs say: "2.3.3 Fkeys - This refinement returns information 
about the foreign keys (if any) that reference a table.", but sqlite 
does not support foreign-keys, only via triggers, no?
hmm, sqlite does not provide insert or update facility, that is weak 
it has insert or replace = replace, but that deletes original record 
and replaces it with new, probably changing row id, so no facility 
like insert .... on duplicate key update .....
What are you talking about?
All updates work like that, in every database that I am familiar 
with. It's a transaction isolation thing.
I don't think it changes the row id though, and definitely doesn't 
change the primary key.
simply put, I don't want to issue a reqeust first, then decide if 
received recordset is zero lenght to insert, and if ther is some 
record, to update ....
so you trying to say, that update, if record does not exist, will 
add new one?
it does not sound appropriate, or why guys were asking mysql to add 
insert .... on duplicate key update facility, if update would be 
able to do it itself?
No, I'm saying that update deletes the original record and inserts 
a new one, on every relational database I know. No update-in-place.
It just doesn't check for cascading actions or trigger events until 
it is done.
imo our driver does not work correctly. I am totally confused by 
modes. Neither /direct nor normal mode does what I expect. I want 
rebol string to be stored as string in sqlite.
it might work with rebol, but when you go to consolo and issue select 
* from test where id='5', it is not found. Because rebol stores it 
as "5", so I have to issue '"5"'
hmm, but issuing single '5', it is returned to rebol as integer, 
even if column type is text, that sucks :-)
now I have to choose, if I work with rebol only, or console only.
SQLite used to only have text values - numbers were translated at 
runtime. Perhaps the REBOL driver hasn't caught up.
I don't understand what is our /direct mode good for, it does things 
as {"1234"} .... without it, rebol stores "1234" .... now if you 
want use tools like sqliteadmin, you would be mad using /direct mode 
stored values ...
I simply want rebol string "1234" to be stored as '1234' and when 
returned from query to be it once again "1234" not integer if I use 
'1234' (when using compose and sending string query)
MySQL has a non-standard command for inserting if not there for update: 
REPLACE. SQLite has more detailed conflict resolution, but includes 
REPLACE as a MySQL-compatible shortcut for INSERT OR REPLACE (the 
OR REPLACE is itself a shortcut for ON CONFLICT REPLACE). I agree 
that UPDATE should have the option of acting like INSERT OR REPLACE.
As for the datatype mismatch, I would have to look at the code of 
sqlite.r to see if it is aware that SQLite data is no longer typeless.
Here is the SQLite docs about datatypes: http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html
It seems to me I will work with /direct refinement. That way REBOL 
string "aaaaa" is stored in sqlite as 'aaaa', so direct queries for 
'aaaa' in console work, and back-loading (select) to rebol returns 
it as a rebol string. Without direct, 'aaaaa' would be returned as 
word ...
sql ["select * from test where id = ?" 5]
The SQLite driver transforms all necessary " and ' stuff.
Never had a problem with this.
not without direct ....
guys, have you ever got to situation, that working with rebol itself 
was more productive than with SQL? I redone my version of inventory 
checking to SQL, and thas thing imports for 10x more time, and most 
of the checks I do on rebol side anyway. Kudoz to remove-each function 
too :-)
how to do effectively following using SQL?
our subsidiary company changed IDs of some products during the inventory 
in our system ;-) I need to create table called e.g. transform-id(oldid, 
newid) .... and now I would like to somehow do:

foreach row maintable [if found? in transform table maintable/id, 
then replace maintable/id with newid) :-)
I really sometimes think of simply submitting two queries into sql, 
having results in block, doing it in rebol level, and then to build 
tables from the scratch by inserting into new tables :-)