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[SQLite] C library embeddable DB .

Oldes - thanks - that is an interim solution for R2 :-)
I'm getting errors when I try to insert a binary file into sqlite

I have no problem when I read/binary an image from disk and insert 
it but when I download it from a mysql db its saving as those crazy 
text characters.

I'm converting it back to binary with "to-binary" and when I probe 
it it looks right but it keeps converting back to the original mysql 

Any ideas what might be going on?

I can view the outputed image  from mysql when I use to-binary so 
I know that its not currupted.
I see what might be the prob...
Some images are large...Too large? And may be getting truncated.

I was using binary..should I use blob?
Actually size of the image does not seem to be the prob as this works: 

SQL reduce [{insert into images values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)} "img/1" 
"img/2" "img/3" "img/4" "img/5" pic "img/7" "img/8"]
where pic is a large 4000x3000 full color photo.
I get no error.

But if I loop 50 and insert the above data 50 times I get an error???
IIRC there is a bug in Rebol's GC that can show up when using big 
datasets and corrupts data. Have you tried to play around with RECYCLE
no, How would that work when working with large database results?
I'm able to get a large set of results from mysql and use it (View 
the images in a layout) but when I try to insert this data into sqlite 
it seems to get currupted...
It sounds like a sqlite problem...
I think it's on the way from Rebol to DLL.
So at what point would I use recycle?
After each insert? in my foreach loop?
You have to try. The SQLite driver uses a heuristic every 100 rounds 
or so. Just play around to see if it makes a difference.
That's one cause why I want to get my hands on the external library 
interface in R3 ASAP.
Thanks Robert.
Robert - what is your preferable method for "DLL interface"? Is it 
a mixture of rebol dialect (as in R2) and plug-in aproach?
I don't know anything about the plug-in approach at the moment, so 
I can't say.
Overall I don't care to much, which way we go. It must be simple 
and straight forward to use. And we must have a way on the Rebol 
side to privode the C side of life. Like pointers and structs etc. 
without tricks.
Robert, 'recycle' worked like a charm!
Thanks a lot.

I had the same problem when reading from the DB so I used 'recycle 
again in hte query loop....

This had the added benifit of of sealing amemory leak with the images 

Memory would increase evrytime a new image was displayed but now 
it tops out at an acceptable level..
Is this GC problem being worked on for 2.7.7 ??
Right now 2.7.7 is not being worked on at all. That sonds like a 
good thing to fix when we do start working on 2.7.7.
[unknown: 5]
I like  2.7.6 is the last of the 2.x series.  Brian may release a 
library containing updated mezzanines and patches.
like = think
We find new bugs in R2 natives all of the time - Carl just found 
one in the last week. There will likely be bugfix releases, but no 
incompatible changes will be made to R2 anymore, afaict. All of the 
new functions in R3 and incompatible improvements to existing functions 
will likely be made in a separate script that you can load or encap. 
That script will be maintained outside of the R2 update cycle. I 
think that will be the plan, at least.
There may be some changes to behavior that was so broken that it 
couldn't possibly have been relied on by existing code, like the 
change in return value of ALTER in 2.7.6. I would be surprised if 
the INSERT/dup/part bug Carl found this week isn't fixed in the next 
R2 release, for instance, whenever that release happens.
I think it will be a long time before R3 is usable in the real world 
... so my understanding is that there will still be 2.7 releases.
I agree. None are planned at the moment, but it is likely that there 
will be more in the future.
I can't seem to find info if dobedash's sqlite.r should work with 
sqlite3.dll or sqlite.dll, does anyone have any idea?
IIRC it supports version 3 of the driver. Dunno the name of .dll. 
But - just rename sqlite3.dll to sqlite.dll and run few tests, no? 
It worked for me but now I started to get "Not a database or encripted" 
error and I couldn't figure out why.. I discovered that the sqliteadmin 
app was making v2 files now and that was the problem.
a view into db file as hex quickly resolved which version is which, 
it is written at the start, and so I saw what is going on, thanks 
Did anyone try using sqlite.r from Dobeash in free rebol code 2.7.6 
on linux. (debian). I get "feature not available in this REBOL" but 
it works on windows.
I think the library calls are not enabled in linux version of Core.. 
ask Carl.
Or you can use Rebpro from Rebol's SDK
Oldes: yes, it looks that way by the error given
I am an new/old user so I am still on free versions of rebol.. I 
gues now is time to buy the SDK
I think you don't need the license
just download it and try it
At least what I was trying, there was the license message on boot, 
but I could use the /library
hu, I never saw that download page :)
wow.. first rebol download > 1MB :)
aha.. I am getting somewhere .. it alows it now but I get some error 
with .so .. maybe this is the reason cheyenne can't open it either 

>> do %sqlite.r
Script: "SQLite driver" (26-Nov-2008)
REBOL - Security Check:

Script requests permission to open a port for read/write on: libsqlite3.so
Yes, allow all, no, or quit? (Y/A/N/Q) Y
** Access Error: Cannot open sqlite3_prepare_v2

** Near: *prepare: make routine! [db [integer!] dbq [string!] len 
[integer!] stmt [struct! [[integer!]]] dummy [struct! [[integer..
you have to start it with the -s switch and good is to use the -q 
switch as well.
-s probably means without asking for permissions... I tried now rebpro 
-s -q but I got the same .so error .. maybe I didn't prepare the 
.so files well ..I am just looking into docs

>> do %sqlite.r
** Access Error: Cannot open sqlite3_prepare_v2

** Near: *prepare: make routine! [db [integer!] dbq [string!] len 
[integer!] stmt [struct! [[integer!]]] dummy [struct! [[integer...
when I installed sqlite with apt-get install sqlite3 I got 2 files 
into /usr/lib/ directory   ./usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.0.8.6  and   ./usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.0 
... if I run rebol it doesn't find sqlite so I copied one of them 
(I tried with both, they are of same size btw) to directory where 
rebol / rebpro and sqlite.r is and renamed it to    libsqlite3.so 
  and then it seems to find it ... now this is just common sense 
as I am not that experienced with this on linux
ah... I looked at history of this chat and saw that there is debian 
package libsqlite3-dev ... I installed this and now I have libsqlite3.so 
.. it seems rebpro finds it without copying it to local directory 
now but it still gibes the same " Cannot open sqlite3_prepare_v2" 
ha.. I changed sqlite_prepare_v2 to sqlite_prepare in sqlite.r and 
now rebpro and cheyenne work!!
I hope this doesn't mean I something else won't work as it should
Have your application execute the following SQL statement and then 
look at the result : select sqlite_version(); 

AFAICT, sqlite3_prepare_v2 is available starting from SQLite 3.5.2.
aha.. stupid me.. apt-get usually doesn't provide latest versions 
but a more "stable" ones ... yes it's  3.3.8