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World: r3wp


It doesn't matter that WINE is not a stable platform to test on - 
it's fixable, whereas Windows is not. We will try to make things 
However, native support for R3 on Linux and other WINE platforms 
will continue to be a higher priority than WINE support.
Graham, if you want to form file paths without checking whether the 
directory portion has a trailing #"/" do this:
    blah: %dir
    f: blah/(file)
instead of
    f: join blah file
I use that trick with these a lot:
    .: %./
    ..: %../
then you can do this:
    read ../blah.r
[unknown: 5]
GiuseppeC, I think that from a /core perspective that R3 is more 
mature than R2.
As far as design goes, I would agree, Paul. As far as stability goes, 
not yet :(
[unknown: 5]
Hoping Carl gets on those issues fast.
BrianH, I get the impression that modules is somewhat unknown territory 
along with tasks. Do you think that's the case?
Yes, though not as much so as tasks. There were some proposed semantics 
for modules that would depend on changes to the semantics of objects, 
good changes but it is unknown when or if they will happen. I expect 
that modules will be simple at first.
An include function is really unlikely because of binding issues, 
unless that function only returns a module reference and doesn't 
rebind the calling context with its exports. Binding order matters 
Kaj, I've reported the EXISTS? bug you mentioned above (#604). Please 
report any additional bugs you find.
There is now a WINE platform choosable in CureCode.
Kaj, check out CureCode ticket #602 for your DIR? bug. If you can 
test the example code on WINE it would be appreciated.
Henrik, I changed the ticket to be more precise - my job as reviewer 
It would probably be good to have FILEIZE, EXISTS-FILE? and EXISTS-DIR? 
functions in R3, with compatible backports to R2.
what would fileize do that to-file does not?
Done. Here is the R3 and R2 FILEIZE:

fileize: func [
	{Returns a copy of the path turned into a non-directory.}
	path [file! string! url!]
	path: copy path
	if #"/" = last path [clear back tail path]

Here is the R3 DIR-EXISTS? and FILE-EXISTS?:

dir-exists?: func [
	"Returns TRUE if a file or URL exists and is a directory."
	target [file! url!]
	if #"/" <> last target [target: append copy target #"/"]
	'dir = select attempt [query target] 'type

file-exists?: func [
	"Returns TRUE if a file or URL exists and is not a directory."
	target [file! url!]
	if #"/" = last target [target: head clear back tail copy target]
	'file = select attempt [query target] 'type

Here is the R2 DIR-EXISTS? and FILE-EXISTS?:

dir-exists?: func [
	"Returns TRUE if a file or URL exists and is a directory."
	target [file! url!]
	if #"/" <> last target [target: append copy target #"/"]
	found? all [
		target: attempt [info? target]
		'directory = get in target 'type

file-exists?: func [
	"Returns TRUE if a file or URL exists and is not a directory."
	target [file! url!]
	if #"/" = last target [target: head clear back tail copy target]
	found? all [
		target: attempt [info? target]
		'file = get in target 'type
Graham, FILEIZE would get rid of any trailing / in the copy, as DIRIZE 
adds any missing /.
The above have been submitted. Time will tell if they are accepted, 
or will be included by default. They work though.
[unknown: 5]
Brian, what is the replacement for get-modes in R3?  I'm want to 
see if I can now set creation and modification dates on directories 
yet.  (see if it is now fixed in R3).  I had to scrap a project before 
because of this.
GET-MODES and SET-MODES aren't in R3 yet.
I wonder how they would work with the new port model...
[unknown: 5]
Well we will definately need those.
I was hoping that more modes would be added in R3.
why do we need special exists functions, when file is a datatype? 
Gee, I hate all those read-* - they are proof there is something 
wrong ...
hmm, according to RebDev chat Carl's post, Carl wants RebDev to move 
to R3. Hence - R3 now boots on Fedora!!! ... although some gfx etc. 
is missing. Carl is looking for help in that area. Good news indeed 
I have just taken a look at the DEMO and it is really amazing. Things 
are done in few lines of code. I feel the power.
I am now confused with latest changes to rebdev. It is becoming total 
mess for me!
I start to lose control where to post what. How do I:

- diplay latest # of messages content? We have L #, but not LM #
-  how do I display particular message, and all its replies?
We are now again in a grey area ;-)
Chat system feels good. But if we do add concepts like reply to particular 
message, and system is no more flat, we are not able to easily handle 
it without GUI anymore. Some commands are changed in quick pace, 
some changes don't make sense to me.
As long as the (hopefully useful) messages are being generated, and 
the source files come, chat is doing its job. We can pretty later.
Pekr: "why do we need special exists functions"

Those functions tell us whether the file exists *and* is of the ttype 
we need it to be. Files and directories are used differently. You 
use those functions to make sure that things are what you need them 
to be, so your code will be safer (or at least not crash).

Pekr: "Gee, I hate all those read-* - they are proof there is something 

You are correct, that is exactly why the READ-* functions are there. 
They are temporary, until we get the Unicode conversions model finalized. 
Good catch.
BrianH: I always apreciate your good work and the work of the whole 
Thanks :)
BrianH: You could look at how Factor did "modules" they call it vocabularies 
(and "functions" are words).. I am saying because you said "..... 
Binding order matters in REBOL."
That is the same in Factor, position matters, and the way they did 
is that it adds value as are able to use short general words because 
position defines from which vocab it will be called -- so you avoid 
need to define long words >>addTwoVectors<< .. and you also avoud 
>> module.word 12 + module2.word2 "asd"<<
this is fictional factor example.. not real code and modules:
USING: string math http ;

: plus ( a b -- c ) + ;

USE: vectors

: vec-plus ( a b -- c ) + ;
because + is defined in math plus will use it's + to add two numbers 
and because we put USE: vectors the + in vec-plus will add 2 vectors 
... this is in the same vocab / source code file.. I think they also 
have UNUSE now but I am not sure
( they have USING: for "including" multiple vocabs at once and USE: 
for one)
what I really liked about this (I am not a specialist in factor so 
I hope I am not saying it wrong) but when I was making DB libraray 
for example I could use define very generic words like SELECT WHERE 
UPDATE without thinking if they are defined somewhere else.
Janko : I think you're right (I'm currently learning Factor too).
I am sort of factor traitor :( ... I was doing a very important project 
for me in it and told everyone that I am doing it etc... got relatively 
far, but then by "accident" discovered that there are many practical 
reasons to switch that project to Rebol, so I abandoned factor :/
Links to web sites would be nice. I suspect that REBOL's situation 
is a little different though, as the binding model is unusual.
technology is a cruel world :) "at the end, there can be only one"
I can understand your choice, Rebol is a good alternative, even if 
I Factor is a very interesting langage to study.
this is maybe the good start: http://docs.factorcode.org/..
yes, I don't know about low level things... maybe it can give you 
some ideas..