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I went through the CureCode tickets and marked the ones fixed in 
alphas 35 through 37, that weren't already marked. You can see the 
changes in the Change Log section of CureCode, and some fixes are 
summarized on the R3 Releases page too.
Josh, the issue is that the chat server is running on R2 right now 
for reliability. R2 can't handle Unicode except as binary, and certainly 
can't do case-sensitive searches for user names in Unicode. The web 
client for mobile is even worse, and is also R2 since R3 can't handle 
CGI yet.

Right now we are focusing on getting R3 stable enough to use on the 
server-side. Hence the changes in the newest alphas.
If you think there were a lot of changes in the last alpha, you should 
see the next one. I have fixed most of the bugs in LOAD and DO :)
My next project is the begin bugs - there are many - I am just waiting 
on an info request.
R2-Forward has been updated to match alpha 37 as well, though that 
meant adding one more function to the todo list (and 5 more to the 
done list, and 6 more to the improved list) :)
Sorry, make that 18 more to the improved list - I forgot to include 
last night as well :)
I had another request to join R3 discussion. Couldn't some interim 
solution being made, e.g. refusing names with special chars? Returning 
error would be enough for ppl to know they ought to choose different 
name, no? Because - recent solution was meant to be interim one, 
but it typically became permanent one, without any resolution of 
when actually it gets fixed ...
Not my call - ask Carl.
The function I added to my todo list yesterday is done. Two lines 
of code, though they are tricky :)
Brian, are you sure that R3 handles case-insensitiveness in Unicode 
text better than R2 with UTF-8?
I remember Carl being againist adding language-specific tables into 
[unknown: 5]
Where do we find information on the new VID of R3?
[unknown: 5]
Thanks Henrik
I sure hope we are going to redefine many of the current panels  
such as alert.  Alert looks horrible.
Alert shouldn't present a scroller unless their is scrollable text. 
 Additionally the text on alert should be centered along with the 
button.  I know that alert is just preliminary for now.
Ah, I would not worry about that. Actually not sooner, than more 
important things get into the system. There are still some concepts 
missing ...
[unknown: 5]
I don't know much about the progress of R3 GUI yet.
I like the fact that it was going to take on a CSS type of method.
The UI is _very_ preliminary.
The latest shots of the UI can be seen at http://rebol.hmkdesign.dk/files/r3/gui/
but it is still changing and far from done.
The layout engine still performs rather poorly so if elements appear 
off alignment, it's because the layout engine doesn't do this well 
yet. Don't worry, I want pixel precise alignment.
[unknown: 5]
Henrik, do you need help?  Maybe I can get involved - if interested 
- just get me up to speed on it.
thanks, I don't need help right now.
[unknown: 5]
Excellent Henrik!
R3 chat system user account creation reenabled.
Gabriele, I know that R3 handles case-insensitiveness of Latin1 characters 
in Unicode text better than R2 with UTF-8, but beyond that I don't 
know. There is still some stuff to do relative to Unicode. The implications 
of Unicode support on the rest of the system are mostly implemented 
though, with the glaring exception of PARSE.
Are there any good tutorials on using asyncronous networking in R3? 
 That changed from R2, right?
Good tutorials: Not yet. Turorials: Sort of. Changed: Drastically.
TimW, you can find some information on DocBase, notably here: http://www.rebol.net/wiki/Ports
Is there implementation information available for students?
Thanks.  The port information is pretty good.
alpha 37 is now available for OSX.
Brian: if it's just latin1, does it really change things? it won't 
always work anyway. but, there's plenty of code to convert utf-8 
to latin1 in R2, so why not just doing that if it's really important 
to have case insensitive accented character in the user names?
I'm wondering now if r3 eats a lot of CPU when running the upgrade 
procedure under linux or just by using READ with HTTP. It does so 
under OSX.
Gabriele, Unicode isn't done, so I don't understand this: "does it 
really change things?". I was just answering your question about 
R3. Whether R2 can handle case insensitivity of UTF-8 when third-party 
libraries are added is another issue.

I can't say what Carl's priorities are beyond where he had me mark 
CureCode tickets as urgent, so I can't say when or if Unicode will 
be "finished". User account creation is reenabled, so the whole reason 
this conversation started is moot now.
[unknown: 5]
I noticed the GUI demo in R3 is very buggy.  Sometimes it just eats 
CPU and does nothing.
Paul, have you found patterns for the slowness?
Why are minimum-of and maximum-of being mezzanines now, instead of 
natives as in R2?
Pekr, there was an opinion for a name-change. See group "Survey Group" 
in R2-Alpha world, that you have access to. I guess, they ended up 
as mezz to be more compatible with existing code.
[unknown: 5]
Henrik, not really - its intermittent.  But usually as soon as I 
bring up the demo is when it sometimes locks up.
I actually have to kill the process to regain control on Vista.
I've experienced some pauses in VMWare, but attributed them to R3 
building the text for the Text View pane. There is also a bug that 
causes it to lock up if you click buttons too quickly in the HTTP 
Why are minimum-of and maximum-of being mezzanines now, instead of 
natives as in R2?

Because we are cleaning down the core in R3, and those functions 
are rarely used. They are fast enough as mezzanines - the FORSKIP 
loop they call is native in R3.

Mezzanines can be better for some purposes too - REBOL is a much 
more powerful language than C for some things, so it is sometimes 
a good idea to write the functions in REBOL instead, particularly 
when it needs to be flexible. This is why LOAD is a mezzanine in 
R3 (which calls native code to parse the REBOL data), and half of 
DO is an intrinsic (a built-in function written in REBOL that is 
called by native code).
Part of the R3 boot-up process is an intrinsic too, as is part of 
the MAKE port! and MAKE module! actions.
BrianH: what is exactly happening now? Are we seeing start of formation 
of new DevBase? Some files are uploaded already. Or is there still 
some functionality missing, to replace devbase?
The new DevBase (3) mostly works now. I posted some suggestions today, 
but it is usable as-is. I'm only using DevBase 2 for historical reference 
now. DevBase 3 doesn't have a reviewer concept, so I'm going to ask 
Carl what the new acceptance policy is - I have the rank to accept, 
but the guidelines need to be updated for the new model. Most of 
my todo list for DevBase 2 is already implemented in DevBase 3, so 
in many ways it is already a vast improvement.
I find I'm using the help function in the console all the time. It 
would be good if the help function could have some refinements for 
searching throughout the function definitions, or limit the search 
to specific parts of the definitions. Would this be a difficult enhancement?
this would be really cool  just like searching the man pages in unix... 
the easiest way to find a shell command when you can't remember it. 
BrianH: as for filesharing - can we share also binary files? Is it 
general mechanism, or is RebDev limited to only text files and their 