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but then if you make dificult for your clients the way to know what 
you do and when you do  to you think your clients are taking you 
serriously starting from the begining
Imagine a client giving a taste to a programer and the programmer 
flee away don't get any news dor month and then comes back with oups 
sorry here is your program dear client ?  Do you think the client 
 will take that attitude as a serious matter ?
taste = task  lol
This aproach surely isn't good for clients that want the product.. 
to me R3 is a research project for now.. R2 is the product.  

But it should be good for community, because you mean you have some 
insight of development process, you can affect it with opinions and 
participating. Wasn't REBOLs biggest complaint always that is't so 
closed. Now you can see all in the open how it's to make it. :)
And as BrianH and others showed, if you want you can actively participate
Ok so now I think this point is been integrated by Carl but he started 
to build lot of information source broker for all teh needs of the 
current task  but as an outsider (yes unfortunatly I'm not in god's 
Secrets...)  it's hard to retrieve relevant information and knows 
what's going on .. that's not to be hard with anyone that's just 
a matter of fact and to have discussed that matter a countless time 
with many ppl in the community (lame outsiders as Pekr would say) 
I'm not the only one feeling that way
I believe several people here have the skill level required to fix 
bugs in the Rebol source code if they could see it.
Janko the thing is teh people working on R2 are the same as the ones 
working on R3 so it comes to why fixing R2 since it's already dead 
and we are cooking a better thing it's better to focus on R3 since 
we are only a couple of guys passionnate with it
I understand you, I am not frustrated about R3 because I don't wait 
for it ... R2 is the product for me , I at this time only care for 
what I can with some certanty use in production and R2 has tons of 
libs, examples, cheyenne .. and as a language it's also more interesting 
and hides more stuff that I can comprehend so exploring what can 
be done with R2 is still exciting to me.
If I had more free time I would probably also be more active in R3 
(at least bitching about it :) but I am at the stage where I need 
to produce stuff .. and I am happy I can use rebol for this
R3 doesn't bore me that's just a bad image sent to the word in the 
way it's done that's all. Look before even doing a single thing a 
big company like apple or microsoft start by promoting it giving 
the  features the roadmap the developpers inside point of view etc 
on teh r3 project we really feel that's is like a river the flow 
goes and you never see from where it commes and where it goes
So then knowing if a bug you find in R3 lastest release is already 
known or already solved is hard
yes, I understand that... I was waiting for R3 for years ( I just 
used rebol for smaller stuff here and there at that time ) and frankly 
I was sure R3 is vaporware.. it's a 1 man design process with benefits 
of it and also limitations
and you see some things not advancing for long time like unicode 
support (i'm not even sure that will be a profit to r3 well as i'm 
an idiot i'm certainly wrong on this point)
MS would do it other way.. but they would still need one guy with 
some crazy ideas that actually work and produce something special.. 
and even as big as they are they don't have it.. C# is a copy of 
Java, F# is a copy of OCaml ..
If I were waiting for R3 I would be in an uncertain position too, 
but as Pekr said .. if you have some time you can participate more 
actively probably
denefits would be since there is only one guy with the vision of 
what he wants and how he wants it the creation process will go smoothly 
but the thing is that since the past years the R3 is started many 
 ideas in R3 have been changed a lot of time (like VID)  abd bothing 
ensure us that in the month comming another idea will pop and so 
one making R3 a never ended project
that's how creative processes go.. you have to throw away stuff and 
go with the flow .. if he wouldn't I am sure rebol would be another 
python/ruby ...
I mean it's normal for a program to evolve but it''s not normal to 
be stuck in the first stable output
My theory is that thats why MS can't create great langs .. because 
the sole designer can design it and they have the resources to make 
the thing that was designed quickly ... but upfront design doesn't 
work.. itterative inline design works IMHO
you can always feel a program is not ended but can a program handle 
all the functionalities of now in day computer.
jano no MS vision is rather simplier than that and it's resumed by 
the vision of Bill Gates :"Poor artists invents great artists copies" 
why to invent things when you can simply make billion in inspiring 
from the open source community
it's an alpha stage... :) it's officially not meant to (to your previous 
but eve then it would be better in my opinion that most of the people 
are aware of what's going on how would R3 make it's better for them
janko yes it's in alpha stage and alpha stage is not to be stayed 
for ever stage  ^_^
plus no one knows if in the 2 years to come Carl would have a totally 
different feeling on what he wants rebol to do
Look , I understand you.. nobody can give any guarantees when will 
R3 be "done" and if you wait , it can become desperate .. but there 
is progress being made 7 version in 9 days of april, new docs, blogposts 
from carl discussing his thoughts.. etc
So if that's to have 60 R3 alpha than Carl anounce that R3  is being 
too complicated and need to evolve deeply into R4 ...
R3 will no even be born ...
that is of course possible :)
I will have to go now
ok bye

does anyone know.. can R3 http protocol code or info about this be 
seen anywhere .. upthere it was said that it's up to community to 
make new protocols, I can't be sure that I will be able to make any 
but I am interested in this stuff and maybe eventually something 
comes up
bye .. even if R3 were done today I couldn't use it.. I need cheyenne, 
I need SQLITE, PDF... :)  .. I watched the guido van rossum (python 
maker) keynote on pycon09 last week and he spent 20 minutes ranting 
that people should start using python 3000 slowly (the new - bigger 
changes version) .. in rebol at least community is anctious to start 
with R3 :)
Janko, yes, it's available in devbase.
(well maybe he spent whole talk, because I stopped watching at 20min... 
it was boring a little)
what is devbase (sory .. I am not totally updated) , is this public?
do you use chat?
I haven't already.. but I have the latest r3 on my desktop
ok, to get the protocol in a few steps: start r3, type "chat". type 
"more 3365"
do I need to NEW-USER ?
yes registration is open
I'm not sure. You should be able to work as guest.
just give a nick and a pass
but registration is free, as shadwolf says
*off-line* guest:>> more 3365
--- Note: select a message topic
(this is what I got)
What happens if you type " f "http.r" " ?