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Windows 7 is just Vista SP3. Just after the Vista name fiasco, they 
better launched it under a separate name .... ah, now I know, why 
Carl wants to rename REBOL :-)
nope, its rumored that its actually closer to XP than vista internally!
basically, they started where vista started and did everything again, 
using the few parts that did work (like aero and DX10)
and redoing the UAE and actually Adding new concepts to the GUI instead 
of just making it shiny... vista had no single new GUI concept over 
XP a part for that mini app bar on the right (which sucks sooo much 
energy out of your PC that you can actually notice the speed difference 
when its running!).
And the APIs, though they did recode (or at least tweak and recompile) 
all of the code behind the APIs.
Maxim - that is imo nonsense. What about the Aero? This has imo nothing 
in common with XP-like technology? Vista is internally rather different 
imo ...
ah, thought we are in Advocacy group :-)
Good to know about the sidebar - I'll tell my parents (they're the 
only ones I know who run Vista).
yes vista took a decent XP and broke it in every conceivable way.

W7 takes XP and improves it in every conceivable way.
they could not have taken vista and fixed it.  there was nothing 
good to salvage ... expect for aero, which is simply the api running 
over directx.
(and about time too)
directX and a lot of the core windows stuff is VERY well designed... 
its just how its used by the desktop and all the crap they add which 
mucks it up.
There were a *lot* of good new APIs in Vista that were continued 
in 7 - not just Aero. It's the apps/UI that sucked.
continued in 7
 = redone in a binary-compatible way to suck much less.
I am looking forward to making those APIs available to R3 (getting 
back on topic) :)
OK, back to R3 and a bit to Advocacy ... I am a bit disappointed 
by Carl's aproach so far. Maybe I am mistaken and harvesting the 
grapes is the culprit, but I can see our latest requests being ingored 
so far - callbacks, user-types proposal, and probably more - no single 
comment yet ...
... concurrency to add another significant topic of interest ...
Let's see: Grapes, hacks, router problems, private channel communications 
still up, and he already announced after a82 that he was going to 
take some time off to work on the plan for a beta release, soomething 
that involves more than just code.
And all that you are asking abouut are either actively being worked 
on (callbacks), or have already been deferred to later (user types, 
concurrency). I don't get it: What is different, that you would complain 
BrianH: I know Carl, and I know what I am talking about. You'll see 
- it happened several times already in the past. The group discussing 
stuff xy, and RT rushing things into "final stage". And you are wrong 
- there was no single public reaction to either user-types or concurrency, 
and as for callbacks, we can only guess by reading between the line 
of one single Chat msg.
As for me, I am not more than occassional REBOL user in comparison 
by many, but I would really like to see official reaction to beta 
blog. There are some questions raised by many. I hope answers come 
sooner before we see beta stick on R3.
User types and concurrency were deferred, partly because there wasn't 
a consensus on how theye should be implemented - not enough information 
to decide.
As for callbacks, that is what devices were supposed to be for, but 
I expect that something similar to Maxim's proposal, cleaned up, 
will be adopted. Probably adapted to implement devices, but we'll 
have something soon I bet.
pekr, threads are VERY tricky to implement for a plethora of reasons. 
 I'd rather have a beta first with extension callbacks.

This will allow many of us to start working in parralel with Carl, 
testing stuff and possibly giving out working code to carl.  things 
like precise timers could be in an extension using callbacks .
sound support, video encoders,  DirectX, OpenGL whatever...
.net using mono  :-)
Grapes harvested, winemaking begins again. Cabernet and Merlot fermentation 
started. It marks the years... and stores them in the bottle.
Carl means  it's time to harvest in beta3 ?
No, it means all development stops while he tends his grapes and 
wine making activities.
wujian: Carl has a vineyard on his ranch, in case you didn't know.
I see.   perhaps RT and Carl himself need  more  money  to support 
the development.. or Carl enjoy   this matter.  So I feel  a little 
 disappointment ,OTOH keep understanding.
It's his hobby ...
.... the vineyard or Rebol ?
I don't think money is an issue either. The harvest is a yearly event 
and he'll be back in a couple of weeks.
both  ;-)
If you call your hobby your work, you never work a day in your life. 
it usually takes about 2 weeks of full time and then its part time... 
but Carl really likes meddling on Rebol stuff... so I'm sure he's 
thinking about many R3 issues while he's doing the wine...  

meaning, when he goes back to the code... a lot of stuff will be 
resolved and just need implementing...

many new questions will most probably surface based on all of that 
Carl has a multicore brain like quite a few of us here.  He doesn't 
have to be in fron of the screen to be programming....  the typing 
is the most trivial aspect of programming !  ;-)
WuJian, I love that you thought that was something like a metaphor.

No, he really has a vineyard on his sprawling estate overlooking 
the city below him...  he does this as his pleasure, and way to stay 
As long as those pesky fires stay away.
Indeed, I just lost about 50K hectacres only 10km from my LA Ranch. 
 It was pretty bad.
Wow, that's a lot of property to burn. Sorry to hear that. It would 
be an enormous job just to redo the fences. Hope you didn't lose 
any good buildings or trees.
(Actually, I do hope that trees were there, because they would have 
been doing a good job - at least before the fire came.)
(off topic sorry - move to ~Chat).
We lost ALL the trees....there were no fences...

Of note....................Carl "tends" to be 10x more productive 
after a break.... all and all, always assume this is a good thing 
that he tends the vines...
Maxim; Forther brain.  One word at a time.  Write a word, test a 
word.  Write second word, test both.  Write third, test three. Write 
fourth.  Too confused now.  Give up and start over.  :)

The REBOL console is so close to allowing this type of tighly wound 
interative development that I have to whinge and whine for the good 
old days of the polyFORTH block editor every few months.  But, typing 
and evaluation are not the same head space (yet).   Chuck needs to 
sit down with Carl someday, so they can arm wrestle on a few issues.
tighly wound = tightly wound
Ashley;  RebDOC feature request.  How hard would it be to add a Keywords 
tab to this uber handy app?  (Second part of the request being a 
please please if it won't take too much of your time)
Carl calls for prioritising parse enhancements, I posted wiki parse 
REP link for him. BrianH - time to step in? :-)
