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World: r3wp


It does so I hope that means my next "Amiga" will be a PS3.
The executable size of all versions of REBOL is absolutely tiny.
But the memory footprint when loaded runs into megabytes.

That used to be a showstopper for memory-limited devices such as 

It may no longer be if the minimum hardware has caught up with REBOL's 
memory requirements.
R3 typically uses half the memory of R2 right now. Perhaps much less 
on graphics intensive apps.
The cows demo shows that spectacularly.
That's a very promising statistic!
Sure is.
I don't know how much memory an R2 face takes, but a single empty 
GOB in R3 takes 64 bytes.
Well, the proof will be in the pudding. When we get to the point 
where we can run R3 on a Nokia device, we'll know.
I don't do many benchmarks either right now, because my only windows 
box is a 192 MB Celeron 500 that will only boot in fail safe mode 
without graphics acceleration. However it probably is a good thing, 
since it really shows that graphics are noticably faster. That will 
help lowering the system requirements.
>> stats
Series Memory Info:
  node   size = 16
  series size = 20
       5 segs =  409640 bytes (header space)
   11259 blks = 1295568 bytes (blocks used)
    1213 strs =   85112 bytes (strings used)
       3 odds =   73792 bytes (odd series used)
   12475 used = 1454472 bytes (total used)
       0 free /    8005 bytes (free headers / nodespace)

Pool[ 0]    8B   173/  512: 256 (33%)  2 segs,    4112 total
Pool[ 1]   16B   487/  768: 256 (63%)  3 segs,   12312 total
Pool[ 2]   32B  1326/ 2048: 512 (64%)  4 segs,   65568 total
Pool[ 3]   48B  4621/ 8192:1024 (56%)  8 segs,  393280 total
Pool[ 4]   64B  2414/ 3584: 512 (67%)  7 segs,  229432 total
Pool[ 5]   80B  1182/ 1792: 256 (65%)  7 segs,  143416 total
Pool[ 6]   96B   544/  896: 128 (60%)  7 segs,   86072 total
Pool[ 7]  112B   342/  512: 128 (66%)  4 segs,   57376 total
Pool[ 8]  128B   228/  320:  64 (71%)  5 segs,   41000 total
Pool[ 9]  144B   182/  320:  64 (56%)  5 segs,   46120 total
Pool[10]  160B   144/  256:  64 (56%)  4 segs,   40992 total
Pool[11]  176B   137/  224:  32 (61%)  7 segs,   39480 total
Pool[12]  192B   121/  192:  32 (63%)  6 segs,   36912 total
Pool[13]  208B    89/  160:  32 (55%)  5 segs,   33320 total
Pool[14]  224B    77/  128:  32 (60%)  4 segs,   28704 total
Pool[15]  240B    28/   64:  32 (43%)  2 segs,   15376 total
Pool[16]  256B    39/   64:  64 (60%)  1 segs,   16392 total
Pool[17]  320B   170/  256:  32 (66%)  8 segs,   81984 total
Pool[18]  384B    49/   96:  16 (51%)  6 segs,   36912 total
Pool[19]  448B    21/   48:  16 (43%)  3 segs,   21528 total
Pool[20]  512B    14/   32:   8 (43%)  4 segs,   16416 total
Pool[21] 1024B    62/  128:  16 (48%)  8 segs,  131136 total
Pool[22] 2048B    13/   24:   8 (54%)  3 segs,   49176 total
Pool[23] 3072B     0/    4:   4 ( 0%)  1 segs,   12296 total
Pool[24] 4096B     0/    4:   4 ( 0%)  1 segs,   16392 total
Pool[25]   20B 12475/20480:4096 (60%)  5 segs,  409640 total
Pool[26]   64B     1/  128: 128 ( 0%)  1 segs,    8200 total
Pools used 1220708 of 2073544 (58%)
System pool used 483328
== 1454472
(in a new R3 session)
in R2 I have == 6145092
FlashPlayer has same or bigger memory footprint and is on pdas so 
why not R3
Don't know if this is the right place to ask but.. Will there be 
some easy way to access USB devices in Rebol3?
no ....
But if your USB device supports mass storage - most usefull do, then 
what is the problem? You treat is as simply another drive ...
I suppose you go through the OS for that.
R3 is going to have specific access to usb devices
If you need more, you could use the libusb library on Unixy platforms
I'm on Windows.. I've managed to make a small program that communicates 
with the device (it's a small OLED display on my laptop) in C++, 
but it would be much more fun to write it all in Rebol
if you know what DLLs to use, you probably can.
at 4:12 my local time DevBase went online
at 4:57 my local time the first change was carried through in the 
source tree
i need Encap rebview1350042.tar.gz ( rebcode)  - I can buy
Henrik, so R3 is not far behind, eh?
still some bugs to iron out.
any Screenshots of DevBase ?
we want to see...
posting some soon
pictures on my blog at: http://www.hmkdesign.dk/rebol/
Henrik, I spy a little list-view there!  : ) Very nice.
You know, that devbase seems like a very useful tool for personal 
application development as well. Any plans for releasing it for that 
reason? I imagine it tracks uploaded files
Good question.
DevBase Uses some services, i'm not sure they are all public.
DevBase holds DevBase.  It's an open development environment.  I'm 
never too clear on plans, but I was told early on that I could plan 
to host a copy on my website when it's ready.  So (without being 
100%), I'd say yes it'll be a very nice personal or group REBOL development 
james_nak: LIST-VIEW is in fact not used in dev-base. I wish it were, 
though. :-)
james_nak: personal application development: perhaps it may be useful 
for this, but I don't see it working that well for organizing source 
files. however, I'm cooking something up in this area, because I 
need something like that for myself. it will not be a part of devbase.
Henrik you got me thinking about coming up with something myself. 
One thing that would be cool would be something like what we used 
to have on the Amiga. I think it was Mountftp or ftpmount or something 
like that. You could use it just like a drive/folder.
I want to create a simple version of XCode. I like how it operates, 
but it won't be a direct copy of it.
I'll have to look that up.
Pretty cool looking. I just need a better way to organize my stuff.
I want to be able to organize files as source, includes, docs and 
such. then I want the ability to create preprocessor files and encapped 
binaries with one click.
that's the ambition for it. it shouldn't do more than that. no debuggers 
or fancy things.
DevBase announcement.  http://www.rebol.com/article/0344.html
Some serious memory usage here in Ladislav's spelling corrector which 
is also in RebGUI

Script: "Spelling Corrector" (none)
loading and initializing(500kb dictionary)...

{somue spelin wordz tu tepst. Fur szore azd seren yaars aga, our 
fatheers brougt fourth on this lans a new natiun.}
some 10605095
spell 25275846
words 25615457
to 25928767
test 25275846
fur 25415461
swore 25755072
and 26071006
seen 26410617
years 26750228
ago 27066162
our 27205777
father 33781190
brought 34123425
fourth 34263040
on 34402655
this 34542270
lane 34860828
a 35000443
new 35140058
nation 27291974

I wonder what it looks like in R3
I ran it on about 200 words that came from an ocr attempt and it 
crashed with an out of memory error.
For those not being on r3-alpha world. R3 development was "resumed". 
Not that it was halted, but I hade private chat with Carl for few 
days, and we got into agreement into how to proceed. I wonder, if 
I am working as an marketing RT guy already? :-) Well, it was nice 
and realistic chat. We identified, that priorities have to be sorted. 
And I suggested Carl to blog about it. Developers were polled for 
the priorities, and we found out, that there are mostly two groups:

- one that prefers View/VID plus schemes being done, so that ppl 
can continue with their app development

- and the other group, who would like to have surrounding infrastructure 
implemented. You probably will not be surprised I belong to this 
group :-) 

As for infrastructure, I simply asked Carl, if we get any improvement 
to dll component, and he admitted, that that might be task for us, 
using plug-in API - simply a cleaner and abstracted aproach. But 
- in order for plug-ins to work, we need modules. So - the next focus 
is to get module system working. It is a logical step imo.

RT working on modules does not mean VID should be halted. VID (whole 
View) will be most probably fully open source, so it is more of a 
community aproach. Ah, and we were scared a bit by consideration 
of dropping of R3. Due to architecture changes for R3, Rebcode might 
not be so fast as in R2, but developers said their NOOOOOO, so I 
hope Rebcode will come too in some form :-)

Ah, and as developers complained a bit about rebol console, Carl 
said well then, as you wish, and uploaded C source code for stdio 
device into DevBase.

Guys, my belief is, that things will start to move faster and faster 
with DevBase and cooperation.

Disclaimer: none of above is direct quote from my talks with Carl. 
It is just my understanding of current situation ....