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ummm... yes, I did suggest that !
interresting questions: what is the new road map (with deadlines) 
whowill participate?  actual gabrile code remains or is it trashed 
?  in the futur how can we organise the community to apport more 
and in amore productivly way?  what is the real main vision he have 
on view? does it's going to be an easy to  build  fexible and easy 
to update visual  IHM  or does it going to be nothing more than a 
webrowser (and bro if that's your vision you are a decade too late 
there is plenty of web browser and most of thempropose way to extend 
them with minimal coding .... )
Gabriele will continue to use his own code and perhaps finish it 
... unless Carl's is so much better!
Devbase is supposed to be the instrument of collaboration.  You can 
download it now and use it.
does rebol fanatic commmunity can stand more of the I work I disapear 
and I come back to restart all AAAAAAAAAAAgain with new ideas ? don't 
you think carl that's what is killing REBOL  and make him stays in 
the underground community darkness ?
He says he's building a new gui system ... don't really know what 
that means.
But he wants to make it simpler to build interfaces
Carl's flesh burns in sunlight .. so he stays underground
I read that too graham  but that's too fuzzy man ... That's like 
the NASA tell us they are going to lend a shuttle on mars planet 
Exactly .. so how on earth can we help with naming it!  We need to 
see it first.
I guess if we can imagine it, we have it wrong already.
yeaaaaaaaaaah  ...  changing names don't means you changing the meaning 
.or the content ...
What's the alternative?
Work with R2 I guess ....
wellwhat amazed me is the community message was (as far my poor idiot 
brain understood it ) "We need VID  with more widgets closer in the 
look and capabilities of what can be done with other widgets libraries, 
better performancies and a bette way to handle user/machine interface 
. And Carl reply by okay VID2  is a trash lets change all .... I'm 
not sure the reply feets with the ask. But maybe our   ask was too 
much short ended vision and Carlplans on a bigger plan but that can 
only telled by him
I think that his response is to build something that will be easier 
to use than VID.
VID was here for many years before any extensions were done by the 
community ie. too hard.
I'm not sure having CArl and gabriele working on there own on differents 
things is a good thing because at the end the one who  will realese 
the official  content is carl
Most people were not able to build new widgets for VID.
Carl asked Gabriele to build VID.
he then decided that what Gabriele built was too hard to use for 
the average person.
ie. Gabriele was contracted to do this work.
most of people to tell you the truth plan a little with rebol see 
some of it capabilities then face a lack ( not able to do something 
they want to do ) and abandon rebol ....
so the bar needs to be lowered does it not?
the concept of virtual machine implicates the impossible to apport 
real new things to it...
unless you have a way to use existng things
Rebol and VID were a S shaped learning curve.
easy to start off ... steep learning curve do anything after that 
...then flattens off again.
in my opinion that depends what you means by visual interface ? Is 
it some buttons some text and some pictures or is it 3D  content 
menubars and lot of flicking a bouncing widgets ?
the latter :)
plus if anytime the community ask for extention carl reply by I change 
it all that will not make rebol be better known and accepted as a 
trusted solution for buisness area...
the reality of now in day computing industries is that they need 
more ppl to design web site or financial software (for traders and 
banks) than people to do nice visual interface.
even financial software needs a decent gui
doing vid a webbrowser like librarie hum ... but webbrowser now in 
day are dependant on  flash plug in so in a way things are not done 
 in anymore on the webrowser layer
Maybe Carl is writing a web browser??
Carl 'In other words, when you download R3 and run it, it will look 
like a web browser."
So, it's the web, just with REBOL as the HTML. :-)
Do you remember my Vidwiki ?  I think it's similar to that idea
Getting rid of the desktop metaphor which is confusing because it 
doesn't behave like a desktop
but  achieving a web browser is more than only connect to a http 
server retrive and renders HTTP once again that way to think was 
OK in years 90  but not in years 2008 ...  Yes most of what do a 
webbrowser is to rederised HTML  page but what about the video streaming 
or animated interfaces (what flash is ablem to bring to a  webbrowser 
and make the 2008 web sites so hum dynamic)
He hasn't said he won't address that.
Maybe we will have video streaming containers we can popup and animate
even netscape based webbrowsers (opera firefox etc ) had to evolve 
to feet what IE and the set of pluging designed by the industry was 
then bale to do
I take it you're venting some frustrations ... but we aren't in a 
position to deal with them lacking the information.
And yes, it's all Carl's fault.
for example opera webbrowser functionnalities: It render HTML content 
(some times with some strange bug), you have voice speech sinthesis 
to read the content of a page for blind people for example  you have 
voice command system  to operate it, you have widgets (external kind 
of mini GUI  sofware pieces to show you web information on an extend 
way) you have a plugin system with lot of plugings you can use P2P 
bitorrent to download you can connect to IRC read your mails ... 
 So yes now in day web browser are not only web browser and that's 
a matter of  fact  this evolution took 10  years of constent apports 
I don't see rebol going this way in only a couple of month ...
well after a deep reflection VID2 widgets set was already to reflect 
the kind of widget  you can renderize in HTML
like H1 H2 H3 H4 area button radio
etc ...
the font set is short too  you can''t use any font you want and as 
the .fnt file community is really inventiv we are missing something