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I don't know who owns the IP, but it seems that many current Google 
projects stem from such 20% projects
I've seen nothing come out of qtask of benefit to the larger community
That may be the case with black holes, but not necessarily the case 
with Qtask. Insight from work on Qtask informs the people who are 
working on implementing REBOL. Plus, the long term goal is to open 
source Qtask itself (or so I've heard).
Nonetheless, we should be having this discussion in the !Qtask group.
Maarten has some good stuff done, but hasn't released it yet, as 
it's not *quite* complete.

Erlang/OTP is heavy on supervision trees, so things get retried if 
they fail.
Graham, sometimes you don't want to see, and sometimes you don't 
want to wait.
I am finishing S3 as we speak (this week) and I hope we'll release 
it to the community as open source. Done right though - visible in 
the right places etc.
Could be.
Chord: the real testing got stalled, I hope to return to it. I managed 
to express it in terms of a few functions. So if you can define those 
in REBOL (I did them using Rugby), and my implementation works... 
you can rebuild from the top down.
Graham, there is no "could" here. We'll do it right or not at all.
- documented
- PR
- into multiple commmunities (e.g. the AWS S3)
Maarten, I was replying to Gabriele.
Oh, well, you're welcome ;-)
Nice to hear that S3 is progressing.
Maarten what is status on sphinx scheme?
Thanks all for the "browser" input.
Will: done and working. Needs to be documented.
I want to pull a couple threads together for comment - the REBOL 
browser concept and the cloud/services parts such as S3.  I think 
there is great potential in delivering an environment that can bring 
rich network applications to the desktop but that support development 
without the limitations of the web browser/html/ajax technologies. 
 It can be less of a "browser" and more of a UI to services platform 
in my view.  Trying to shoehorn it into a web browser just because 
it is common is a mistake I think.
At the same time I do worry that a grand plan such as a REBOL browser 
is putting the cart before the horse, R3 as the base needs to be 
done and delivering on its functionality promises first.
Rod, I wouldn't  worry about a Rebol browser taking priority over 
the base technology. There is no mention of a Rebol browser in Carl's 
blog,  the  Rebol 3 blog or Docbase.  If  there is such a thing it 
is only being discussed in private which suggests that it is only 
at the "idea" stage.

In fact , I get the feeling that when people talk about the Rebol 
browser, thay are actually talking about the replacement for VID 
in Rebol3.
That last part is what I was picking up too - that we are waiting 
on the new VID but the design for it seems to be reaching for the 
REBOL browser?
No one truly knows what Carl is planning
I think that people are calling the VID replacement a Rebol browser...I 
don't think they are referring to an HMTL/CSS browser written in 
Rebol or even a browser plugin.

Anyway, Graham is absolutely correct.
Both views are correct. We are talking VID 3.4 here, but also REBOL 
browser :-) It is not browser plug-in, nor html/css/js combo. Simply 
put - Carl wants VID 3.4 to allow both business UI, but also more 
traditional web-like UI.
To me it appears as if (and BrianH has stated this too), that the 
REBOL browser has presented Carl with a range of low-level issues 
that need to be fixed before he can move on. He's attacking the issues 
at both high and low level, by exposing R3 to real-world application 
development and seeing where R3 falls through. Some new functions 
in R3 are indeed made because of requirements from real-world R3 
standard libraries like VID3, such as DELECT.

He probably views it as much more expensive to correct R3 afterwards, 
and I think VID3.4 has profound changes in R3 just like Unicode had, 
so it's very important to get that right.
It was the lack of easy acess to S3 that caused me to finally bail 
from Rebol.  And it's still getting discussed..in PHP you can drop 
in a S3 class and be up and running in 5 minutes.

Face it, a language with no community is no language. And by community, 
I mean > 10000 daily users.

The shame is, Rebol is a great language.  Personally, I blame the 
license... the world changed, and failing to change with it is obscurity 
It's much more than the license, but RT is not unwilling to change. 
Apart from the core license, R3 fixes all other uptake issues. It's 
just unfortunate that it came to be a package deal that's hard to 
Maarten is working on S3 support.
As he said above.
Face it, a language with no community is no language

 I wouldn't judge REBOL's adoption rate purely by the number of people 
 who regularly post in this world. I receive a lot of email from folks 
 using stuff I've written in their day-to-day jobs and they don't 
 post here or to the mail list ... I've even spoken to a few startups 
 who are going into business primarily on the strength of REBOL and 
 "time to market". Whether a "killer app" will ever be REBOL-based 
 is the big question ...
I don't think we need x number of users to validate our own choices 
in using Rebol.
I'm not using REBOL based on its number of users. Never was.
I think Carl will find other things to do in life if interest falls 
below a certain level.
i don't think so ...
carl does rebol more for fun than for profits and since he gets fun 
and new ideas he want to build in rebol  there is no way rebol dies 
do amiga PCs stopped interresting people the day the company closed 
not at all you still now in day have fan of it that tweak it for 
educational purpose or research
and rebol is intemporal like all languages. But yes we can say it's 
unknown and that's in my opinion a pitty.
What solutions we have to make rebol better known ? hum .... vast 
question and many ways to answer it
better known means more visibility more people claiming they use 
rebol because it's the best and nothing else ...
but quite franckly for the end user what ever the language is until 
the software he use feets his needs ...
now you have several scripting languages and most of them are a "success" 
 because of their easy interoperability like lau or VB script...
or python
and some other are succes because of their specialisation like PHP 
 wich outside a web server can't exist
and some other because simply you don't have accès to the source 
code like java (yes I know ....)
but the least we can say it that Carl is not so wrong in his vision 
because the need to extrapolate the hardware and the software is 
a more and more a need in software making industry those20 past years 
you get a lot of  scripting languages created
With out the community we have here I would not get too far with 
REBOL. Most of the apps I try to make can not be done out of the 
box without a lot of expertise and code add-ons that I get from you 
guys. For a novice reboler the community is essential...there really 
is no other source.