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I'm experienting until the skin is done. Anything can change at any 
time if I find that a particular element is not working or if I get 
a better idea along the way.
I am doing some background experimentations with your screenshots 
in primitive Windows painter :-) With my color (mild themes of orange, 
or water, sky, gradiented, the UI works ....)
ok :-)
Pekr, some answers.

- The make-panel function is currently used internally by most of 
the group-like styles during their creation.

- A panel will resize its contents when it is resized, a plane will 
maintain a fixed internal size and provide a scrollable surface with 
scrollbars if its external size gets smaller than its internal size.

- No, it is not easier to distinguish resizable states that way. 
For one thing, that requires more typing. For another, a plane is 
a compound style with extra internal faces for the scrollbars, while 
a panel is not. Simpler styles are faster and easier to debug. They 
already share most of their internal code, so it is no big deal to 
add another style.
I'm confused by these statements in Docbase:

 "1. The READ-STRING function is a temporary function used to read 
 files and convert them from binary (and possibly in Unicode format) 
 into a string datatype."

I thought that the string datatype was now UTF-8 encoded.
What is thick-skin good for? I really can't firnd practical example 
usage for that. I would instead prefer behavioral changes, e.g. being 
able to animate style, without change to style low level ...
Peter, binary mode is the default for READ.

READ-STRING looks at the binary and tries to interpret it, checking 
for unicode format (and maybe other formats), before converting to 
rebol string, which internally is UTF-8.
Thanks, Anton. I should have included the second note :

2. Although the REBOL kernel does support Unicode, the graphics library 
does not yet handle unicode strings.
So does this mean that the graphics library is still treating a string 
as being 8-bit encoded?  No doubt according to the current Windows 

does READ-STRING convert  utf-8 to whatever 8-bit encoding the graphics 
library is using?
BrianH: with new DocBase example, we can see view/across, which changes 
the layout direction. Is there also across/below keyword in VID directly, 
as in VID2?
puting widget organisation into the view command ???  and if a want 
to mix below things and accross other things in the same pane I'm 
fucked ?
i put an example of that kind of mixed below and accross organisation 
of widgets in same pane and notice a bug
shadwolf - how do you know it is or is not possible? :-) That is 
why I am asking about it :-)
http://www.rebol.net/wiki/GUI_Note_-_Shapes_in_DRAW_Blocks- I think 
that we should be aiming at graph based low level AGG based design, 
with the ability to cache various nodes. IIRC Cyphre was talking 
about something like that, but not sure it is implemented ... good 
that such low level things are explained though ...
pekr, no across or below available in the dialect itself (yet).
Henrik - thanks for the info, but anyway - eh, why to have it at 
'view level, which gives you the possibility to adjust the direction 
only once? Hmm, maybe it makes sense, because at panel level you 
can use panel, or group to "change" orientation, although those styles 
serve different purposes ...
Pekr, I'm not sure if it has been decided yet whether they go in 
or not. If Carl misses them enough, they might go in. GROUP does 
all what they do, though.
I also noticed change from 'acts to 'reactors :-)
SCROLLER now has a tiny bit of intelligence: It will scroll the first 
face that responds to ON-SCROLL if one precedes it earlier in the 
layout code.


view [text-list-box [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] scroller]

will automatically attach scroller to the text-list-box and scroll 
view [text-list-box [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]  text-list-box [1 2 3 4 5 6 
7 8] scroller]

will only scroll the last text-list-box.
so no 'attach keyword?
not needed there
Henrik - is there general 'list style, so that e.g. text-list is 
based upon that?
I've not studied it yet, so I don't know how lists work.
aha, never mind. I was just curious, if there is one, if it supports 
iterated faces, or not ...
string! internally is NOT utf-8 in R3.
Oops. Isn't it utf-16, at least when necessary ?
Thanks for that clarification Gabriele.Though iIt does rasie the 
question what is the format of string! in R3?
As far as your code is concerned, a string! will be a series of Unicode 
codepoints. Internally, who cares? The implementation of string! 
is likely to be the same as the native implementation on the platform 
is running on, or whatever is more efficient. I think that string! 
is now UTF-16 on Windows, and the symbols behind word! values are 
internally UTF-8.

Still, it doesn't matter what strings are internally because AS-STRING 
and AS-BINARY are gone. All string-to-binary conversions will need 
encoding. REBOL scripts are going to be UTF-8 encoded though, as 
I recall.
It turns out that one of my earlier answers was not quite accurate. 
Though the implementation of plane and panel are different, it turns 
out that plane is actually less complex than panel rather than the 
other way around. The plane style doesn't need to be complex because 
scrollers magically find the faces they scroll.
READ-STRING is a temporary function because it is intended to replace 
it with a full encoding and decoding infrastructure supporting multiple 
formats and encodings. Until then, we have READ-STRING and WRITE-STRING.
Pekr, being able to animate styles continues to have nothing to do 
with skinning :)
BrianH: could you try to explain, what the thick-skin is? I don't 
understand it from its description....
A thick-skin is changing the entire layout and interactive behavior 
of an app. Think Winamp 5+
Medium skins will be the most common, and it is currently intended 
for a medium skin to come bundled with more than one thin skin. This 
may change though. It is intended for a medium skin to be able to 
be designed by a non-programmer graphic designer.
In theory, medium skins could be non-app-specific, able to be applied 
to different R3 apps. Thick skins would likely be app specific, or 
at least specific to certain complex styles. At this point there 
aren't many complex styles because the design of the system tends 
to make styles simpler to implement than you would otherwise expect.
In what sense does thick-skin allow to change behaviour? Own reactors? 
The whole layout? The thing is, that I can't imagine practical case. 
Will thick skin be used to cover platform differences, e.g. scroller 
arrow positions, etc?
I think a medium skin will cover that well enough. Scrollers are 
currently implemented in a single face with draw commands.
You may be off in looking for practical reasons for thin skins - 
that is a reason why I chose Winamp as an example. Still, if you 
want a practical example, there is a Chinese version of OpenOffice.org 
that uses a vertical version of Office 2007's ribbon interface instead 
of OOo's menus. That is the kind of thing that would be possible 
with thick skins.
So thick skin allows complete change to layout, while the lower layers 
stay identical?
Yup. Complex styles are laid out like panels. Their layout is just 
as easy to change.
I disagree with "it doesn't matter what strings are internally". 
If Rebol3 is going to be extensible as promised, the internal representation 
of all dataypes matters.
If you want precise control of the content of string data, use binary. 
String! is no longer meant to be used for such tricks.
From file list example: "text-list files do [set-face ca read-string 
pick files value]" - where does the 'value come from? Is it internal 
facet of 'text-list style?
If by "precise control" you mean accessing a string! from C, how 
would you use binary! instead?
string! internals are not OS dependent afaik, and technically it's 
not UTF-16 either. currently, R3 switches automatically between an 
array of 8-bit unsigned values, and an array of 16-bit unsigned values. 
i assume a 32-bit mode will be added in the future as not all codepoints 
will fit 16 bits, though those that don't are very rare.
Peter, if you're talking about plugins, then you *won't* have *direct* 
access to the internal datatype representation, but there is always 
an abstraction layer. in any case, that abstraction layer hasn't 
been finalized yet, so, at this point it doesn't matter what strings 
are internally.
Thanks for the information, Gabriel. Yes, I was taking about plug-ins. 
It will be interesting to learn of the details once things have been 
worked out.
Is the array to 16-bit unisgend values effectively UCS-2?
Sorry that should have been :

Is the array of 16-bit unsigned values effectively UCS-2?