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[Plugin-2] Browser Plugins

And the demos don't work for me.
Do any of the demos work for FF ie. have they been updated for the 
new plugin?
Ok, thanks to hints from Volker, I got my chat working with the new 
plugin under firefox
Looks like the plugin now requires an absolute path to the launchurl 
.. if given a relative url, it attempts to execute off the local 
[unknown: 9]
Yeah Graham, I'm waiting for the same.  I think JoshM just needs 
to have a status report on IE, FF, SA OP.  Actually we need to do 
the same thing for Qtask (so I''m not ragging, just pointing out 
we ALL need to do a better job of keeping everyone updated).
OK, tried to Install on IE : falied.

- I have remove the old one and goes to the install page, clicking 
yes to the security request, but nothing !
- When I go again to the page, no request, no plugin running :-(
Win2k (uptodate) on IE6 (uptodate)
I have retried after removing file by hand (command line) and after 
flushing the cache : no more luck !
strange - it works here, DideC, I also removed plug-in by just deleting 
the files in C:\Windows\Downloaded program files
rebooted? if you have some hidden ie running, it may not look for 
new plugins.
hmm, mozilla plug-in installed (Seamonkey 1.0.1), but instead of 
demos, I can see only a vertical black line ...
(using non installed version of Seamonkey - just unzipped ...)
Josh - please revisit the "Find out why" - the content is no more 
actual there ...
Until the news are old, I would like to submit plug-in news to Osnews.com 
I would wait until it's more stable, Pekr.
but - we need some cooperation here first:

- change of "Find out why" document

- change of docs to reflect how to go via proxy ...., using user.r, 
making user.r example downloadable

- revisit demos - removing most user demos which are not working, 
making some nice visual demos from Contest running in plug-in ...
Thanks Anton, that way my last point - should we wait, or no ...
anyway - I would like to get name of person, who can we contact in 
regards to above mentioned things ....
hmm, can't get plug-in working at my work in any way ... maybe our 
company cache involved, refers to old .cab6 file .... manually adjusting 
the page to latest object settings did not help either .... just 
wanted to ask, if there is still anyone with problems in regards 
to latest plug-in release, or am I alone?
I guess all the pages need new tags
I was unsuccessful getting the plugin to work on XP + Firefox so 
far. I didn't try very hard yet, though.
Have you noted there are two tags, and you have to edit both? or 
does not eventhe install-page work?
not even the install .... it worked at home - WinXP, but not at work 
- both notebook with W2K (no proxy) and PC with W2K (behind the proxy)
two tags? one for mozilla (embed) and one for IE (object), no?
Did not notice ihave to change both urls. Thought others did not 
notice too maybe ;)
my older mozilla on notebook - 1.6 was in strange state - after finishing 
the mozilla, one of its processes remained in memory .... I will 
update ...
Hi all....
First off, thanks for all the feedback. It's good to know the plugin 
is broken in so many places. LOL.
well, at least hopefully rebol itself is  not broken :-) Once we 
get plug-in to more polished state, it will rock :-)
Here's a few general notes:

 * You absolutely MUST uninstall the previous release completely (by 
 closing down your browser, maybe restarting, etc.) before attempting 
 to install the new release. Otherwise, you're asking for major trouble.
	* You must change LaunchURL in *both* the EMBED and OBJECT tags.

 * Old demos don't work with the new plugin, and practically no existing 
 site will work with FF. This is because FF requires the EMBED tag.

 * Please don't announce this release to the world yet.. As you can 
 tell, we've still got a long ways to go before we are really solid.

 * I'm going to try to go through each of you're trouble cases, just 
 tell me if I miss you....
james_nak: To install manually on FF, download the Opera zip package 
and extract everything to %ProgramFiles%\Mozilla FireFox\plugins. 
You must extract it to the actual plugins dir, not a subdir.
Graham: please post repro steps for the illegal operation error.
Josh - not sure if it is too early or not, but maybe we should start 
to coordinate a bit - I mean - docs, user demos - remove not functioning. 
We need to be ready, that once we release, we have nice, and mainly 
ONLY functioning demos there. Then someone could write multiple instances 
bouncing ball, probably Cyphre :-)
Volker: do-browser simply executes a line of javascript within the 
context of the HTML page. Whatever security settings apply to javascript 
running within <script> tags in the page apply to do-browser code.
Good. Was not sure about that context, wanted to be sure its the 
one of the  html, not something with plugin-rights.
Allen: read-via-browser is a thought, but limits the "magic" of REBOL, 
no? I'm open to thoughts here....the signed scripts only idea is 
interesting to me....
Brock: I'm not sure that test.html has been updated yet....need to 
check on that....
Brock: I have the plugin installed and working great on both browsers 
here, but who cares right ;-)
can java-script open the socket? because rebol can by simply open 
tcp://1234 .... will be catched by firewall, if present - but would 
that be regarded a security problem? How far do we go with limiting 
rebol? It would be good to slowly get to rebol's security bigger 
picture, to prevent the final solution being inconsistent ....
Graham: We'll look into changing the test image....maybe we'll add 
the version # so we know if the new plugin is installed....
Volker: That "wait time" may be due to the new auto-update feature, 
which checks for a new update at RT's servers every day. Do you notice 
a speed improvement on subsequent uses of the plugin within the same 
Ingo: Pages have to be updated manually to work with FF.
Volker: Object ID hasn't changed from beta-6 to beta-7.
Volker: Uninstall is easier with IE (although I have noticed a few 
bugs with that), but FF/Mozilla simply doesn't support uninstallation. 
Thay say that plainly on their plugin info web pages.
Volker: Repro steps on that memory leak would be great. Thanks.
Graham: Good catch on the launch URL relative path problem, need 
to research that....
'wait: its 'wait, the rebol-function, not witing on launch. I have 
a loop
  forever [ wait 0.05 sim-step ]

that works with rebol-exe, but with plugin the wait takes a few seconds 
instead. but its a more complicated script, have not tested this 
 simple example.
DideC: Do you see "REBOL/Plugin for Internet Explorer" in "%WINDIR%\Downloaded 
Program Files" (when you navigate via Explorer)?
Pekr: The docs do need to be updated. We're working on that.