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[Plugin-2] Browser Plugins

Isn't a security document supposed to be available for comment soon?
what is the current way to get plugin running? moz by copying files 
and ie no 1.3.2 because of certificate?
[unknown: 9]
Tell me where I'm missing it. The goal of the plugin is to provide 
an environment for REBOL apps to run within an HTML page. It has 
nothing to do with download.

This is the second time you have paraphrased what I wrote in a way 
I can't tract.

R: I can't wait to be able to click on a ".r" file and have it just 
pop up and go.
J: How does double-clicking on a r file relate to the plugin?
J: It has nothing to do with download.

I don't know why you mention double click, nor do I know what downloading 
has to do with this.

Perhaps we can get on the same page by simply answering my question… 
when someone comes across a .r file, what happens now?
Graham: Yes, it was. I apologize for the delay. We are working on 
other features first. That security doc may take a few more weeks.
Volker: Mozilla will soon include a better installation experience. 
IE 1.3.2 was released a while ago.
You can download IE 1.3.2 from http://www.rebol.com/web-plugin.html.
i somehow get only the  1.4.47 with ie. where to look, and what tag 
to use?
Volker, did you uninstall the old version first?
hmm, that may be it. maybe i hit some older page, is the old plugin 
still  online?
You have to uninstall the old version first. It's not really that 
the old plugin is still online, it's that IE doesn't check for a 
new version and just loads the old one.
To uninstall, go to \Windows\Downloaded Program Files via Explorer. 
Right-click on "REBOL/Plugin" and click Remove.
We're fixing this for the next release, not to worry.
about firefox, i can only launch one page, then it doesn start again. 
is that normal?
Volker: That is a known bug. It will be fixed in the next release.
Reichart: What happens now? If the View EXE is installed, it launches 
and opens the .r file. If not, nothing happens.

That is the ideal scenario. I manually associated .r files to the 
View EXE, so I don't know if it does that on install or not. If not, 
that's a task for whoever owns the EXE installation. It has nothing 
to do with the plugin.
no rebol/plugin in that folder
Volker, really? Is the plugin working for you now? (go to http://www.rebol.net/plugin/tests/test.html)
Yes. And its 2.6.2 now. What did you do?! :)
LOL! I have no idea. You might have had a very very old version.
Maybe i reboted in the meantime, or something.
Yes, possibly.
Reichart: Actually, when I click on a .r file for download and press 
"Open", it launches View but doesn't open the file. Why? I have no 
idea. It looks like two things need to happen:

 1. Download should not trigger Open or Save -- this can be accomplished 
 by registering a MIME-Type handler upon EXE install.

 2. It should actually open the file -- maybe the EXE's not picking 
 up on the Open request for some reason.

These are legitmate issues, but they all relate to the REBOL EXE. 
I'm sorry, but it's just not my area. You'll have to pass this feedback 
along to Carl or whoever owns the Windows EXE development for R3.0.
Or maybe you mean clicking on a .r file on the local computer? Again, 
that's the responsibility of the EXE to register itself as the MIME-type 
On network its related to the server too. usually it says *.r is 
text/plain. with application/x-rebol it launches rebol IIRC (clicked 
here and there and now does something else anyway).
Yes, again, please pass that feedback on to whoever owns the EXE.
yup, wrong group.
as for browser mime-types, e.g. in Mozilla, you can add your own 
ones, e.g. application/x-rebol and point it to exe. Then it will 
work imo ONLY when web server sends it with that mime type. In other 
case, it will imo provide you with save-as dialog box ...
usually shows source. you get save-as/execute with application/x-rebol.
(but view-group? its exe)
[unknown: 9]
Lets come back to my original statement "I can't wait to be able 
to click on a ".r" file and have it just pop up and go."

You seem to be getting side tracked with assumptions or something.

Q: Reichart: Actually, when I click on a .r file for download and 
press "Open", it launches View but doesn't open the file. Why? I 
have no idea. It looks like two things need to happen:

A: And what should happen, and what 60-90 people will expect to happen 
if this is to be "part of the web" is that it does exactly what Flash 
did (which is now part of FF), and most other plug-ins do, which 
is ask you if you want to install a Rebol plug in.

If the person says yes, then it does its thing, goes back to the 
original .R file, and pulls it in and runs it.

If you are a nerd, you can go screw with your settings to make it 
first ask you if you want to:
O View source 
O Run now

Q: These are legitmate issues, but they all relate to the REBOL EXE. 
I'm sorry, but it's just not my area. 
A: No, it seems this is 100% the plug-in. 

Let me ask a different "set" of questions that might make this all 

When will we all be able to click on a ".r" file (and by .r I mean 
a link that is actually a wrapper with all the crap needed to know 
what to do), and it will ask you to install the plug-in, handle all 
that crap, and it will go back and get the .r file and run it?
launches View but doesn't open the file

 here it launches, IIRc it did that immediate without me setting something 
 (now i prefer editor by  default, so cant check).

and by .r I mean a link that is actually a wrapper with all the crap 
needed to know what to do

 AFAK that is some html-markup, not *.r-created. On IE the plugin 
 installs automatically, on firefox that will come.

And plugins and mime are two things, plugins run inside the browser 
and need some marku (AFAIK), mime-types are launched by  external 
apps (rebol if the server says its application/x-rebol)
from http://www.rebol.net/plugin/tests/test.html: <OBJECT ID="RPluginIE" 

WIDTH="360" HEIGHT="444">

   <PARAM NAME="LaunchURL" value="http://www.rebol.net/plugin/tests/test.r">
although, thinking about  it, i guess a plugin can catch mime-types 
Reichart, I think I understand where our confusion lies.
There are two distinct issues that we need to seperate:
	1. "Automatic" installation of the plugin.

 2. Detecting and running a .r file. And by ".r" file, I mean a link 
 to a REBOL source file -- NOT a wrapper page or anything else (that 
 is really HTML and not a .r file).
[unknown: 9]
Yup....now, when will we have flash like complete plug-in support?
To simplify the issue, let me pose a scneario. Joe has a fresh copy 
of XP, no REBOL nothing. He clicks on a .r file. You want the plugin 
to install itself and open the .r file inside the browser window. 
Am I understanding your goal?
[unknown: 9]
To simplify the issue, let me pose a scneario. Joe has a fresh copy 
of XP, no REBOL nothing. He clicks on a .r file. You want the plugin 
to install itself and open the .r file inside the browser window. 
Am I understanding your goal?

No, I want it wrapped.  The ".r" is simply a reference point, since 
we don't have a word for a Rebol executable script.  Want to call 
it ".rrs" (Rebol run script) or something?  Flash calls theirs SWF, 
FLV, etc.
Ahh OK I understand. Well....we can look at developing something 
like that.
However, I don't understand why the current approach doesn't work 
for you. Why not just make a HTML page that has the plugin OBJECT 
tag, it will download, install automatically, and then run the .r 
[unknown: 9]
Do you have a link to a page where I can test this now?
Every plugin page works that way. When you include the OBJECT tag 
mentioned above, it downloads, installs automatically (with user 
permission), and runs the .r file in LaunchURL.
Using Object or Embed tag is the only way to tell the browser to 
download plugins. This is the default behaviour and IMHO Rebol plugin 
should follow it. No more, no less.
If newer versions of the plugin aren't compatible with previous, 
should have different classid. So I can (as webmaster) decide which 
version use.
Davide: Agreed. That is our approach. I'm open, however, to alternative 
ideas, if there is a realistic justifiable scenario.
Josh is it possible to call rebol function from javascript ? i.e. 
expose a function "eval" so when I click an html button I can call 
a rebol function.
Davide: Interesting idea. Didn't think of that direction. We'll add 
it to the proposed feature list....if others want this feature please 
chime in.
If this is possible, I could build html interface and use rebol instead 
of javascript and ajax.
Can you give me a little more detail on a proposed scenario so we 
can see how compelling this is?
[unknown: 9]
Do you have a link to a page where I can test this now?