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[!Liquid] any questions about liquid dataflow core.

I just want to share this cause I'm all excited... 

I've been working a lot with liquid recently and I think I've just 
tought of an algorithm which would allow "atomic" multithreading 
using liquid.

it would mean building a kernel which manages the nodes, but basically 
several threads would creep up a liquid processing network in an 
async manner and resolve branches out of order, based on a thread 
semaphore and a stack to realign dependencies...  

If this works... It means Elixir OS could possibly have a multithreaded 
kernel, resulting in ALL applications becoming multihreaded without 
any specific coding needed by the developpers.  :-)

adding a few networked services... you could leverge an entire cloud 
(render farm) without even having to code a single specific line 
of cloud and thread stuff, and this would be directly embeded at 
all levels of the OS down to the button properties... cause even 
the most basic gui properties are built up of tiny liquid nodes...
Sounds cool :)
its going to be a really brain numbing kernel to build, but I really 
see the whole flow in my head.  It doesn't feel impossible like random 
compression so far. ;-)
imagine it like if the kernel, knowing what functions are eventually 
going to be called, pre-emptively starts a concurrent stack and executes 
some stuff in advance, and then inserts the results just as the original 
thread encounters it.  now imagine this using 8 threads in parallel...

brainfuck anyone  ;-)
whenever two parts of a piece of code aren't interdependent, ex:

ctx: context [b: "111" prt: func [ data ][ print data return 77]]
result: call-some-func 66
ctx/prt result 

they can be forked independently... here both lines 1 and 2 can run 
concurrently, so that the third line, when encountered will already 
have its results, all it needs to do is make sure both ctx and result 
are done.  if it has to wait, then that line is put on the stack 
and the thread jumps to another part of the code in need of processing 
(possibly a part of  call-some-func() can be run concurrently.

when all upper dependencies are met, threads start popping back to 
parts of the code waiting down the stack. until all the code has 
been flushed and the last line of the initial function is all that 
is left to execute.
so instead of having a kernel using a stack its using a tree.  Am 
I right in saying that  this is a shift from the turing machine? 
Take a look at petri-nets.
I have, but I think I should find a good book about them, cause I 
admit what I read about them never fully makes them obvious to understand.
sounds interesting ...do you intend to do some experiments ? I would 
also be interested to know if you will release some new examples 
of liquid.
some commercial stuff using liquid will be released publicly in a 
short while (within a few weeks maybe sooner).
what do you mean commercial...stuff you have doen for clients or 
apps you are selling?
client work which will be released as open source.
sounds cool...eager to check out...
I'm really excited... this is probably the furthest I've pushed liquid 
outside of elixir and so far, its the most stable part of my development 
cycle.  View being at the other end of that spectrum.
coming back to your reflexions on a liquid based processing network, 
it recalls me a distributed code programming language : "wave system", 
developed in the 90's, and allowing to spread a code in a large and 
unstructured network for neighbour to neighbour, wher each node executes 
a part of the code, and provides a part of the information requested, 
and transmits. It is unfortunately difficult to find info on this 
system, which was developed by Peter Sapaty. It seems that it was 
recently used in a light version for network problems studies : "wiseman" 
http://www.ece.ubc.ca/~vleung/IWCMC2008Keynote VLeung.pdf , 
and http://www.ece.ubc.ca/~sergiog/wiseman/WisemanManual.pdf
very interesting talk  I'll read it to the end  its close to my idea 
for sure  :-)
just thought I'd share that I've successfully optimized liquid by 
a huge margin, just by removing all the verbose print statements 
in the code.

10 minutes of deleting code... equals to an order of magnitude more 
responsiveness in some items of a graphic application I'm working 
on !

if only all of life where this simple  ;-D
Max, I will bite the bullet and will see if I get a graph engine 
done in C and attched to R3 via an extension.
I'm sure you can  :-)
note that I already have access to a fully functional and highly 
optimised C-based graph engine which allows me to create billions 
of nodes, and much more.  

Integrating that system into REBOL is part of my current contract 
Will you tell us what engine it is?
I expect it being Max own implementation ... Liquid, globs, and all 
his stuff ...
In C? I doubt that...
Nope, it's C (or maybe C++, I forget). He prototyped it in REBOL 
then went native for speed/scale.
its not my engine, and am not at liberty for now... it will become 
public at some point though, its not my code, so I'm under NDA.
Ah, too bad. Still, sounds fun :)
The engine will use liquid's flexible interpreted messaging overlayed 
on the other graph engine which I will use for scalability in sheer 
volume of connections and nodes I can allocate.  just a portion of 
the tree usually needs to be in RAM at any given time, and in fact, 
parts of processing tree can now reside on different computers since 
the graph engine is refered to... it should be quite fun to use.

this will be tied in to the OpenGL and scream core scene-description 
engine as one cohesive toolset.

in this system, the binary nodes will actually be optional and should 
be invisible when used from the rebol application's point of view.