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[!Liquid] any questions about liquid dataflow core.

the trick is to implement the "rules" within the aspects themselves. 
basically returning some kind of error (or warning) when some rule 
is broken within a node.  (going above some limit, impossible selection 
based on race, etc)
using this technique, I was able to do skining which is independent 
of the gui engine underneith.  one only has to support the aspects 
in his skin and the skins (and gui using them) remain valid, even 
though you are running on opengl or vid.
sorry for the long post... hope I make sense.
I did try the tutorial, but I was stuck beyond the !sum example. 
 I think I just need to actually see something more complex to figure 
it out.
I'd like to try the ground work that you created,
I am not familiar with aspect-oriented programming, so if you have 
some suggestions on what to read to learn more, that would be helpful
hum I just did a bit of googling for it ... can't remember ... IIRC 
a few good references on wikipedia.
But a more complex example would be very helpful, otherwise I'm dead 
in the tracks
yeah I understand... really I do.

as I used to say... "I buit it, and it works really well... but I 
still don't know how to use it !"
paradigms shifts are never easy to face.
but I have spent many hours using liquid, testing it prototyping 
it, and even building an OS Operating Environment with it...and I 
now know its a viable idea.
so... I'll do this for you this week-end (since I have time  :-)
I'll build up a quick and dirty aspect-driven, character creation 
tool  :-)
That would be great
with a gui.
I'ts going to be View only (actually probably direct faces)
in order to leave any gfx issues out of the understanding of the 
sure, of course
I also have a simple graphics package which uses AGG directly with 
liquid, so I'll use that to further show liquid ties in from end-to-end.
basically, the gui will be plugged-in to the aspects directly, and 
the aspects data entry will also be plugged-in directly to the gui 
no VID.  just AGG  ;-)
ok, well... guess I'm going to log off now... I have work to do! 
SOunds great!  If you can't get it finished, at least show me a sizable 
component of it so I can get some ideas
what I'll do is post all of this on rebol.org, so the whole world 
gets  a view of it  :-)
I've been wanting to do this for ages.... but having someone actively 
looking out for it... makes it much more compeling to do  ...
I'll announce it here when the first parts are available.
hehe, just remember, I'm stuck here doing nothing until you finish 
i'm excited
I'm working on it...  :-)
I have a double set-back though... the old aspect code was for a 
previous version of liquid...
and it was profoundly prototypish, I realise.  not enought comments 
for me to even remember how to use... so I'm scanning my old test 
code in order to make it much more usable.
note... the test application is called glass.r   ( an infamous name 
if there is one  ;-)
hehe, yeah, I'm starting to finally fix all my poor coding practices, 
especially with naming.   Anyways, sounds good,  again, you don't 
need to do the whole char gen or anything, but just a good chunk 
for me to see how to put things together
One note:  on http://www.pointillistic.com/open-REBOL/moa/steel/liquid/plug/plug-reference.html
 when I use Opera, nothing after section 2.1.1 gets displayed.  Works 
fine in Firefox though
But I want to see glass.r ;-)
strange, cause its a static html page ... just one or two table.... 
in this case... I must say that opera seems to be the issue  ;-)

did you try reloading the page?
btw wrt the old code, I realised the issue... I had cleaned up the 
lib, and stopped half way....   so the naming changed, a few features 
missing... :-(
fixing it up... will have something during the week..  its the fabled 
week of at school... so I'll have my kids with me the whole week...
of = off
ok, so I have something to send to you... what I have is not really 
usefull to send to rebol.org without any kind of discussion, documentation. 
 I did something different than expected.  I just built a simple 
dataflow driven fsm engine which switches aspects on demand.  then 
I defined aspects which operated on a face, and made a very simple 
feel which sets the various states.
this is the whole feel:
	feel: make feel [
		engage: func [face action event][
			switch action [
				down [fsm/set-state 'pressed]
				up [fsm/clear-state 'pressed]
		over: func [ face action pos][
			either action [
				fsm/set-state 'over
				fsm/clear-state 'over
the dataflow takes care of calling any aspect which are built up 
from linked nodes.  basically, you build up a stylesheet by connecting 
nodes together and can branch off at any point, simply reusing the 
previous styles as a base... the cool thing is that the styles aren't 
absolute, you can define more than one style for a single state, 
so that a series of nodes can handle only the edge, others the color, 
yet you can include both in another style  (in my case, the base 
style has both)
I'll add a few more aspects to the system to show how this all scales, 
tomorrow and send you a copy.   :-)
next step will be to add some data to manipulate... I'll do a character 
attributes builder.  all 6 stats with a +/- counter besides each 
which you press and all the display magically adapts, even stopping 
the buttons when out of range, or no more points to attribute   :-)
all is built using direct faces... no VID no GLayout... just make 
face []   so you can understand exactly what happens, and realize 
how easy it is to replace VID, even in R2.
So are you not using !plug for the examples?s
Or your just talking about the graphical portion?
Any news?   I'm curious to see your examples...