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[!Cheyenne] Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server

IIRC there was/is something called Magic as well. How is Magic related 
to RSP?
Magic is separate templating system. Don't remember it much, maybe 
that I just did not like it ... can't accept any system, mixing programming 
code and html.
Magic has a more complete framework
You can program wigets into the web page
I've been using rsp for a few small projects but I do not know its 
full capabiltiy. Yesterday I wrote a counter in two lines of code.
RSP is the best way and the faster inexecution/response time (instead 
of Apache cgi, it doesn't need to load rebol and your init library 
at each request), to do dynamic stuff with Cheyenne. The API is very 
sleek and you can read about it in the downloadable documentation 
part of Cheyeene download.
If you haven't, you should at least give it a try, you wont regreat 
! assured! 8-)
I have an Atom semantic network db  framewerk that's nearly ready 
for incorporation into Cheyenne.. check out the !Atom group for more 
Perhaps this is more a chat related issue.  How would you feel if 
you went to a site  index.html  (explicitly .html)  and later found 
out it was actually an rsp  file with an .html filename.   Is that 
dirty-pool in web land?  I'm asking as Cheyenne .rsp makes it so 
easy to keep track of page hits and there are no <script> tags required 
and no redirects etc etc. I haven't turned it on in production peoplecards.ca 
as I think it's dirty-pool.  Looking for other's opinions.
I encapped cheyenne and it appeared to run okay, but I got all sorts 
of odbc errors :(
You need Atom ;)
Hey Doc.. how does Embed work with the latest release?
Ok.. i have a rudimentary version of Atom running with Cheyenne.
There goes my weekend ;(
Anyone considered writing a phpBB in Cheyenne and RSP ?  Something 
that would be capable of hosting 1000s of users
Considered yes, have time to do it, no.
You may not have the time,  I might though :)
Has anyone tried running the actual phpBB from Cheyenne yet?  I got 
close to setting up a test head and then got distracted by news of 
DevBase.  I have visions of user.r being hosted on a Cheyenne/phpBB/mediawiki 
codebase, but I'd prefer to wait (just a little bit longer) to see 
what REBOL solutions may pop up out of the woodwork.
I've been burnt by phpBB when my server got hacked .. so never again
How hard can it be to write a simple BBS ?
We've got server side cookie handling, session support, db  ( mysql, 
postgresql ) and web server
Is this a PITL project ?
Do we need MVC ?
I'm guessing the hardest part is writing all the html that displays 
it all ...
I don't like phpBB as I don't line other such a php apps... they 
seems to be too bloated to me... I think it should not be dificult 
to do it in Rebol. But I don't have time as well.
This could well be something user.r could attack as a testing ground 
for a multi-coder multi-module development.  Do we extend RBBS.r 
or start from first principles.  If it's Cheyenne add-on development, 
I'm in.

If by MVC you mean version control, I'd like to wait and see how 
DevBase looks.  If you mean Model-View-Controller, I've had nothing 
but grief interfacing the REBOL MVC frameworks with Cheyenne due 
to the soon to be managed :) namespace problem.
therein lies the grief with using acronyms :)  I meant the latter.
This would be great .. it's something that people would use, the 
designs are all out there to model upon .. and we can get something 
quite limited up and running
But it may actually be PITS as when you're doing RSP, the code is 
limited to that page alone.
Re acronyms.  Yep, must remember to mention the full text at least 
once per post cycle from now on.  

More on the namespace issue in user.r chat; but I'd like Cheyenne 
to be given a pride of place status for word usage, equivalent to 
what we'll be following with our rules for dealing with RT's word 
usage.  i.e they win, we deal with it.  Go Doc Go!

Re BBS for Cheyenne.  I'd almost like to extend RBBS out to something 
more grandious, and at the same time extend the tutorial Carl and 
Gregg and Volker and Tom built up, but along with the CGI (or instead 
of) document the RSP side of it.
We don't want this tutorial to get too large, so we decided not to 
include certain features at this time. Some of them may be added 
as part of a future CGI tutorial.

        * User accounts (including user registration)
        * Browser cookies
        * Fancy message formatting
        * Message searching
        * File locking methods

so straight away we don't need file locking methods, browser cookies
Did you want to work with RBBS ?
or start afresh?
I'm using RBBS on peoplecards.ca so I may be in a conflict of interest. 
 Let's work with RBBS.  :)  But it's REBOL code; short and sweet 
and powerful.  A complete rewrite in Cheyenne RSP sounds tempting 
There is the rebolBB codebase too.  I just wasn't that big a fan 
of the use of IMAP.  And Vanilla is still pretty cool if not a little 
but neglected.
but = bit
no, nor me.
I can't get it working anymore .. and it doesn't like MS's imap implementation, 
nor AOL's free IMAP server.
where's the original RBBS.r script ?  Before it got modded by Dirk?
vanilla - not a bbs
ok, see it on your site.
Has anyone posted a message yet?
Umm, yes and no.  Spam.  I delete one or two a day and neglect it 
the rest of the time.
I found it easiest to just re-init when spam comes in, as the only 
real messages were me talking to me.
need some anti-spam techniques then
I tell you all the time, just insert the form using javascript. I 
do it this way and I had no problems with a spam yet.
Why don't you build it using Atom.. very straight forward, I have 
a few modules i could port.. and would make a good tutorial for everyone.
Motivated to add counter-measures.  Activated the PoL (Proof of Life) 
code.  I'll watch the logs for a while but I think the rbbs.r on 
peoplecards should now be closer to immune from the robot spammer 
that tagged me a few months back.

Terry; Might be a good idea.  Promoting Cheyenne, promoting Semantic 
Database and building something rebols can use for a forum all at 
the same time.  Many birds, few stones.