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[!Cheyenne] Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server

don't want to be judgemental just saying...not a big deal, but note 
that Apache uses the feather, far more neutral
Is there anything that would cause Cheyenne to crash? I've not yet 
tracked down the bug, but every time I click a specific link on one 
of my .rsp pages, it just dies and needs to be restarted. Unfortunately 
it's now gone so far that it seems not to want to serve pages anymore 
even though it's running. Under OSX, I get this log output:

Aug 20 23:31:16 Macintosh com.apple.launchd[136] (com.rebol.cheyenne[68207]): 
Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 68212 PPID 68210 

Aug 20 23:31:16 Macintosh com.apple.launchd[136] (com.rebol.cheyenne[68207]): 
Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 68211 PPID 68209 

Aug 20 23:31:16 Macintosh com.apple.launchd[136] (com.rebol.cheyenne[68207]): 
Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 68210 PPID 1 

Aug 20 23:31:16 Macintosh com.apple.launchd[136] (com.rebol.cheyenne[68207]): 
Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 68209 PPID 1 

Are there any file permissions, that if set wrong, would cause cheyenne 
to stop serving pages?
variable overvrite?
if you run on port 80, it's running as root so I don't see any problem 
with permissions
also php fastcgi support isn't 100% stable, mostly due to bad php 
fastcgi implementation
if you have a specific rsp that create the problem I'd be glad to 
have a look and test here
1. Variable overwrite is a possibility. 2. I don't use PHP fastcgi. 
3. If I could get Cheyenne to serve pages again, I'd be happy to 
recreate the problem. The server is (was?) running on port 80. I 
don't see what or how that could change
found it
got it to serve static pages, but rsp is still not running. I must 
go now, but I'll try continuing tomorrow.
got rsp running
about variable overwrite I would check first any of those present 
here http://cheyenne-server.org/docs/rsp-api.htmlspecifically "session" 
"resonse" and "request"
I use a Virtual hosted site. Does anyone else out there do the same? 
I'd like to confine my Cheyenne tests to a particular test site and 
not affect all the other sites. Yes, I suppose I could also do everything 
locally but it would be fun to have it "live and real." I'm wondering 
if anyone has some thoughts about this. I'm not a linux/apache wiz 
so I'm not sure if the httpd config can be set for a specific site 
or is it global?
What is what? Do you want to run Apache or Cheyenne? Do you have 
Apache virtual hosts, or a complete virtual server that you can install 
your own software on?
Kaj, I guess it is my ignorance. I thought Cheyenne ran under Apache. 
I have a GoDaddy virtual server that is running Apache but apparently 
I can also install my own software:
What can I install on my virtual dedicated server?

You may install anything you want to on your virtual dedicated server—as 
long as you do not violate the restrictions listed in your license 
Cheyenne is an independent web server, only aiming to match Apache's 
That said, I think it is possible to run different web servers on 
the same web site. For example, it is possible to have a leaner web 
server handle static content and have Apache handle dynamic content
You'd somehow have to configure one of your Apache virtual host for 
that, but I have no idea how to do that
Otherwise, you'd have to replace Apache and run Cheyenne instead, 
but I don't know if your particular GoDaddy plan supports that, and 
of course it would take down any other virtual hosts you are running
You could run all your virtual hosts on Cheyenne, but that depends 
on how complicated they are and if Cheyenne supports those configurations
You can run an HTTP proxy server on port 80 and run multiple instances 
of Cheyenne or other HTTP servers on other ports. The proxy server 
can route traffic to the appropriate Cheyenne instance based on configuration. 
nginx is lightweight and fast, and I have used it for this purpose, 
although my experience with it is limited. You can find more information 
here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_proxy
Looks good. I'll make sure to make that available for Syllable Server 
Doc?  Can you post quick download links for some variations of uber 
cool blue C logo you've created.  Perhaps one with a Powered By in 
your favourite forms?
Sorry Brian, I don't have that right now. I'll ask my gfx guy to 
make some "powered by" logos.
Robert: How does virtual domains work?
I'm not sure to understand what you want to know exactly, so I'll 
start with this : virtual domains are defined in the config file 
%httpd.cfg. See the default config file for syntax examples.
If you want to know how they are handled internally in Cheyenne, 
like any other web server, the virtual domains are extracted from 
the value of HTTP "Host" header, then they are matched against the 
domains defined in the config file. If no one matches, the 'default 
domain in config file is used.
I take a look at the config file.
How about putting the default config file on the website? I haven't 
found it and it would help people to see how things are configured.
The %httpd.cfg config file is in the source archive. If you have 
the Cheyenne binary only, it is wrote down in the same folder the 
first time Cheyenne is started. If you started Cheyenne from Window's 
desktop, Cheyenne will use C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application 
Data\Cheyenne\ to store its files.
Ok, but this requires that I download it, install it and than take 
a look.
Before doing all this I would like to be able to "decided" if it 
fits my needs.
The wiki, once filled, will be able to give you a deep view on all 
Cheyenne's features, until that, the source package is the best you 
can have.
You can also use this group to explain your specific needs and me 
or someone else could tell you if Cheyenne is a good fit or not.
The wiki, once filled.....
 that's so funny. 
1) Your code mostly just works
2) once filled.... it's the ultimate programmer's joke.
Well, unreachable goals are usually more fun ;-)
Maarten, I have between 100'000 and 200'000 rsp hits a day, many 
domains and subdomains, and other special configs, runs like a beautiful 
woman, no glitches, no problems, full speed, if it can help in your 
decision I can upload my httpd.cfg somewhere for you to have a look
ouch, that should have been directed to Robert, not Maarten 8-)
But Maarten is happy to know
One box, what's the CPU load, have you stress tested it (i.e. how 
far can you take it?)
Will, what do you do to get 200.000 hits a day?
travel oriented websites, rebol is generating static pages, cheyenne 
process dynamic rsp pages and tracks users (so one more rsp hit for 
every page static and dynamic)
Will, was it that Cheyenne instance who survived to a slashdot effect 
this year ?
yes, actually I was reading thru slashdot when I saw an article pointing 
to our server running Cheyenne, only then I went to look how that 
machine was doing (xserve 2x2.2GHz G5), I saw a little more cpu usage 
and  about 80 rsp requests/sec . I'd say rock solid! Go Dock Go (like 
Brian Tiffin like to say)  8-)
Good to know
I've been steering towards a similar architecture for web serving
Well, if Will can get his Cheyenne running so stable, I gotta figure 
out what the problem is here. I did mention before that I could make 
it crash (or is it just quitting?) by clicking a specific link on 
my website, but unfortunately it's not always repeatable. But it 
does crash regularly.
Does it output any %crash.log or %rsp-errors.log files in Cheyenne's 
working folder ?
If you link is pointing at a RSP page, can you send me the page source 
to ckeck it ?
I will check the log first and see if I'm doing something stupid.