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[!Cheyenne] Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server

I'm using stored procedures without problems
since Doc fixed some issues in his unofficial version
Updates made no difference...Having trouble with getting MySQL running 
properly too....Even XAMP is not wroking right. Must be something 
wacked on my computer or stuff running on WServer that I'm not aware 
of conflicting with this stuff.
Doc, any news on 0.9.19? I'd like to test it. Can test on OS X, OpenSuse 
64 bit, WinXP and Vista (32 bit)
I'm working on it today, I'll release a beta version in a couple 
of hours. Lot of fixes and improvements in this release.
New Cheyenne 0.9.19 beta version available for testing at : http://cheyenne-server.org/tmp/cheyenne-r0919.zip

Tested only on Windows  (my Linux image network has currently some 

ChangeLog (diff-ed from last test version) :

 o RSP: an HTTP redirection in 'on-page-start won't evaluate the page 
 script anymore.

 o CGI: mezz function READ-CGI now patched to be compatible with Cheyenne. 
	  the right way of reading POST data in REBOL CGI scripts.
	o RSP: fixed a bug in session/add when setting a block! value.

 o Task-handler: fixed a network error on first packet read (high 
 load + fast hardware).

 o Task-handler: TCP keepalive mode activated (test workaround half-closed 
	o Task-master: 
			o 'no-delay mode removed and replaced by 'keep-alive mode

   o now forks a new process as soon as one dies (not waiting for a 
   new request)

   o fix a long standing bug in queued job module name mismatching (can 
   happen under extreme load)
			o minor code cleanup

 o Uniserve: 'no-delay TCP network mode now switched off for all connections. 
 Fixes a

   stability issue on Vista and probably on UNIX with very high load.

 o RSP: fix a bug in 'decode-multipart when there's no file received.

 o UniServe: new logger service. Now all info or error logs, and debug 
 messages from

   CGI/RSP scripts are written in %trace.log. Additionnaly, you can 
   now log messages
	  using :
	  		- debug/print msg 	; msg [string!]
	  		- debug/probe value 	; any mold-able value
	  		- ?? word		; works like REBOL's '?? function
	  		- ? msg		; alias for debug/print

 o RSP: in debug mode, page generation time and SQL queries stats 
 now added at bottom
	  of pages.
	o RSP: error in events from %app-init.r now logged.

 o RSP: fix a rare RSP freezing issue when an error occurs in %RSP.r 
 (for example, by
	  a user script that breaks RSP sandbox).

 o RSP: sanboxing now protects from Exit/Return/Break calls made outside 
 of a
	  function context.
	o RSP: %misc/rsp-init.r file removed.

 o RSP/CGI: New config keyword added in global sections : 'worker-libs. 
 It lists the

   librairies to load when a worker process is started. An optional 
   'on-quit section can

   be added to call cleanup code when the process quits. Examples :
	  		worker-libs [
			worker-libs [
				on-quit [

 o Task-master: now you can reset all worker processes without stopping 
 Cheyenne. This

   is usefull when you need to force non-RSP/CGI files reload (helper 
   scripts, 3rd party
			Windows : tray icon -> Reset Workers

   UNIX : kill -s USR1 <pid>	(<pid> is Cheyenne's main process ID)

  o Added a -w command line option to set the worker processes number. 
	  		$ cheyenne -w <n>		(n [integer!] : CGI/RSP process number)

    Use -w 0 to help debug CGI/RSP code by resetting worker processes 
    after each request.
	   (it's like calling "Reset workers" after each request).
Complete changelog is available in %Cheyenne/Changelog.txt.
Command line option -debug has been replaced by -w 0
I'll release Windows and Linux test binaries tomorrow.
[unknown: 5]
How is fast-cgi implemented via Cheyenne?
Great Doc! I am really becoming a fan of cheyenne + rebol for webapps.. 
I have 2 half working in the garage already :)
(and I used a lot of stuff and been developing webapps for >4 years 
for $$)
Looking forward to get back to Cheyenne/RSP too. Keep up the good 
work, DocKimbel.
Thank you!
Thanks guys for your kind support!
Paul: FastCGI is implemented at low-level as an UniServe client protocol. 
It should be able to communicate with any FastCGI server like PHP.
[unknown: 5]
Thanks Doc.
FYI : the new "Reset Workers" feature is not working well on UNIX, 
I'm working on it to fix it.
Cheyenne new test release delayed until tomorrow. Almost a dozen 
of fixes and useful improvements were added, mostly by Will (many 
thanks to him). So a little more time is required to run non-regression 
New Cheyenne test release 0.9.19 available. Please report any bug 
or regresson here.

Changelog (diff from previous one) :

  o RSP: fixed a security issue allowing access to /webapp/private/ 
  sub-folders content.

  o RSP/CGI: fix for HTTP 'Date header not being returned in some cases.(Will)

  o RSP Sessions: fixed an issue with init flag when saving sessions 
  on disk.(Will)
	 o RSP: now you can declare folders as valid login URL.(Will)
	 	Ex: auth "/admin/login/"

  o RSP: a new session word 'from has been added. It's set to the referring 
  URL on login.

    After login, you can now redirect to the referring page (in case 
    of session timeouts
	   for example).(Will)

  o RSP: a webapp can now be called without the ending slash.(Will)

  o RSP: the root "/" webapp can now be declared (needs testing).(Will)

  o RSP: new 'SID-domain config keyword added allowing to share sessions 

  o RSP: now session ID can be passed as URL or POST data in addition 
  to cookie.(Will)

  o New 'charset config keyword added. It allows to define specific 
  charset sent through
	   HTTP headers for 'text/htlm resources.(Will)

  o RSP: Added a new function no-log in Response object. Use it to 
  avoid writing
	   log info to disk for the current request.(Will)
	   		Ex: response/no-log

  o New 'mod-expire module for HTTPd. Allow configuring 'Expires HTTP 
	   See %Cheyenne/mods/mod-expire.r for more info.(Will)
Download links : 
- sources: : http://cheyenne-server.org/tmp/cheyenne-r0919.zip

- Windows test binary : http://cheyenne-server.org/tmp/cheyenne.zip
- Linux test binary : http://cheyenne-server.org/tmp/cheyenne.gz
Btw, the "Reset Workers" issue on UNIX has been solved in this release.
I've been asked to publish some stats for Cheyenne downloads, here 
they are (stats since 18 months) :

Source downloads : 978

Binaries downloads : 2372
   - Windows: 926  (39%)
   - Linux : 867  (37%)
   - OS X :  579  (24%)
Btw, here's some stats for cheyenne-server.org web site (online since 
jun-2008) :

Total page viewed : 48224

  - Static pages : 9824
  - Blog : 19179
  - Wiki : 19221
Doc, can RSP be used with other web-servers as well? I use lighttpd 
at the moment and would like to avoid changing my configuration on 
my production system.
Robert, one thing you can do for sure is reverse proxy rsp to cheyenne 
and serve static from lighthttpd 8)
Robert, write a few helper functions and use http://www.ross-gill.com/techniques/rsp/
that way you have overhead of launching/closing a process for every 
Maarten, thx. Didn't remember this one.

Will, well Rebol core is fast and it would be OK in the first place.
My code is scattered everywhere... it's a Darwinistic tactic
I'm using Cheyenne with Apache using the reverse proxy. Don't know 
it it's possible with lighthttpd. Let us know:)
Cheyenne's RSP with other web server : no. The reverse proxy technique 
works well.
Maarten, does your RSP version support things like session handling 
etc.? Is it updated to keep track with Cheyenne's version?
Of course not :-)
reverse proxy on apache2 with apache on one ip and cheyenne on another 
ip, put something like this in your virtualhost config:
	ProxyPass /00/core/
	ProxyPassReverse /00/core/ /media/
	ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /media /00/core
of course you'll have different ip and path
this one is a little different and a bit more expensive on resources, 
if a request doesn't exist (no file match, no folder match) proxy 
reverse to cheyenne:
	DirectoryIndex default.html index.html
	RewriteEngine on
	RewriteCond /Volumes/data/web%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteCond /Volumes/data/web%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
	RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://cheyenne.com$1 [P]
one advantage of proxy reversing is you can gzip with apache, rebol 
doesn't do that natively
of course you'll have to enable the proper modules in apache and 
for the first example, you only need ProxyPassReverseCookiePath if 
path do not match 8)
Do you guys advise running cheyenne behind reverse proxy or direcly 
on web in general? (if I would use reverse proxv I would try nginx)
New Cheyenne v0.9.19 test release available at http://cheyenne-server.org/tmp/cheyenne-r0919.zip.
This should be the last one before making 0.9.19 the new official 

ChangeLog (diff from previous one) :

    o RSP: fix in request/query-string allowing processing parameters 
    values passed through 'validate filter.

  o RSP: output of RSP scripts is now compressed (using deflate) if 
  the client supports it.

  o Default static files memory cache now set to 4Mb accepting files 
  up to 64Kb.

  o Mod-static: fixed a bug in Last-Modified date forming when seconds 
  = 0.
Proxy : I run all my Cheyenne servers directly on web. Adding a reverse 
proxy frontend like nginx might be usefull for heavy loaded sites 
(millions hits/day) or when you need load banlancing and fault tolerance.
aha, thanks, I will run it directly too then
Janko, Cheyenne is very fast (try benchmarking with siege or ab)! 
I have heavy loads and special configurations, it has been asked 
how to make it work with lighttpd, so the discussion.. 8)
Thank you Dock, I'll check new deflate asap 8)
Is there much overhead compressing pages before sending?  I know 
that most modern browsers support deflate...
The compression overhead is small compared to the time gained on 
the network transfert. Here's a study from intel on that question 
: http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/http-compression-for-web-applications/
I just measured loading times on CC using pages with 200 tickets 
listed. On average, before compression ~700ms, after ~300ms. (40ms 
latency between my PC and the server).
Good to know, thanks!
Download links : 
- sources: : http://cheyenne-server.org/tmp/cheyenne-r0919.zip

- Windows test binary : http://cheyenne-server.org/tmp/cheyenne0919.zip
- Linux test binaries : 
	o Enpro : http://cheyenne-server.org/tmp/cheyenne0919-pro.gz
	o Enface : http://cheyenne-server.org/tmp/cheyenne0919-face.gz
Will: that is exactly what I did when I tried to use it and saw the 
workflow/api very nice, then I tested the req/sec and I astonished 
reported here :) (1 month or so back)