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[!Cheyenne] Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server

Robert - dunno Cheyenne, but generally there is several types of 
cookies. Time limited, session limited (deleted by browser closure), 
and infinite ... IIRC (long time I last looked at the topic)
Yes, that's my understanding as well. That's why I want to cross-check 
what kind the session-ID cookie in Cheyenne is.
The cookie setter can specify a deletion date, in which case the 
cookie will be removed on that date. If the cookie setter does not 
specify a date, the cookie is removed once the user quits his or 
her browser.
So either lost or survive until a given date.
Are Cheyenne cookies encrypted? Would be nice IMO.
just wanted to drop by and say that I published alpha of my first 
mini cheyenne webapp and it is the most responsive app I ever made 
.. it is noted also when not on local comp and someone of 2 peps 
that tried it already wondered how come it loads so fast ...  this 
is minimal app so it looks more reasonable but I know a slightly 
bigger app that I am making behaves just as fast for now..  have 
to run.. will read this cookie discussion other time
Cheyenne's RSP uses browser session limited cookies. They are not 
written to disk and are lost when the browser is closed.
I don't see the point of encrypting session cookies, they are just 
random keys.
Janko, nice to know. Are you using the latest Cheyenne 0.9.19 with 
RSP compression support?
Encryption: I meant this to use for normal cookies.
Is HTTPS supported? If not, can I make use of lighttpd HTTPS support 
with this revers-proxy setup?
Cheyenne doesn't have built-in SSL support (Carl never enabled server-side 
SSL for ssl:// scheme). The "lighter" way to support that is to use 
a specific wrapper like stunnel. Lighttpd in reverse-proxy is ok 
too, but maybe overkill.
Cookies: I never store data in "normal" cookies, only keys that reference 
data stored on server.
I've used YUI with Cheyenne before ... but am now looking at a different 
Javascript library.

jQuery seems to have a lot of traction, and there is this great set 
of introductory videos on how to use it http://nettuts.com/articles/web-roundups/jquery-for-absolute-beginners-video-series/
Note that videos for days 8 and 9 don't work.
Just unpacked 19 again and ran it .. noticed this

16/2-16:33:37.109-# Warning in [RSP] : Include RSP failed: max inclusion 
level reached - file: %inc.rsp !
just running the demo testapp
Getting this when trying to load my login.rsp page in my webapp

16/2-16:46:24.353-## Error in [task-handler-49652] : Make object! 
    code: 303
    type: 'script
    id: 'expect-arg
    arg1: 'protected-exec
    arg2: 'code
    arg3: [block! function!]

    near: [protected-exec/event request/parsed/file get in session/events]
    where: 'fire-event
] !
all I did was create a new webapp directory and renamed the webapp 
directorie to point to the new directory.
Warning message: that's normal and part of the RSP script I use for 
testing. Currently the internal request forwarding system has a hard 
limit (4) on the number of recursive calls. When the limit is reached, 
a warning message is logged.
Error message: it looks like there something wrong with one of the 
'on-* handler in %app-init.r
When you renamed the webapp, did you update all the config options 
in %httpd.cfg accordingly?
Webapps: What is this and how does it work?
From faq:

A webapp is a directory in the webspace which is protected by an 
authentication cookie. It is specified inside the httpd.cfg, where 
there is a sample "testapp".
Well... what is "webspace"`? Is a webapp useable by all virtual hosted 
domains? And what do I do with it?
And how is the authentification cookie made, sent, ...?
It's something like framework... if you check the httpd.cfg, you 
can see something like:
webapp [
	virtual-root "/testapp"
	root-dir %www/testapp/
	auth "/testapp/login.rsp"

When you that access the server with starting with the virtual-root, 
it's proccessed by Cheyenne using the %www/testapp/app-init.r file 
where are several handlers which are processed by the process. So 
you don't have to for example think how to update session time etc.
Not sure I understand all this (yet). Let me start with a simple 
thing. :-)

Are there are any RSP examples to look at? I just need to get started 
and see how it works.
Would a simple file containing:

<% now %>

I can see that cheyenne processes this page via the revers-proxy 
setup but nothing is delivered. The browsers hangs and shows the 
progress bar.
Ok, I need to use PRINT to return something. Found it.

Hey Doc, give us some wiki logins to collect all these "documentaition" 
A webapp is just a container for a bunch of RSP scripts working together 
and protected from outside (you need to log in to get access). There's 
some events that can be used (defined in %app-init.r). There's also 
support for /public and /private sub-folders.
Btw, if you don't know how to build RSP scripts, you should first 
have a look at ASP or JSP online documentation, so you can get the 
concept and usage. RSP API can be found on http://cheyenne-server.org/docs/rsp-api.html
RSP examples, there's several examples in the %www/ folder.
If anyone wants to contribute to Cheyenne's wiki, just send me a 
private message and you'll get an account.
ok, found the problem.  I had some initialization stuff in the app-init.r 
which referred to the old direcctory.
Is there any way the app-init could be placed inside the httpd.cfg?
As a design principle, I don't want to have code inside the config 
file. Why would you need that?
Anyway, you could use request/config in 'on-* events if needed to 
remove static paths.
So I won;t forget about the app-init.r file :)
I'm now using Cheyenne as reverse proxy with lighttpd. Works great. 
All RSP requests are forwarded to Cheyenne.
I run several domains as virtual domains in lighttpd. And I have 
one document root for Cheyenne. The idea is to be able to add the 
same RSP page (like a shopping cart) to severl domains without having 
to duplicate the RSP code pages.
Is this possible? Does Cheyenne know anything about the domains document 
My directory layout is like this:
cheyenne (containing all RSP pages)
If a request to an RSP page via domain2 comes in, I would like to 
be able to reference directories inside the domain2 directory.
Why there is used 'launch for encaped version and 'call for the rest?
in uni-engine.r is used:
launch*: func [cmd [string!]][
	call join form to-local-file system/options/boot [" -s " cmd]
There must be -sq not just -s
'launch stopped working in 2.7.6 I think
You're sure? Don't remember reading that in the 2.7.6 changelog?
without the -q it's impossible to run the server as a background.