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[!Cheyenne] Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server

Still need some work for debugging and fine-tuning as said by Graham.
If any user wants to extend its capabilities to make a complete sendmail/qmail/postfix/... 
replacement, you're welcome.
MTA support much appreciated.
SVN r27

FIX: better integration of scheduler in Cheyenne's event loop.
FIX: bug fixes in deferred task (MX or SMTP retries)
In the www directory there's a demo file called email.rsp which you 
can use to test the MTA.  Change line 58 to your own from address.
This r27 is the first version that successfully attempts to resend 
a greylisted email ... so far it has retried twice to send my mail 
to google, but google keeps temp failing my mail :(  Guess my IP 
address is marked as a spam source.
Moved to a different IP adddress to test ..gmail still temp fails 
Does it return a 421?
Maybe the retry delay is too short (or too long)?
Yes... 421 I think 15 mins is too long for the retry ...i would think 
5mins is better.
I finally got gmail to accept mail from cheyenne.  I changed the 
from address in emai..rsp to one that matched the sending domain, 
and changed the greylisting delay retry period to 5 mins from 15 
mins.  It went thru after the 2nd attempt.
So, this could be an issue for a server with no mx record
of course applies to any MTA .. just not to cheyenne's.
I should add a From: field in %email.rsp. I'll set the retry delay 
to 5 mn also.
I was relying on info from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greylisting
about other MTA default delay :

Most open-source MTAs have retry rules set to attempt delivery after 
around fifteen minutes (Sendmail default is 0, 15, ..., Exim default 
is 0, 15, ..., Postfix default is 0, 16.6, ..., Qmail default is 
0, 6:40, 26:40, ..., Courier default is 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 35, 40, 
70, 75, 80,...). Microsoft Exchange defaults to 0, 1, 2, 22, 42, 
62 ...
I thought also to make increasing delay (instead of static) like 
Qmail or Exchange, but can't find any info online about the efficiency 
of this method. Any expert advice welcome.
Btw, if you're a Cheyenne user, that would be nice is you could tell 
it to ohloh.net here : http://www.ohloh.net/p/cheyenne-server
Ohloh seems to become trendy, not sure if it's a good thing or not, 
anyway Cheyenne is listed there so...
Across all R projects on Ohloh, 6.1% of all source code lines are 
comments. For cheyenne-server, this figure is only 0.4%. 
how many R projects are on Ohloh??
REBOL is not recognized by Ohloh's parser. It thinks that it's coded 
with R (statistical analysis language), so stats related to code 
are wrong.
Their parser is open-sourced : http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/ohcount/

Anyone interested in adding REBOL support? (requires knowing/learning 
There are a couple of projects by Volker referenced there .. but 
I didn't see any source code.
Ohloh is crawling in Google Code's and probably Sourceforge's repositories. 
Volker has a few projects in Sourceforge.
There's no REBOL in the drop down list of programming languages :(
You have to sign up, confirm your email, and then confirm your email 
subscriptions before you can add cheyenne-server!
Ok, cheyenne-server is now up to 2 users!
I'm need to get the name I assigned a face when I alt-click on it. 
I can get its style, offset, size etc but I do not see a way to get 
the face's name. More specificly I have multiple scroll-panels and 
I need to know the one I'm clicking in...
Sorry wrong group
I want to be able to use cheyenne's MTA from Rebol.
in email.rsp, modify the lines at 43 to this

	if block? file: param/file [
		file/1: to-file file/1
		if file/2 [
			attempt [
				file/2: to-file file/2
And this works ...

myname: "Graham Chiu"
myemail: [gchiu-:-compkarori-:-com]
toemail: [dontspamme-:-gmail-:-com]
subject: "testing Cheyenne"
msg: "Yes, this i a message"
file: "encap-paths.r"
path-to-file: %/c/chesvn/Cheyenne/encap-paths.r

result: read/custom http://localhost:7900/email.rsp reduce compose/deep 
	rejoin [
	"from=" (myname)
	"&from=" (myemail)
	"&to=" (toemail)
	"&subject=" (subject)
	"&msg=" (msg)
	"&file=" (file)
	"&file=" (path-to-file)
use whatever port your Cheyenne is running on
because I use duplicate cgi names .. ie. from and file, they are 
turned into a block when processed
And this means order is important
instead of 

if file/2 [

can try

if all [ file/2 not empty? file/2 ]
Nice idea! A REST-like interface to Cheyenne's MTA using the demo 
email form. :-)
yeah ... like FormMail.pl ... all spammers invited :)
I like the fact that I can pass a file! so that I don't have to figure 
out how to do a multipart upload to the mail.rsp script.
in email.rsp we have the following ..

	;-- check attach file and format it for send-email
	ten-mega: 10 * (2 ** 20)
	if block? file: param/file [
		file/1: to-file file/1

  either file? file/2 [	; check case where uploaded file has been streamed 
  on disk
			if any [not exists? file/2 ten-mega < size? file/2][
				print "Attached file not found or size above 10MB limit!"
			file/2: read/binary file/2
		param/file: reduce [param/file]
the either file? is missing the second conditional block .. I presume 
the first block checks to see if file/2 is of file type and the other 
type is binary
I guess change the 'either to an 'if
Also in chrome when you select a file, it just shows the filename 
... I wonder if and where it is storing the full path.
How can I stop the browser from caching the response/buffer ?  I 
set the response butter and content type, but the browser seems to 
be caching the buffer.
set the headers I guess
see the header I set in 'reform-headers here : http://code.google.com/p/cheyenne-server/source/browse/trunk/Cheyenne/mods/mod-action.r#
SVN r30 :

FEAT: MTA engine refactored, jobs are split in sub-tasks allowing 
more reliable and cleaner code.
FEAT: Default SMTP delay reduced to 5mn.

FEAT: MTA queue can now be saved on disk when server is restarted 
(persist [mail-queue])

FEAT: added native DNS async wrapper for UniServe (protocols/DNS.r)

FEAT: replaced blocking DNS calls for MX domain resolution by async 
DNS calls.

FEAT: 'on-mx event in DIG protocol now returns a block of all the 
declared MX.

FEAT: now all MX will be tried in right order by the MTA if connexion 
FEAT: improved SMTP logs by prefixing with a SMTP session ID.

FEAT: upload data in HTTPd limited to 2GB (max supported by integer! 

FEAT: 'email-info? RSP function return data format improved (see 
email.rsp header)

FIX: email.rsp minor bugs fixed and From: field added.
FIX: minor fixes in email.r library.

FIX: now uni-engine's logging level is also set by 'set-verbose function.
Due to heavy changes in the MTA engine, regressions can happen. All 
my tests are working ok so far.