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[!Cheyenne] Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server

Sessions (and especially session data synchronization) is the really 
hard part.
I'll be adding session support and integrated forms creation within 
a few days...
yep... the synchronisation mainly...
It would be so much easier to implement and so much more efficient 
if we had multithreading and a way to share data between threads.
sure... I've impleted some purpose built multi-threaded servers in 
python and its quite easy to do.  probably the last real limitation 
in REBOL right now.
I am thinking of building a session server for remark. an uber simple 
multi-tcp port server which implements liquid-net and synchronises 
the remark handlers, in a lazy way.  so unless the users are actually 
calling for pages.... no network traffic occurs between processes.
not as good as mem copies, but should still be effective and scalable.
it has the advantage of freeing the load from the web server so it 
can continue to stream data... and some client work using several 
inter-connected cheyenne servers actually provides good results, 
so I'm optimistic so far  ;-)
Doc, I don't know a lot about this subject so sorry if I ask stupid 
questions :) ... could it be made and would cheyenne benefit from 
using IPC like pipes to communicate between processes instead of 
(I used pipes just once so far so I don't know much about them)
BTW.. did any of you see the recent discussions about Unicorn ( a 
pure Unix philosophy webserver - that uses pool of processes .. etc.. 
very interesting blogposts in any manner, I can find links if anyone 
is interested. It reminded me a little on cheyenne too, although 
Unicorn has no async I think)
janko yes, IPC is another way to approach the issue, but the question 
is how easy would it be to use within R2?  have you successfully 
done IPC stuff within REBOL using a dll?
Pipes implies the same overhead of serializing data to be able to 
exchange it and AFAIK they  cannot be made async in REBOL (polling 
could be used instead but would affect whole server performances). 
Regarding session synchronization, it's the same complexity than 
Doc, have you ever made benchmarks of TCP xfer rates between two 
process, using Rebol?
integrated mod-remark in BIND directive  :-)
Doc is there any documentation on the directives dialect?
Dialect: no, but you can have a look in %mod-static.r, there's a 
lot of examples there.
I just don't see where some of the setup gets put...  for example...

[remark-debug in main]  .... hum... where is that information stored?
benchmarks of TCP between two processes : no, I never needed to mesure 
that speed because anyway, I don't have real alternatives.
main => directive has to be in domain or webapp config block
global => directive has to be in global section of config file
'location and 'folder targets are currently unsupported.
but I mean where does the information end-up?
loaded configuration file can be accessed from mod functions using 
this path: service/conf
Additionnaly, from mod functions, you can get your domain or webapp 
config block using req/cfg (you don't have to search in  the whole 
config file which part applies to the request, it's already done 
by Cheyenne).
ok... with this info I've done a few tests and I see the config files 
allows you to dump pretty much any thing anywhere... is the  'in 
keyword only for the 'do to be recognized within one of the setup 
ah just noticed a little "conf-parser" error line within the wealth 
of prints on startup  :-)  I see my previous statement isn't quite 
true  :-)   hehehe
if you're accepting ideas for cheyenne... it would be cool for the 
conf dialog to allow us to add items in the systray, which fork to 
a system event within the mod.  many uses for this come to my mind 
is there any documentation on the concepts of web-apps?  is this 
an rsp-specific cheyenne concept?
can I get a login for cheyenne's website wiki?  I would love to help 
you out with the docs, as I build up my mod...
extend tray icon menu from mod : good idea.
seems doable.
I'd use it to switch debug modes in real-time... and maybe even build 
a small view config/debug pane, if I detect a view version running 
very usefull for development cycles  :-)
Webapps: you can find some docs in the Java world (look for JSP/Servlets), 
concepts are similar to RSP webapps. See http://caucho.com/resin/doc/webapp-overview.xtp
View debug panel: I thought about that too a while back, never had 
time to try that concept.
doc - could bind or bind-extern be used to invoke CGI handler for 
.html files?
I'm adding a lot of debug options within the config file directives 
right now... would be nice to be able to give an interactive face 
to those options  :-)
Pekr: maybe, never tried such approach. ;-)
(for remark that is)
View debug panel: definitely a useful tool.
Doc - old story - need .html to be called thru central dispatch script, 
or the index.html can't be dynamic ...
pekr, remark will be doing this by days end.  specifically, the file 
is parse once, until its saved out and cache is older than source. 
 once processed, normal cheyenne will continue with remark simply 
handling the url-to-file callback.
Pekr: it would not work that way, the CGI handler in worker process 
will try to DO the file.
ok I looked at web apps... remark is basically an uber web-app architecture... 
all it needs are a few more configs.
I'll add this in the second release of the mod
pekr, why not just specify the index to be an rsp script instead? 
since it seems to be dynamic in the first place?
default: index.rsp
sorry... bad syntax above...

default %index.rsp
I want to thank you doc for this exceptional piece of software which 
is cheyenne.

I have been playing around with it for months, on and off, at varying 
levels, and its always been able to cope with my client's and my 
own needs. 

Both in capacity and how flexible it is to adapt and extend to custom 
server requirements.
Max - never mind. If I want to use only Cheyenne, it is not a problem. 
I was thinking around the lines of producing rebol aproach, which 
would be interchangable easily between Apache and Cheyenne, for those 
who can't afford to push their provider to run Cheyenne for them. 
So I thought that following Apache equivalent would be useful. But 
my request surely is not a priority ....

AddHandler rebol-cgi-dispatch .html
Action rebol-cgi-dispatch /cgi-bin/rebol-cgi-dispatch.cgi
Max: thanks for the cheering up. :-) I've been also quite satisfied 
by the way Cheyenne evolved, a lot of thanks to patient users who 
report issues and propose fixes or new ideas. I wouldn't have got 
so far without community support!
Pekr: that's in my todo list, I just need to find some free time 
to think more deeply about how to support such feature efficiently.

Btw, I have built a XMLC (XML Compiler) engine inspired by enhydra 
(http://www.enhydra.org/tech/xmlc/index.html) which should fit perfectly 
your needs. It's a working prototype but need some significant work 
to be integrated within Cheyenne, so it's low priority for now.