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[!Cheyenne] Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server

The new code reverses this order to make it work
IDs that you specified were looked up in the user file - also if 
you specified the group. Although in most cases on most systems, 
user names have a matching group name with the same number, this 
is clearly wrong
Specifying just the user already looked up the group number of the 
user, but this was not used for the group setting. As said above, 
it's not very meaningful to only change the user ID away from root, 
so now specifying only a user changes both the user ID and the group 
ID to the IDs corresponding to the user
I'm not sure how meaningful it is to also specify a separate group 
(different from the group of the user), but if you do it should be 
looked up in the group file instead of the users file, so now it 
does that
The users and groups files are line oriented, but they were searched 
as a whole with PARSE. This can easily go wrong, for example if the 
name appears elsewhere in the file, for example in the comment field. 
They're now searched line by line
I'm not sure if capitalised user names are allowed on Unix (traditionally 
not), but they would be case sensitive, so I also made this search 
case sensitive
The format for the configuration file allows numbers for the specified 
user and group IDs, and this is indeed useful, but they weren't supported 
in the processing functions. They are now
If you specify a number for the user ID, it is not used for setting 
the group, because it is not known if those numbers correspond
In general, the contained functions are quite a bit more flexible 
Well, I never thought I would be hacking a web server, so this is 
pretty cool, and Cheyenne makes it very easy :-)
Kaj, thanks for this very usefull work, I'll review your patch tonight.
Seems you've solved a lot of issues there.
Yeah, it was worth spending some time on it
Sure, that's a significant improvement for Cheyenne.
Mod-userdir will be finally usable!
I think there's only one issue left, for which I don't see an easy 
solution. If you specify both a user and a separate group, it must 
be in that order in the configuration file, because the group definition 
modifies the boot code that the user definition generates. Reversing 
them gives you the group belonging to the user, instead of the separate 
Oh, we can have the user definiton check for exisiting boot code, 
of course
Or is the configuration always processed in the order of the module? 
In that case, there's no problem
websockets coming to firefox in next release
After some serious benchmarking with Redis using a couple of php 
libraries, it's become clear that a Cheyenne + Rebol blocks is by 
far the fastest solution.

I think the main issue with Redis is the I/O between PHP and Redis 
itself.. the only way to access Redis data is via a port.

ie: Apache <-> PHP <-> Redis  .. each I/0 adds precious milliseconds

Cheyenne has an advantage, as Rebol blocks are native.

I must admit, I didn't expect these results. Accesss to data stored 
within Rebol blocks  is crazy fast... and very flexible.

I have  a rebol block with 10 million integers.. i can crawl the 
entire block with a foreach [a b] loop in 0.17 seconds
Now if i can just figure out how to reduce the large block into a 
few smaller blocks, and run parallel foreach loops, it will be a 
killer app.
Terry, if you are able to simulate thousands of users, that would 
be a killer app too.
Well, as Doc pointed out, 1000s of simultaneous users makes for a 
VERY popular website.. take the millions  of $ and work it out as 

I'm looking for say 100 users able to work on a very large datasets 
Doc, would it be safe to say processing large blocks are non-blocking 
with Cheyenne?
What do you mean by that? Cheyenne's UniServe task masters run in 
separate processes, so when one request takes time other task masters 
handle other requests, but within one request your code is executed 
serially, the way you program it. REBOL is single-tasking, after 
Terry: you need to be more specific, "processing" is very vague. 
Also are you talking about running code in CGI/RSP or in Cheyenne's 
main process?
Kaj: I keep having big issues starting Cheyenne as not-root user, 
the debug files are created while Cheyenne is stil root...The issue 
is deeper. The UNIX port number <1024 limitation, is a true PIA. 
Does someone know if there's a way for a process not started as root, 
to temporary get root privileges for opening a network socket?
Doc, the way that normally works (eg. apache) is that you start as 
root, open the socket, then drop privileges.
Yes. However, I had no further problems, because the main Cheyenne 
process keeps running as root, and can thus answer port 80. Are you 
doing it differently, Doc?
Well, that is to say, I couldn't test it to the end, because I currently 
have to use View for the library interface, and my graphical Linux 
doesn't fully support X under non-root yet, so maybe I hadn't advanced 
as far as your problem
I assumed it was just my Linux not being fully configured yet
Is there a core version of cheyenne for windows that can run as a 
service without issues?
Has anyone created any multi-tenanted applications?
what would cause sudden 403 Forbidden errors on certain pages? Everything 
was fine, restarted the server.. 403
403 is also Access Restricted, so it depends what's in your settings.
But as I'm checking the sources, in Cheyenne itself there is no code 
forcing 403.
nvm - i had a rogue apache service firing up on boot.
Has anyone run pmwiki or any of the other php wiki's with Cheyenne?
All the buzz in javascript land of late is around  Node.js and Redis.. 
And I've been in a heated debate with the Redis group over the latency 
issues. Cheyenne + Rocket (a Rebol key/value store I've been working 
on) makes the Node.js + Redis throughput look sick.
Why do these inferior technologies always get the buzz?
anyone used Bernstein's daemontools to control Cheyenne?
I did my own using SSH and a few server-side scripts and tricks.
I can start/restart the server without it requiring to be setup as 
a daemon.
and without requiring any active ssh session open.
by active I mean persistent.  even when I close the ssh session cheyenne 
remains running.
why not use the embedded remote console? cheyenne/UniServe/services/RConsole.r
you can use the remote, if the server isn't running ;-)
can = can't
humm... true.. 8-)