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[Games] talk about using REBOL for games

and i could use the sdk i have here but then its no use to users
i need the GL to be accessible from v standard view
and ideally it needs to work in linux, windows and osx
Mahjong also has Italian rules afaik, it was imported, I don't know 
when or by whom, in central Italy. It is also played in Japan and 
I had a Japanese computer game of Mahjong that it's defined unplayable 
by Chinese people I know.

About the tileset: on Linux I had problems with the capitalised filename 
as %TileSet.png differs from %tileset.png
re the tileset name - thanks for mentioning that - i thought i'd 
caught them all - obviously not :)
[unknown: 9]
I really hate that linux allows case.
RebTower (Old School MTG based card game) almost complete - just 
finishing deck art and AI for computer player.  http://rebol.mustard.co.nz/rebtower-wip.jpg
Very nice James!
The AI isi proving to be a pain :)  I keep thinking - "What would 
i do next" .. takes ages :(
Yeah, it looks nice!
Do you produce all the graphics yourself?
all except the backdrop which is Alan Wheat's
ideally ill dust off terragen and make my own backdrops when i get 
a little more time
Especially the small drawings with number on top is great. How do 
you produce them?
used draw with a white on silver shadow
I mean the drawings, the blue 'energy', forest and brown cave.
verdana font - which i may have to change for OSX/Linux compatibility
ahh - forest and cave are from stock photos and the blue is a geometric 
well geometric + photoshop :)
Do you have a prefered place to look for stock photos?
free + stock + photos on google :)  Or i dig thru the 40+ gig i have 
here :)
Yes, looking nice and polished.
ICarii: have you tried the new terragen version ?
using 0.9 here - not sure what latest is (probably 2.0 lol)
RebTower Demo available at: http://rebol.mustard.co.nz/rebtower-demo.zip
   - non demo version should hopefully be out in a couple of days 
once I get the artwork finalised and the AI beaten into shape.  Current 
demo plays computer vs computer in simulation mode.
The green and red writing is debug messages showig cards - this will 
not be visible in final.  White text is currently played card(s) 
this is also replaced by actual cards in final
transparent cards are cards that player cannot currently afford to 
play due to resource lack
please note that I have used the Verdana font so if you want ti to 
display properly in linux rename the font to something else
[unknown: 9]
What artwork do you need (exactly)?
some 86x64 pixel images to depict various cards
I'm still trying to build a 40 card starter deck and balance it at 
the moment before i finalise needed images
[unknown: 9]
What did you have in mind for the images?
I own a LOT of art, and I can whip stuff out very quickly.
More importantly, I don't have an ego about you not liking it or 
not wanting to use something, or simply wanting changes.  Yes, yes, 
all the other raindeer artists thought I was strange.
6 resource based images - 1 each for gold, wood and energy.  then 
1 each for destroyed mine, energy vortex, burning forest.
6 resource conversion images - wood seller (wood to gold), gold to 
wood, gold to energy, energy to gold, energy to wood, wood to energy
3 stockpile (as opposed to mine/forest) depletion images - energy, 
wood, gold.  3 stockpile increase images (energy wood gold)
then some building related images for walls / towers probably 2 wall 
building, 2 tower building, 1 dual wall + tower build
;) then a few combat wall/tower destroying images - ive yet to balance 
that bit  :)
and i just realised it need to fix the card zooming its getting irritating 
zooming the same card on multiple images ;)
forgot to hide as I delete :)
I tried to set up the core program to be generic so people can make 
their own resource types, eg a Coders/Public Relations/Cash resource 
for a modern theme :)
[unknown: 9]
James, do me a favour, click that little icon of the pen above the 
new messsage input window.  Then enter your list again in "one entry"

You will need to press control + S to send it, or press teh send 

Then I can copy your list easily, and work on it.
will do :)
6 resource based images - 1 each for gold, wood and energy.  then 
1 each for destroyed mine, energy vortex, burning forest.

6 resource conversion images - wood seller (wood to gold), gold to 
wood, gold to energy, energy to gold, energy to wood, wood to energy

3 stockpile (as opposed to mine/forest) depletion images - energy, 
wood, gold.  3 stockpile increase images (energy wood gold)

then some building related images for walls / towers probably 2 wall 
building, 2 tower building, 1 dual wall + tower build

;) then a few combat wall/tower destroying images - ive yet to balance 
that bit  :)
and a partridge in a pear tree ;)
Sample Resource cards:
Source Cards
Extra Crystal Mine
 cost [6 0 7] source [1 0 0]
Extra Forest
 cost [3 0 9] source [0 1 0]
Extra Gold Mine
 cost [0 12 2] source [0 0 1]
Crystal Mine Collapse
 cost [0 5 8] source-o [-1 0 0]
Forest Fire
 cost [9 0 3] source-o [0 -1 0]
Gold Mine Collapse
 cost [6 8 0] source-o [0 0 -1]

Stockpile Cards (zero cost)
Energizing Aura
 stockpile [5 0 0]
Fertile Season
 stockpile [0 5 0]
Pieces of Eight
 stockpile [0 0 5]
Draining Aura
 stockpile-o [-9 0 0]
Harsh Winter
 stockpile-o [0 -9 0]
The Taxman
 stockpile-o [0 0 -9]
Visiting Traders
 stockpile [4 4 4]
;Building Cards
Minor Repairs
 cost [0 5 0] damage [0 -5 0]
Unassailable Walls
  cost [0 10 2] damage [0 -10 0]
 cost [0 6 5] damage [0 -8 -4]
Ivory Tower
 cost [5 0 9] damage [0 0 -10]
Stone Masons
 cost [0 6 4] damage [0 0 -5]
War Plans

 cost [10 0 10] condition [(def-p < 10) and (core-p < 20) [damage 
 [0 def-p - 10 core-p - 20]][damage [0 -5 -10]]]
[unknown: 9]
So, let me help you help me (I have designed about 120 video games). 
  You need to break down your art as follows

 name, size, comments

For example

In looking at your image names, I can't map them to "purpose"

What are card and card1?

May I suggest  you rename things first, and a smart move is to put 
in place holder art that is the size you want to finally use.  Even 
if it just has the name of what will be there, ie "Gold" etc.