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[gfx math] Graphics or geometry related math discussion

it's your work isn't it ?
moving to liquid group...
(that's not my question)
well, can you synchronise lists or only single values
(did you see the !Liquid group on the left?
by lists, i mean, block of values
Hi, I have a question concerning color palette conversions.

I have a color palette of greens that I would like to convert to 
blue using the same "look and style" as the green ones. Is this possible?
What does your colour palette look like? e.g. [0.0.100 5.8.189] ?
Robert, convert your colors to HSV and change Hue.
I wrote this before HSV functions were added to /View, but it still 
works: http://www.ross-gill.com/r/hsv-lab.r
But now there are native hsv functions...
This is my colour palette:

	; 7 primary colors
	bn-green: 		0.102.76
	green-field: 	51.133.110
	reed-green:		102.163.146
	patina-green:	153.194.183
	glass-green:	204.224.219
	light-green:	232.241.239
	ash-gray:			209.209.209

	; 7 secondary colors
	midnight: 			0.29.43
	foggy-morning: 	31.93.154
	hazy-day: 			102.154.204
	light-mint:			154.204.205
	terra-cotta: 		205.153.103
	desert-sand:		229.201.115
	sunflower:			254.191.0
It's stated that this palette is specialy designed to harmonize. 
And I want to get a palette being based on blue with the same properties.

colors: [
; 7 primary colors
	bn-green 		0.102.76
	green-field 	51.133.110
	reed-green		102.163.146
	patina-green	153.194.183
	glass-green	204.224.219
	light-green	232.241.239
	ash-gray			209.209.209

	; 7 secondary colors
	midnight 			0.29.43
	foggy-morning 	31.93.154
	hazy-day 			102.154.204
	light-mint			154.204.205
	terra-cotta 		205.153.103
	desert-sand		229.201.115
	sunflower			254.191.0

change-colors: func [val /local h hsv][
	forskip colors 2 [
		hsv: rgb-to-hsv colors/2
		h: hsv/1 + val // 255
		hsv/1: h
		colors/2: hsv-to-rgb hsv
	~b1/color: colors/bn-green
	~b2/color: colors/green-field
	~b3/color: colors/reed-green
	~b4/color: colors/patina-green
	~b5/color: colors/glass-green
	~b6/color: colors/light-green
	~b7/color: colors/ash-gray
	~b11/color: colors/midnight
	~b12/color: colors/foggy-morning
	~b13/color: colors/hazy-day
	~b14/color: colors/light-mint
	~b15/color: colors/terra-cotta
	~b16/color: colors/desert-sand
	~b17/color: colors/sunflower	

lay: layout [
	~b1: box colors/bn-green
	~b2: box colors/green-field
	~b3: box colors/reed-green
	~b4: box colors/patina-green
	~b5: box colors/glass-green
	~b6: box colors/light-green
	~b7: box colors/ash-gray
	~b11: box colors/midnight
	~b12: box colors/foggy-morning
	~b13: box colors/hazy-day
	~b14: box colors/light-mint
	~b15: box colors/terra-cotta
	~b16: box colors/desert-sand
	~b17: box colors/sunflower
	button "change color" [change-colors 64 show lay]
view lay
Thx a lot!! :-)
I will play around with this.
you're welcome :)
Has anyone got experience with this Texturing Tool?
Or know of a good place to look for texture producing algorithms?
Look towards people in the video game business....they did lots of 
this in the 80-90s
It's nothing special, but it works :)
press "Open" to see some presets
Hi, I'm looking for a range of colours from "hot white" to "cool 
blue" to represent molten metal cooling down.
Currently I have this range of 6 colours:

	colors: [white yellow orange red purple navy]

(I interpolate between the colours for more resolution.)

Does anybody know how I can improve these colours ? Any websites 
that are good for this?
I made a RGB<->HSV back in the dawn of time I think newer rebols 
have it built in
using HSV it is trivial to divide your start and end points into 
as many steps as you need
R3 has some RGB<>HSV<>HSB code as mezzanine. Perhaps it can be backported 
to R2.
'hsv-to-rgb and 'rgb-to-hsv are in 2.7.6
I have a white-to-color function 'make-wash-table here.  Principle 
would be similar, I guess...
Thanks guys, I know about the hsv-rgb conversion functions, and the 
interpolation can be improved using them, but I really wanted to 
improve the colours specified in the COLORS block. That means I'm 
looking for palettes of ~6 colours which aim to define a colour range 
like that of cooling metal "in the real world". But never mind, while 
it looks really cool to use a range of 6 colours, I'm now more of 
the opinion that it confuses the user interface too much - so I've 
now using a simple 2-colour range !
Thanks Chris for a look at your code.
Anton, isn't the H in HSV what you wanted indeed? The actual real 
life colors...
.. of course - Hue helps. I was sort of hoping for a palette that 
was maybe generated from scientific data, or an artistic eye. I was 
hoping to locate a website with palettes for different metals etc. 
Someone out there must be doing it. Just trying to locate such information 
is difficult because coming up with specific enough search keywords 
is hard in the sea of information about colour. But never mind, never 
mind, I can do it myself - I think it's faster :)
Why not use the Matlab palettes. They are matrices of 256 colors 
( RGB values), with different themes (spectrum, fire, jet, autumn, 
copper). You could retain only a small subset of them.
Aha, that gives me a lead to follow, thanks jocko.
My point is that "hue" is that "scientific data", that is, light 
wavelength. artistic eye is a different matter though.
No, just grading hue by itself is not enough to qualify as "scientific 
data" for me :) You understand that different materials have different 
colours at different temperatures. As gold and steel cool down from 
hot white, they must pass through various colours and brightnesses 
before returning to their normal room temperature colours. This "cooling 
colour signature" varies from material to material, obviously. That's 
what I meant. But anyway, I'm likely to get further using my "artistic 
eye" than searching for such data.
I'm not entirely sure about that. The emitted light wavelength depends 
on the temperature only on first approximation. the "room temperature 
color" is reflected light, which has nothing to do with the emitted 
light. Of course there are other variables, but I don't see them 
significant in this case.
What different materials differ on would be which wavelength they 
absorb, while emitting. (and clearly reflection has a part in that), 
but for metal I'd guess that most of the light you see is coming 
from the surface. I don't think these things are significant enough 
for your purposes, but maybe they are, i'd need to check. doesn't 
Wikipedia have this stuff?
I don't know, I haven't had time to check Wikipedia thoroughly. But 
as we consider it more closely, we can see many factors contribute 
to the final colours.
I don't think I mentioned what I wanted the colours for - a progress 
bar. After consideration, I've pretty much decided that a large range 
of colours such as cooling metal might go through might actually 
be bad for the user interface (unless extreme measures are taken 
to make it really look like molten metal, like a computer game programmer 
might do), because all those colours might be confusing, and some 
of them (eg. red) may signal warning, etc. (especially if the user 
hasn't seen the progress bar before - I don't want to present the 
user with a circus of colours). Fading from white to solid blue is 
what I'm using at the moment, and I'm thinking white might be too 
May I suggest that:

- Starting with just cold metal - metal is not a single colour.  
You are seeing many colours at all times, and different patches of 
colour everywhere.  You are seeing colours reflected and you need 
a coefficient table to calculate the reflection index.  Copper for 
example would lean heavily towards red.

- Next, heated metals are the same, meaning, not a single colour 
either, but now for a different reason.  But to produce the illusion 
of something burning hotter and hotter will require something that 
is multi-pass, and changing constantly.

In video games to produce the afterburner on a jet we did a few tricks:

- The jet flame itself was made of a cone-like shape (maybe a dozen 

- The cone was set with an alpha channel so that the source was close 
to opaque, and the tip was close to translucent.

- A second cone was placed around the first cone, but just slightly 

- They both undulated at all times.  In other words, the length was 
always changing for both cones independently just slight.  And when 
the jet went faster and slower, they changed from long to flat (with 
the plane itself).

- The textures on the polygons were already a rainbox of colours, 
but as the jet changed what it was doing, the colour pallet was changed. 
 Again, both cones were not always changed at the exact same time.

- Just behind the jet (but depending on your angle of view), several 
filters (polygons that read the bg info and render again) would be 
used to create a small waiver and a refocusing.  The more GPU you 
had, the more of this you could do, and the better the final effect 
would look.

- Lastly, and this is what makes the whole thing amazing in a 3D 
game.  We are always checking the location of bright things, such 
as the sun, or things like the after burner filling your screen. 
 If so, we change the contrast of the whole world, and flare out 
your iris.  In the case of the sun we throw up a lens flare, and 
darken all the ships in the sky.

Even as a 2D problem, you should attach this the same way.

This video I think drives this all home for you.

This photo drives this point perfectly


See how the jets are making the left wing blurry...this is what makes 
it look hot more than even seeing the jet itself.  That just tells 
you the source, not that it is so hot it messes up the air.
also don't forget that light is additive,  so sometimes, all you 
need to do, in visual effects, is add up an immense number of very 
dark particles.  where they are tightly packed, it will create a 
ball of white, by iteself.
the different hues, will build themselves up based on the falloff 
your particles are spreading out at.
the same probably applies wrt the way the color spreads out over 
the time it cools down and/or the distance from a single hot point.
if your base color is some kind of darkish brown, it will glow from 
brown to orange to yellow to white.  the bluish tint usually comes 
from the surface which "blues" because its exposed to heat.  not 
all metals "blue".  some melt before getting that hot.
Wow - you guys. This is very interesting, but, going too far for 
my purpose at the moment. I *really* like the idea of having the 
simplest, most robust code possible. Adding so many visual effects 
and detail is something for a computer game.