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[user.r Formal] International REBOL User Association

Let the Fourth Meeting minutes be read at http://peoplecards.ca/rebol/iruameetingminutes.4.txt
Roll Call for IRUA interest will continue throughout the Fifth Meeting.
Executive Reports are still pending
Committee reports are pending
Open motions include; Choice of Name, Rules of Order, Role of President, 
Home Site, including Clarification of Home Site Needs.
Members are reminded to particpate in the Roll Call with an Aye present.
I move that the Fifth Meeting of the IRUA be left open until resolution 
of the current open motions.  This meeting will not adjourn until 
a member of the assembly calls for adjournment and it is seconded 
by another member unless an objection is raised in which case it 
will remain open.
Members are asked to discuss issues in IRUA Chat and then table motions 
here when ready.
The floor is now open foe new business and continuing discussions.
Aye, present
Aye, present
Point of Information;  There is an association name vote survey posted 
to the REBOL/View viewtop under Public - Sites - peoplecards - REBOL 
User Group - IRUA Votes.  If there are any problems please post a 
comment to IRUA Chat.
Tried to vote twice - unsuccessfully on both occasions - I don't 
have email setup on the machine from which I use View (apart from 
Google that is).
Aye, present
I propose that given this is the year 2007, and being man(kind) walked 
on the moon some 40 years ago, that a voting method that is 100% 
reliable is not only in order for this so great an association, but 
that the current system casts a dark shadow of indeterminate length.
I propose that we message btiffin directly with our votes. They won't 
be anonymous, but I think we can trust Brian to be discreet. ;)
I second Ashley's motion.

Point of Information.  All votes received are being forwarded to 
the Vice-President, Maxim, for integrity checks, redundancy and some 
semblance, while still imperfect, of a sense of fairness and impartiality.
Unless objected, the chair moves to limit the current naming debate 
to 6pm GMT Monday July 30th.  After which time all accumulated results 
will be tallied and tabled.
Having no objections.  The naming survey is closed.
Point of information.  As the survey had both positive and negative 
preferences, the assembly will be given two lists to decide from.
First the raw tally, then two sorted results.  The first sort is 
by positive preference only, the second sort is by merging positive 
and negative results together.  Unless objected the chair will proceed 
with a yea/nay vote using the second list, merged positive and negative 
Raw data:  Combined votes;  Name, positive preference, negative prefernce
user.r 2.85321100917431 1
RABBLE 2.71559633027523 1
IRUA 2.52293577981651 0
RCoders 0.651376146788991 2.05504587155963
Rebols 0.587155963302752 2.76146788990826 
REWARD 0.403669724770642 1.77064220183486
RUGGED 0.247706422018349 1.89908256880734
Sorted by merging postitve and negative
IRUA 2.52293577981651
user.r 1.85321100917431
RABBLE 1.71559633027523
REWARD -1.36697247706422
RCoders -1.40366972477064
RUGGED -1.65137614678899
Rebols -2.17431192660551
Point of information;  Sorry the chair mistakenly referenced the 
first list as raw data.  Raw data will be available upon request 
to the Secretary  user btiffin's email can be found through normal 
Altme means.  The first list is the sorted data by postive result.
Point of information.  The chair would like to point out a few facts 
about the information. user.r recieved the highest positive preference, 
but also had a negative preference indicator.  IRUA while third on 
the postive preference list, had no negative preference indicators. 
 Once again unless objected, the second list will be used (in order 
from top to bottom) for a majority yea/nay vote.
I move that, unless objected, a quorum for these votes be placed 
at a 2/3 majority.
I move that the assembly vote yea or nay on IRUA as the official 
name for this esteemed association.
Objection from any member will lead to open debate.
Lack of a majority yea, will lead to a vote on user.r
Point of information.  The chair jumped the gun.  Delayed mail, but 
send before the debate closed. New results.  Reissueing the result 
Name, positive, negative
user.r 3.44954128440367 1
RABBLE 3.19266055045872 1
IRUA 2.52293577981651 0.834862385321101
Rebols 1.27522935779817 2.76146788990826
RCoders 1.24770642201835 2.05504587155963
REWARD 0.403669724770642 2.37614678899082
RUGGED 0.247706422018349 2.31192660550459
Name, merged positive and negative
user.r 2.44954128440367
RABBLE 2.19266055045872
IRUA 1.68807339449541
RCoders -0.807339449541284
Rebols -1.48623853211009
REWARD -1.97247706422018
RUGGED -2.06422018348624
I move to rescind the current vote in order to reconsider
Point of information.  The list is now changed.  So the first name 
up for vote is now user.r

As a reminder.  Yea, aye, yes, or other positive response is acceptable. 
 Nay, no or other negative response is acceptable.
All those is favour of  user.r  as the official name please say aye. 
 All those opposed please say nay.
Should we add Aye and Nay as logic words in REBOL? :-)

In any case, I vote Aye.
Though I kind of like a slight twist of adding an 's, now that I 
say it out loud; users.r. Can't remember if that was on the block 
or not.
Point of Information;

users.r was not on the list.  But this vote is the first official 
name pass.  There will be a way to ammend the name, but it will require 
a 3/4 majority vote to open the issue, according to existing Roberts 
Rules, which still require some form of ammendment and ratification 
for this esteemed group.
I vote Nay for user.r
..but I could be persuaded to vote for users.r unless RT does the 
sensible thing and changes the default file extension to .reb
I vote Aye for IRUA
Point of information;  Sorry.  Can't vote for anything but user.r 
yet.  It's a top down pass.  If user.r does not win a majority RABBLE 
is up next.
Brian ... how is that IRUA had no negative references? I sent my 
email one day ago, hopefully it was there in time, and I am nearly 
sure I voted for IRUA with some negativity. First - it is not real 
world, second I am not sure what the abbreviation means, I mean - 
having it on my t-shirt is far from being cool, if even I can't depict 
the abbreviation. And third, it reminds me of IRA :-)

My email was sent 10:29 GMT + 2
real world = real word
Point of information for the esteemed member;  Yes the mail was delayed, 
but the original lists and counts were recinded.  A new motion was 
brought forward with the new counts and sort.  user.r was elevated 
to highest on the list, IRUA relegated to third.  The current vote 
is for  user.r  if it fails to receive a majority then RABBLE will 
be tabled for vote.

Point of information;  Raw data can be requested from btiffin using 
the email in Altme.  The data will also be posted to the home site 
archive for historical purposes once the archive is established.
Point of information;  The chair would like to remind the house, 
that due to the nature of the motion at hand, an ojection raised 
by any member will halt the proceeding and the issue will return 
to the table for open debate.
my user.r vote - Aye
Point of Information:  A quorum has been reached.   The aye's have 