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[user.r Formal] International REBOL User Association

The chair is pleased to announce the Official Formation of  user.r
With this issue now complete, as per the opening the of the meeting 
I move to adjourn.

To Recap;

user.r has won a quorum majority and will be the Official name of 
the association

A home site is being prepared on Qtask.com, under a project name 
of  user.r

The IRUA and IRUA chat forums will remain for 72 hours, after which 
they will be renamed.

The first meeting of user.r is scheduled to begin Saturday August 
11th 2007 at 6pm GMT.  This meeting will be held in Qtask, under 
the user.r project.  Anyone wishing to attend, please accept the 
invitations and please request an invitation by dropping an Altme 
note to btiffin.

Word of this new association will be spread across other online systems 
as well.

The chair would like to thank all participants.
I second the motion to adjourn, and add a belated Aye for user.r.
The chair would llike to once again thanks all participants.

This meeting stands adjouned.
Um, at what point did we determine Qtask as the home site (the sixth 
This, Mr. Chairman, is a travesty. How do you account for this oversight?
Mr. Chairman, your bias towards Qtask is well documented. I recommend 
a private IRUA task force to look into possible influence peddling 
and other corruptions commited by IRUA's executive branch.
Terry: I can understand your frustration. No decision has been made 
taken and my understanding is that the use of Qtask is a temporary 
This was posted in the user.r chat conversation:

The choice of the Qtask system will still be open for democratic 
objection, but democracy was taking too long.
Democracy is taking too long, so I'll accept Qtask
 ... travesty at best.
The decision to use Qtask has clearly been made here. To suggest 
that once the user.r Qtask group has started, that a vote to move 
will be sucessful is naive, and obvious to Qtask supporters.
Barging ahead...Qtask home site is being built. :)
 -- B. Tiffin

That smiley is incriminating
You concern that once the user.r Qtask group is started there will 
be a barrier to move and hence to adopt another home site is valid.
I think that this should be addressed.
I objected to the sixth open motion (using Qtask as the home site) 
on the 26th of May, and yet my objection has clearly been stonewalled.
I propose an emergency meeting, and given the seriousness of this 
situation, and the alleged 'influence peddling corruption scandal" 
that the meeting NOT be chaired by Mr. Tiffin, nor anyone with direct 
or indirect ties with Qtask.
This proposal is thus motioned.
I also motion that this meeting be conducted behind close doors to 
prevent any leaks to the media.
I'll second the motion for an emergency meeting.
I'll also second the motion that it be held in private
I motion that Peter Wood act as Chairman if willing.
guys, you are starting to act like a politics :-)
I motion that comment be stricken from the record.
who gives a f..., what the site is, right? It can change as many 
times as the group wishes for. I believe btiffin simply wanted to 
get thing started. What would be his intention/motive to use Qtask? 
He is surely not paid by Reichart to bring user.r to qtask. Terry, 
I wonder if you would rise the same objections, if from the very 
beginning the site was based upon Kommonwealth? :-)
This whole thing starts to sound rudiculous, not matter what Robert's 
rules propose ....
if someone will read it outside our group, he/she might think we 
are all ill. The group of what - less than 10 participants, can't 
get things moving in a natural way ...
I wonder if someone actually has a real preference to base our vote 
for the site upon? As for me, I don't, because I don't know, what 
the requirements are going to be ....
I now might understand, why Carl does not like official organisations 
Sir, your comments are best tabled in the user.r debate group.
Sorry, did not distinguished those two and its roles ...
I second the motion that Pekr's comment be stricken from the record, 
and move that his comments preceding this one likewise be stricken.
If I may represent Petr's main point: that it does not matter what 
web framework the temporary site is based upon, so long as no dependency 
to that framework is created and so long as there are no ulterior 
motives for using that framework.  In my opinion, given the agonies 
that have brought us to this point, it would not have been in Brian's 
or the group's interest to skimp on the selection process in favour 
of a preordained framework.  Dependency, as I've stated before, is 
of greater concern.
Also, if I may address the mood from the peanut gallery (one of whom 
apparently of Czech origin was marauding in the chamber), may I point 
out that consensual decision-making has never been proposed as a 
means of immediate resolution, rather well-considered decisions based 
on compromise (which active participants would also do well to remember) 
that most, if not all, can be comfortable with.  With regard to the 
elaborate formality (my powdered wig is very fetching, by the way), 
while language used is unfortunately anglo-centric, is expressive 
and better suited to conveying intent with narrower scope for misinterpretation.
Sirs, a chairperson and proper meeting must come to order before 
further discussion takes place. Is there no second to Peter Wood 
as chairman?
I'll second that Peter Wood chair an in camera session.
Aye to that too.
So be it. Mr. Wood, if you would be so kind.
I invite all members of user.r to an in-camera meeting of user.r 
to be held in the private group "user.r in camera"
If you wish to join the meeting please post a request here.
Thank you Mr. Chairman,

This meeting has neglected to address the primary issue, which is 
the inappropriate 'conclusion' of using Qtask as the home site for 
this organization. I will accept the fact that, as we are now discussing 
an appropriate home site for user.r, that the error has been duly 
noted, with no further recourse, such as suspension or removal of 
chairing priviledges or restricted from voting on this matter, shall 
be necessary.

It also appears that Qtask, is to be considered, at this time, as 
'a current communications system' in use by user.r, even though this 
is somewhat controversial. Given this point, I will add to my earlier 
comments by agreeing with Mr. C and Mr. T and perhaps others, that 
Qtask is 'dark' .. in more ways than one.

In my earlier objections in May of this year, I also pointed out 
a number of other issues with regard to this 'third party' home site 
solution... The following are quotes to refresh the memories of my 
esteemed, perhaps elderly and somewhat senile, associates...

I object to the sixth motion on the grounds that Qtask is a proprietary 
company, that has a tendency to exclude critics

b) If not stricken, then provided as proof that utilizing a 3rd party, 
proprietary system can be detrimental to the welfare of this association, 
as it makes clear that said owners have in the past denied access 
at 'their sole discretion', and that this power supersedes the power 
of the chair, and as such, gives the owners of the system MORE power 
than the chair.

I also agree with others here that Qtask is 'dark'.
And, frankly, it sucks.
Terry appears to have inadvertantly posted in the user.r formal group. 
I am reposting here on his behalf:
I went and made the same mistake :-)
When I say things like..  "I recommend a private IRUA task force 
to look into possible influence peddling and other corruptions commited 
by IRUA's executive branch." .
... or ....
my elderly, and possibly senile associates

but that the current system casts a dark shadow of indeterminate 
...or... "I motion that comment be stricken from the record." 
...or... "the alleged 'influence peddling corruption scandal" 

I WAS KIDDING!! A little 'poetic licence' if you will. 

I mean, think about it... "recommend a private IRUA task force" ? 
And you think Im serious? A PRIVATE TASK FORCE ?!?
Man, you guys really need to lighten up.
oops.. did it again .. the one flaw of Altme.. misposting into the 
wrong group. .. although the post works here as well.
The in-camera meeting has been concluded:

The members of user.r have voted to accept the following proposal:

Completely delegate the choice of an interim communications system 
to the duly appointed officers of user.r

The members of user.r voted to reject the following proposals:

User.r may not use Qtask as an interim communications system.

User.r may not use any proprietary solution (that includes AltME) 
as an interim communications system.

User.r may not use any proprietary solution (except AltME) as an 
interim communications system.