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[user.r Formal] International REBOL User Association

I move that btiffin act as Chair for this meeting
Let the meeting begin with minutes from the first meeting read at
Unlike the previous meeting, this meeting will include a roll call. 
 At any point during

this (at least) 72 hour meeting, members with interest will please 
speak to the group with

an "Aye, present".  This will allow discussions regarding votes, 
and quorums to proceed
at further meetings.
Let it be known, there is yet no Executive Committee and hence no 
Officer Reports.
Aye, present
Second btiffin to chair this meeting.
Committee Reports include:
Draft Constitution work progresses; Currently stands untabled.
Draft Code of Ethics work progresses; Currently stands untabled.
Fiscal Report remains fixed at zero.  No finacials.
Motions from the First Meeting.

First open motion, to remain named, First Open Motion
The oranganization names officially tabled stands at
Second Open Motion
Robert's Rules of Order...

Discussion will need to commence on the assembly wishes for vote 
and quorums.
The will remain the Second Open Motion.
Third Open Motion
Fiscal Committee.

I table this motion by closed, until brought up again at a later 

This motion will be closed unless there is an objection from the 
Fourth Open Motion
Nominations for President;  None
Nominations for Vice-President; Maxim

Nominations for Secretary; btiffin, still requires a Second before 
vote.  An official

request for Second was placed in IRUA Chat.  This will stand unless 
there is an
objection from the floor.
Nominations for Official Advocate; Pekr.
I appeal for a decision;  Let the nominations stand open until the 
Second Open Motion
issue regarding votes and quorums be resolved.
The Fifth Open Motion regarding committees will remain the Fifth 
Open Motion
Upon member objection, the Sixth Motion will now remain Open.  There 
will be an
open debate on where the IRUA will advertise its Home Site.
Recapping Open Motions;

Of primary concern is the assembly wishes for quorums, and free elections. 
 This will be

open for debate and will be part of the Robert's Rules of Order modification 
The Chair now opens the floor for any new business.  These items 
will up for debate

during this second meeting and will be placed in the agenda for the 
Third Meeting
of the esteemed organization.
As before.  The IRUA open meetings will stand for at least 3 days 
(72 hours).

Third Meeting tentatively scheduled for Saturday, 9th of June, 2007, 
16:00 UTC.

The Chair reminds members to please stand and be recognized during 
this meeeting,
with an "Aye, present".

This meeting does not stand adjourned.
Aye, present
I second BTiffin as Secretary
Aye, present
I propose the name IRUA, for its organisational sounding non backronym 
I'll second the IRUA proposal.
This Second Meeting of IRUA is about to close.
To recap

The member count stands at 5.  These names will be announced in the 
Third Meeting

Roll Call.  Informally this count is higher, formally it stands at 

For the First Open Motion, IRUA will be added to the list of possible 

The Second Open Motion remains in Committee.  Options will be tabled 
at the Third

Meeting.  In particular the Appeal for Decision regarding votes will 
be tabled as a

Special Order during the Third Meeting and a Committee report will 
be expected.
The Third Motion regarding a Fiscal Committee is closed.

The Fourth Open Motion remains, pending the Appeal for Decision regarding 

rights, privileges and procedures.  The position of Secretary has 
been officially
seconded.  No new names have been entered.

The Fifth Open Motion retains all open Committees.  A draft Constitution 

at the least, be announced to the assembly during the Third Meeting.

There was no progress regarding the Sixth Motion, advertised Home 
Site.  This issue
will carry forward.

The Chair would like to thank all participants.  Discussions in IRUA 
Chat will be

appreciated and a proposal for voting procedures will be posted there 
along with
other Committee efforts.

The Third Meeting is scheduled to begin at 16:00 UTC, Saturday, June 
16th, 2007.
The Second Meeting of the IRUA stands adjourned.
Correction...Third Meeting is Scheduled for Saturday June 9th.  Apologies.
The Third Meeting of the International REBOL User Association is 
called to Order
I move that btiffin act as Chair for this meeting.
Let the Second Meeting minutes be read at http://peoplecards.ca/rebol/iruameetingminutes.2.txt
Roll Call for IRUA interest will continue through this Third Meeting
There is still no Executive Committee, and hence no Officer Reports.
Committee reports include;
Draft Consistution will be tabled during this meeting.
Draft Code of Ethics will be tabled during this meeting.

Draft Rules of Order are still open for discussion.
First Open Motion still includes
Rabble, user.r, RUGGED and REWARD
I would like to propose  R  as a candidate for the official name 
of the associaton

Second Open motion is still in discussion, but a draft proposal on 
votes and quorums
will be tabled during this meeting.
No new names have been proposed for positions of Officers.
The Fifth Open motion, regarding Committees is expecting tabled proposals 
during this
In regards to the Sixth Motion, the Chair would like to propose qtask.com 
as a potential
Home Site and will leave the item up for discussion.
As before, this meeting will stand for at least 72 hours.
The floor is now open for new business and open discussion.

Members are once again reminded to show interest with an "Aye Present". 
 Those that

have done so at a previous meeting have already been entered into 
the Roll.
aye, present
second btiffin to chair this meeting.
Point of Information regarding the Sixth Opion Motion...

The important point of the proprietary nature of qtask.com was raised. 
 The Chair has

been informed by the proprietors that any and all individuals that 
show interest will
be invited
Point of Information regarding the Sixth Motion'
Let it be added to the record...

that any and all individuals will be invited...within reason.
Qtask.com (or any site of this nature we may choose as a home) will 
reserve all due rights.
I would like to propose  RCamp  as a candidate name for the association.
aye, present
I would like to ask the chair was he meant by "....within reason"
Within the rules posted by the site...not for us to dictate any special 
Does that imply restricted entry to membership of IRUA?