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[user.r Formal] International REBOL User Association

In futures, after a ratified constitution, yes that is implied.  
As open as people can
stand 'within reason'.
Personally, I believe that membership should only be restricted should 
a member breach the Code of Ethics
IE Initial membership should be unrestricted.
Yes that is assumed.  Open entry.  Privileged membership.
And it brings up a good point for discussion.  Can an open group 
choose a proprietary

system for home base?  Even if the Code of Ethics is inline?  Should 
any prior history
be an obstacle to entry?
Can an open group choose a proprietary system for home base?  

Surely the answer is yes provided the proprietary system does not 
restrict the group from operating under its rules.
I'm of that opinion as well.  But it does deserve discussion and 
our choices will be up
for vote soon.
Should any prior history be an obstacle to entry?

Personally, I believe that prior history should not be an obstacle 
to entry - what is important is member's behaviour in the group.
Which leads to perhaps not choosing a proprietary system, that may 
have some 'history'
I would agree if the 'history' means that IRUA  cannot operate according 
to the rules it chooses
I would like to propose RCoders as a candidate name for the assocation
I'll second the proposal for RCoders.
Aye Mr. Chairman, present.
Being Canadian, Mr. Chairman, Im sure you're aware of the 'code of 
ethics' regarding debate within the House of Commons, and that simply 
disagreeing with, or simply not desiring to hear the comments of 
fellows is not sufficient grounds to exclude, or even remove a member 
from proceedings.  It is the job of the Chair to decide if conduct 
is befitting or not, given this, I motion.. 

a) That the comments of one Gabriele made here on the 27th of May 
be stricken from the record.  or.. 

b) If not stricken, then provided as proof that utilizing a 3rd party, 
proprietary system can be detrimental to the welfare of this association, 
as it makes clear that said owners have in the past denied access 
at 'their sole discretion', and that this power supersedes the power 
of the chair, and as such, gives the owners of the system MORE power 
than the chair.  

Mr. Chair, it will be a dark day for this association when and if 
these proceedings are controlled by a dictatorship.
Mr. Chairman, I propose "Rebols" as a candiate name for the association.
The Chair has denounced members alluding to motive or personality.

Efforts were taken to deal with 'striking from the record', but with 
no official code

or constitution it was deemed unworkable, at this stage.  As another 
issue with more

than one open motion, challenges to statements are usually lost once 
new business

has been tabled.  This is a rule that will need clarification in 
the Modified Rules of

The Chair is at fault for directly naming Qtask, but felt as it had 
already been mentioned

by name, that a representative be allowed to interject comment in 
defense...perhaps in

error.  Another issue that will need clarification in the Modified 
Rules is regarding
procedural mistakes by the Chair.

Points regarding use of a proprietary system are an issue that will 
require more debate
and are points well raised and well taken.

The Chair is committed to proper Rules of Order, and will do it's 
utmost to uphold these

principles.  This will be carried out with a due sense of authority 
once a constitution has
been ratified by the assembly.
I'll second Rebols for a possible name for the association.
Aye, present.  For the record, has this association expressed what 
needs said association has in a [web] site before deciding on any 
particular vendors' products?  It follows that whether proprietary 
or not, while a concern, should not be the determining factor in 
this association's selection process.  As long as it is clear that 
any informations generated by this association is wholly owned by 
this association and this association will always assert full rights 
over said informations, including the right to extract all owned 
informations in an open data exchange format (open does not necessarily 
imply that format is proprietary or not) at this association's convenience. 
 Under these conditions, surely it is in this association's interests 
to find, or develop, software that best meets this association's 
It should be noted this association has been founded and is currently 
convening over a proprietary system, and informations generated by 
this association on said system is available in an open, though proprietary, 
exchange format.  Presumably, due to the nature of this association, 
the proprietary exchange format and by extension the proprietary 
system is acceptable to all association members for the duration 
of our presence on said system.
I move that the assembly accept (by acclamation)  Maxim  as Vice-President

Nominations posted before the end of the Third Meeting will halt 
this acclamation.

Until further notice, the role of Vice-President will also be acting 
I move the assembly accept (by acclamation)  btiffin  as Secretary

Nominations posted before the end of the Third Meeting will halt 
this acclamation.
I move the assembly accept (by acclamation)  Pekr  as Official Advocate

Nominations posted before the end of the Third Meeting will halt 
this acclamation.
I move that the postion of Official Advocate be given power to appoint 
one or two

Members in General to a postion in Council as Advocate Assistant. 
 These positions

will offer the members of the assembly points of contact to the Official 
Advocate and
will assist in preparation of Advocate Reports.

Appointments will be granted at the pleasure of the Advocate, unless 
an objection is

raised from the Assembly. Objections will initiate a confirmation 
debate and will then
require a majority vote for acceptance.

This motion will stand open for debate and be known as the Seventh 
Open Motion
and/or the Motion for Advocate Assistants.
I second the five motions moved by btiffin
Point of Information;
A Draft Constitution has been posted to
http://peoplecards.ca/rebol/irua.rsphome with link to

Please note that this is a draft and members are asked to place comments 
to IRUA Chat.

Also note, that it is also a Work In Progress, some links may not 
be complete, but the
text of the Draft copy will not change without notice here.
The Third Meeting of IRUA is about to close
In recap;

We have, by acclamation,
A Vice-President; Maxim
A Secretary; btiffin
An Official Advocate; Pekr
As Vice-President Maxim will also be acting President

A Draft Constitution has been posted to

Officially the member count stands at 8, unofficially this number 
is higher.

The First Open Motion now includes
RABBLE, user.r, RUGGED, REWARD, IRUA, RCoders and Rebols

as possible association names.   R and RCamp were not seconded, but 
may be
proposed again.

A new motion to grant the Advocate powers to appoint Assistants to 
was opened.

The First open motion, the Naming motion remains open and the voting 
remains undefined.
The Second open motion, the Rules motion remains open.
The Fourth motion will remain open until election of a President.

The Fifth motion, the Committees motion remains open and it is hoped 
that activities
will continue outside the meeting timeframes.
The Sixth motion, the Home Site motion is still open for debate.

And the Advocate Assistants motion will be open for debate in the 
Fourth Meeting.

The Fourth Meeting is scheduled to open on Saturday June 16th 2007, 
16:00 UTC

The Chair would once again like to thank all participants in this 
and those participating in the IRUA Chat forum.

This meeting stands adjourned.
The Fourth Meeting of the IRUA is called to Order
I move that btiffin act as Chair for this meeting
Let the Third Meeting minutes be read at http://peoplecards.ca/rebol/iruameetingminutes.3.txt
Roll Call for IRUA intertest will continue through the Foufth Meeting.
The Chair is pleased to announce there is an Executive, and a Council.
Position of President remains unfilled.

Executive reports and Council reports are pending.
Committee Reports are pending
This assembly still has open motions for
The Choice of Name and a voting procedure choosing the name.

The open motion for Rules is still in committee.

There is still the presidential position to fill.

An draft online voting system will be tabled during this meeting

The Home Site debate remains open.

And the Advocate Assistants motion is open for debate.
As before this meeting will remain open for at least 72 hours.
Members are reminded to participate in the Roll Call with an Aye 
The floor is now open for new business and discussions.
aye present
Aye present
Mr. Chairman, I propose the use of Kommonwealth as the IRUA home 
aye present
aye present.
Aye present.
I move that a statement of need and requirements with regard to a 
home web site be composed before this body make a decision on the 
location and/or software that will comprise said web site.
I'll second that.
The Fourth Meeting of IRUA is about to close.
In recap;

A new motion for a requirements summary was introduced and will be 
put to committee in IRU chat.

The chair would once again like to thank all participants.

The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday June 26th, at 16:00 UTC
This meeting stands adjourned
The Fifth Meeting of the IRUA is called to Order
I move that btiffin act as the Chair for this meeting