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[DevCon2008 (post-chatter)] DevCon2008

Nick, that's cool stuff. One question: do you use the Flash Media 
server with a custom app or  an Adobe solution (Acrobat connect pro)?
Maarten, it's FMS with a custum app (one that I've only tweaked slightly 
- not my creation).  Reichart, I worked for a long time towards a 
Rebol videoconference solution, and this just d
completely beat any of my efforts.  It has opened some new interesting 
doors for me, though (now learning Openlaszlo,  Red5 server, some 
Java, and Openmeetings - that's the next best platform and bit of 
 software for this type of work).  I'd love to do more work on Rebol 
videoconferencing some day.  I think it'd be a killer app...
This is my first time posting to Altme - I'm comfortable communicating 
here to organize Devcon activities.  A group demo may be the easiest 
way to prepare, if we can find a convenient common time.  I'm in 
Eastern time zone - during the week, I'm typically free late mornings, 
early afternoons, and then again after 10pm.   I can be reached by 
email at nick ---a t---  musiclessonz ---d o t--- com for anything 
personal :)
[unknown: 5]
Nick, glad to finally see you post.  I assume you usually monitor 
the web output of the this world.  I hope we do eventually get a 
video conferencing solution in REBOL.  I don't see it happening before 
REBOL3 hits though.
just a note - DevCon 2009 is going to happen in Prague, Czech Republic 
- the real devcon, not the virtual one :-)
as for video and REBOL, we are wrapping ffmpeg, so many video formats. 
But of course, having streaming server is completly different topic. 
And yes, video for R3 will be a killer app ...
[unknown: 5]
Thanks for the update Pekr.
Paul - this is private project so far, not related to R3, just to 
be clear ....
Hi Paul - yes, I've been lurking via html :)  Off topic:  I dabbled 
a bit with the Windows API and have a simple working webcam viewer, 
and also a working remote video client that produces usable video 
from simple image refreshes.  I need to explore the audio api to 
understand how to capture and pass audio frames across the net - 
I've got plenty of code from other languages - just need  to convert 
all those api calls to Rebol and see if there are any performance 
issues, but I suspect that a very simple point-to-point app like 
that could work in Rebol2.  To make it practical for real use, there'd 
need to be a little server/repeater app to pass data back and forth 
between clients that are behind routers.  Not so crazy difficult, 
I don't think...
Pekr, it's great to hear that you're wrapping ffmpeg!
To prepare for Devcon, I made a sign up form for 3 dates/times that 
I'm available to do group demo/prep work.  Please add your name if 
you'd like to meet at any of those times.   http://rockfactory.us/events/devcon.html
 .  The meeting room will be http://rockfactory.us/rooms/room20. 
 I'll confirm the times/dates at the above page, once a few people 
have signed up.
[unknown: 5]
NickA, I hope we don't lose you to cyberspace again and you continue 
to contribute here.
Username/Password for the room will be devcon/devcon
I'm as grateful as ever for Rebol, and for this community - like 
many, I've just been consumed by my work schedule...
[unknown: 5]
Well at least you got work Nick.  That is a nice blessing right now.
I'm looking forward to watching Rebol evolve with R3, and hoping 
to play a part :)\
That's true!
[unknown: 5]
Well I'm looking forward to a virtual Devcon.
Great news! Thanks Nick.
A sign up checklist was created to find out who is interested in 
joining us.
We've already got 4 sign ups for next Wednesday, December 17th, noon 
EST, so I've marked it as a confirmed event, and I'll plan on being 
online then to help show how to use the system :)
I have a dental apointment about 1 our in, but will make the first 
Cool stuff...
I'm looking forward to talking with everyone :)*****************

We will be in room20 ( http://rockfactory.us/rooms/room20), and 
the username/password will be devcon/devcon.

Beforehand, to see how the page works, please watch the 10 minute 
YouTube video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sx5qI0GWig(very 
important if you're presenting, to avoid lots of little troubles!) 
Please let me know if there are any questions!
I look forward to meeting and learning more as well...
Cool, just signed up.
Hi Maarten :)   I don't see your name in the list at http://rockfactory.us/events/devcon.html...
LOL, I added it to the tracker here. Ignorant little (little?) me.....
There I am... Really looking forward to this.
I hope the system supports everyone's needs :)
Anyone who wants to speak with me or others on Wednesday should have 
a microphone and headphones already attached to the computer.  Please 
use headphones instead of speakers to avoid echo (echo can get to 
be a really big problem without headphones).  To test your setup, 
including your audio/video, please use this page:  http://rockfactory.us/videos/videogallery_viewer.html
.  Please let me know if you have any questions!
I'll see everyone at noon EST today at http://rockfactory.us/rooms/room20
.  Please have your mic and headphones ready to go!
I'll hopefully be there, I just found out that they are doing maintenance 
on my ADSL this evening. So if I am not there or disapper, you know 
Maarten, if you're there and need to leave quickly, maybe you can 
try out out the system first - it shouldn't take too long to see 
how everything works.  I'll try to get together another time for 
those who can't make it today.
anyone there?
I am
Doesn't work for me, but my connection starts to get flaky. AltME 
works though
Let me try again
Looking for my password...
Got it devcon/devcon
I hear and see Nick perfectly.
See Gab.
Mute your MICs
- Times Roman font on front page (needs a better looking welcome 
- Stealing Vista UI on video is a copyright infringement.

- Bottom controls (just under 3 video frames) were hidden when I 
first came in (I needed to pull the iframe down).
- "Who is online" needs to be a list on the left side.

- The chance to send video took about 3 minutes, so I did not see 
how to do this.  The video box should say it will do this for you 
at some point.
We are jumping form room 20 to room 21
Current video list

- Times Roman font is ugly

- Welcome page needs a better looking welcome page (put it in a nice 
standard box)
- Stealing Vista UI on video is a copyright infringement.

- Bottom controls (just under 3 video frames) were hidden when I 
first came in (I needed to pull the iframe down).
- "Who is online" needs to be a list on the left side.

- The chance to send video took about 3 minutes, so I did not see 
how to do this.  The video box should say it will do this for you 
at some point.
- Chat box shows "viewer n" as opposed to <name>
- Each iframe seems to come up too small.
- Chat buffer is too small (and allows too few characters.

- Echo is a big problem (Other systems have this problem, but TeamSpeak 
less than others).
We moved here