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[DevCon2008 (post-chatter)] DevCon2008

OK...I knocked out a very quick mock up of a DevCon page that should 

The logic is, everything on the main page, but if you want the details, 
you can drill in one more level.

(if you need a membership to Qtask, just post to me your email)
Pekr,  I did post here and the mailing list.  The whole idea of the 
virtual DevCon evolved quickly and informally, so I apologise if 
it's been confusing.   Since the idea was suggested very near the 
proposed DevCon date, I tried to help organize things a bit at http://rockfactory.us/events/devcon.html
, but my efforts have been personal and not necessarily agreed upon 
by any of the community.   We probably should have appointed an official 
group of organizers and created a web site first, but in the interest 
of trying to things done, I just moved ahead and posted my suggestions 
here and on the mailing list - I hope there've been no disagreements 
or concerns about any of that.   DideC,  as it  stands, my intention 
is to make 100-150 connections available to http://rockfactory.us/rooms/room22
.  At this point, it seams reasonable to leave it open - if anyone 
thinks we should expect more than 100 people, then I'll need to know 
soon.   I'd appreciate a head count of people in the French community 
who plan to attend.  Amacleod, the broadcast system at http://rockfactory.us/rooms/room22
seems to be the best available solution.  I'm leaving that room available 
until the event, so that presenters can become familiar with it. 
 To make it easier for others to use the system, please remember 
to close the broadcast page when you're done using it, and please 
try to conserve bandwidth to only what's necessary to become familiar 
and comfortable with the system.  Please let me know if you have 
any questions!
Reichart, I received an error page "I'm sorry, you seem to be attempting 
to access a file to which you do not have permission to access"
NickA:<...are there any other lists here on Altme or elsewhere that 
I should be checking?>

I've posted an announcement on REBOLTalk. If there is any comments 
/ questions there, I'll prod you.
Nick, are you a member of Qtask?
And a Member of REBOL SIG?
Amacleod, as it stands, I've taken the screen grab app out of the 
presentation setup.  It was a Windows only solution that seemed to 
add potential complexity.  It appears that the best solution is to 
prepare screen shots beforehand, and upload the images to the file 
area.  Of course, screen shots could also be uploaded to that same 
area in real time...   If any presenter needs help with that part 
of the presentation, or if that solution will not work for anyone, 
please let me know.   I also have a whiteboard app installed at  
 .  I haven't used that application much more than just to try that 
it's installed properly, but I'm happy to add it to the setup if 
anyone wants to use it for the presentation.
It is like asking if you are a member of 0. AltME - 1. REBOL3 - 2. 
GroupName (where 0. Browser 1. Qtask 2. REBOL-SIG)
Sunanda, thanks for the post :)  You'll be at the event, correct?
Reichart, no I'm not yet...
Post a private message to me with your Email, then you have access 
to all sorts of other features too.
Reichart, nice looking page.
Thanks, Chris is more talented than me, he ight take a swipe at it. 
 I think this one is a little too "blocky" and a bit childlike. But 
it might be a good start, and it is designed to be SUPER simple to 
build as a site, with nothing but flat HTML files.  In fact, I could 
build this out of just several Wikis.
ight = might.
All are welcome to change or fix though...
I like the idea of the rubber earth, and the pixelate grate on the 
upper left (very "conference-ee")
Yes, very conference-like and it screams (in a nice way) fun fun 
fun, come play with us! Qtask is getting better and better it appears.
Reichart, I'm getting the same "iI'm sorry, you seem to be attempting 
to access a file to which you do not have permission to access"
I have an account already...
You need to be logged in, then paste the link in your browser or 
click on it here.
did that but I will try again
and what's the deal with it not allowing chrome as the browser?
Safari and Chrome are not supported yes.  Soon.  We are indeed activily 
wrapping that up.
I am at my parent's (or stated different: travelling back from my 
parents') on dec 27th because they are taking all their grandchildren 
 to a play. So I might be there only partiall, or not at all. I will 
do my best to make it though. Maybe I can lure the wife in picking 
up the kids but she is in all kinds of end-of-years trading markets 
selling this time of year.
Nick, thanks for adding me to http://rockfactory.us/events/devcon.html
Maarten - we'll get recordings :)  Geomol - glad you're gonna make 
it :)
Now is the time for presenters to please let me know of plans to 
present.  I'm reserving a special amount of bandwidth for the event, 
so want to get as close an estimate as possible.  Even a few hours 
of constantly streaming video, to many viewers, ends up being hundreds 
of gigs, so I'm hoping to estimate the presentation times as closely 
as possible.  Thanks!
Not to screw things up, but Is there any benefit to do this maybe 
the first weekend of January rather than between the holiday period? 
 With people hosting family or travelling to family this is not only 
going to limit the live viewers, but also the people available to 
present.  I see others already mention not being available, and as 
it is I will be between sporting events as my kids are in tournaments 
over the holidays.
Just something to consider.  I'd really love to be involved in the 
'live' event rather than the recordings.
Maybe we should vote somehow?
Assuming the people setting this up are available first week-end 
of januar.
I feel bad as there was a list setup asking when it should be.  However 
the only real date provided was the 27th.
... with an option for anyone to suggest another date.  I didn't, 
and things just started falling into place.  There will always be 
someone who isn't going to like the date and will have to miss.  
The only reason I bring it up now is that it's pretty obvious that 
this is not an IDEAL time for a larger number than any non-holiday 
You guys may have missed it, there is already a way to vote.  Which 
is in the checklist here.  Post the best day and worse day(s).

I think moving it out a little might be a good idea for a few reasons, 
not the least is that "2009" on the page will make it "current" for 
12 months!
The only draw-back is that 2008 is missed.  If this works well, I 
would rather put 2008-2009, then have another one later in 2009.
If we try to make this a bi-yearly event, atleast one virtual and 
another live event (or both virtual), it might make it better suited 
for people to prepare for and show some of their recent work, finished 
or not.  The talks don't have to be major pieces or an hour plus 
in length, but could simply demonstrate a concept of interest to 
a group of newbies or some of the advanced rebolers, 15 - 30 minutes. 
  I'd really like to see some simple demos of Max's work and Oldes 
Flash dialectt o see these tools "make a difference", not to mention 
countless others.
The checklist was put up, with a request for people to add their 
preferred dates.

Not many of us did, and 27-dec was the favorite from a very short 

I think now it'd be Nick's decision if he wanted to throw the date 
back into the open.

Any of us could of course start the hunt for an eDevCon date in 2009.
I really like the idea of the virtual DevCon.  It would be neat if 
we could then build ourselves a site similar to this Microsoft's 
LEARN site.    http://www.asp.net/learn/default.aspx?wwwaspnetrdirset=1
I think we will have a small turn out (less than 20) right now.........but 
this could be a GOOD thing, in that if we do this, then we will learn! 
And then doing it AGAIN is easier.
Then a conference once every 3 or 6 months.
fixed times a year, so people can get used to the schedule.
I'm completely open to whatever the community decides to do :)   
It's probably not such a bad thing to keep this first presentation 
smallish, and to consider it a learning experience.   One thing that's 
clear so far is that it'd be good to decide on one or several people 
to manage operations officially, and to create a web site to organize 
future events.  For the time being, this event does appear to be 
shaping up well, for the short matter of days we've spent contemplating 
it :)  There are 19 live attendees signed up at http://rockfactory.us/events/devcon.html
.  We appear to have a viable way to make the presentation, and I'm 
looking forward to seeing anyone who has the time and motivation 
to speak about REBOL related topics :)
With that said, if the concensus is to move the date, I'm fine with 
that too :)   If it helps to organize things, anyone can add _potential_ 
dates at http://rockfactory.us/events/devcon.html- just click the 
"add new event" link at the top of the page.

I'm open to.  My goal is to get some of the Qtask team to be present 
for a simple and real time Question and Answer session.

As you saw from the number Sunanda's source code counter showed, 
Qtask is a GIANT REBOL program.  

It may not be the best or the smartest code in the world, but we 
have learned a lot, and would like to share some of it.
I'd just do it on Dec 27th. Learn, repeat.
looking forward to Dec 27
what will be this like, if I can ask.. I am new around here
is there any website with more info maybe?