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[DevCon2008 (post-chatter)] DevCon2008

ah by devcon/devcon you mena user/pwd
There was no formal registration this year - just the discussion 
here and an informal list at http://rockfactory.us/events/devcon.cgi
yes, devcon/devcon is user/pass
Robert, cehck out - http://2008.rebolconf.info/on/Developers_Conference_2008
Reichart, are you going to present first?
Any reason not to?

If only I could figure out how to insert a carraige return after 
the image on teh front page in the reduced MakeDoc command set....
[unknown: 5]
Were using the chat built into the website correct instead of ALTME?
I'd think this is a better channel for the chat.....At least for 
the stuff you want published on the web.
Reichart says better for him to chat via altme.....either this group 
(which is public) or the private group.
Other presenters may prefer other ways of interacting with them.
The live group has been closed, and will reopen when we do another 
Chris, may I suggest we set up the wiki website such that at the 
top is a given even (Name + Date) and that everything else be put 
on one big page.  

This has a lot of advantages.  This is not to say people can't put 
things on other pages, but if we do it this way, everything can be 
in one place.

You come to the Home page, then click on the event you are interestested 
in, and that is it.
There's a lot to that.  I was kind of using the DevCon '05 as a model 
(my fav so far) where all the info is knee deep on the front page 
with more detail on sub pages.
I set aside too little time for this one (not intentionally), though 
not too bad for a rush job...
Note: http://2008.rebolconf.infois still editable by those that 
have registered.  The auto redirection will turn off shortly and 
http://rebolconf.infowill point to the future.
Btw: it seems that the url for the 2007 DevCon has changed.  I'll 
try and keep http://2007.rebolconf.infopointed to the correct site...

Alternately, if whoever maintains the 2007 DevCon pages wishes me 
to host them under the above address, I'll be happy to...
Yeah, it would be cool to build the list on your page so that we 
refer or copy over old stuff.
Thanks to everyone who made DevCon2008 a reality.
A couple of follow-up points:

-- How about doing an eDevCon twice a year, whether or not there 
is a physical one too.

-- And plenty more notice so some Devolunteers can help with with 
set-up and promotion.

-- Chris's presentation would have seriously benefited from some 
sort of screen reader / whiteboard system....A camera pointing at 
the screen was not ideal.
May have slipped off on the 'Live' group, but Nick suggested a screen-capture-as-a-camera-source 
product for Linux and Windows (though I used a Mac for my presentation...)
My points:

- I enjoyed Reicharts talk. I found the format to be fine. We submit 
questions and he answers quickly.

- For future eDevCons, keep them on fixed dates (+/- a week), 2 times 
a year with pre-announcements 2 months prior to the devcon. With 
fixed dates, people will be able to adjust to "the devcon season", 
and allow presenters to make some great presentations without hiccups.
- Could RT "sponsor" a news item on rebol.com for the date?

- DevCon could also be for beginners. An expert could provide courses 
(although I don't know if that should be for free). This point may 
not be ideal to carry out in a devcon at this small scale.
[unknown: 5]
I actually was capturing the output of yesterdays conference with 
my screen capture tools but my connectioin was bad because of the 
storms in the area and became so choppy that it was useless to me.
I suggest another addon to the Devcon site called MyDevCon where 
people can post their own videos of demostrations of their products. 
 I know Graham has done video presentations of his efforts before. 
 Would be nice to see how some of these projects work in the interim.
Or just MyDev.
Sunanda, agreed...

Basically there are for stream techs we need:

- Camera
- Computer screen
- Text
- Audio.

All of this needs to be captured.

Text is still BEST in AltME, it was designed for this, this is also 
a way to bring people into the fold.

Computer and Camera are not the same concept, since video is fine 
at 320x250 (even if stretched), while Computer needs to be exact. 

We still have some tweaking to do here, but this is coming together....
Instead of fixed dates, we could also adapt to presenters availability. 
ie., wait until there are a certain number of presenters, and then 
fix the date.
What I would do though, is to distinguish the numbering of Devcons 
- I would not call it fourth devcon, but first virtual DevCon. OTOH 
even with "phasical" devcon, many ppl do attend virtually anyway. 
So what do you think about that?
I agree, this could also have different name than devcon... something 
more on the "easy" less official side, so potential presenters would 
not feel they can't present something more minor they are working 
on in short and maybe more would participate. something like virtual 
rebol gathering ... just thinking outloud
who did finance or sposor this conf now?
sposor = sponsor .. I mean I guess setting up streaming probably 
wasn't free?
Has the devcon been uploaded for viewing yet?
This is a stream from a friend of mine http://www.ustream.tv/channel/freedom-of-information-2008-az

She is using UStream to do this.  I'm going to play with this, but 
it "seems" sort of perfect for the Video part of what we are doing.
you set your "Show time" and go!

But, I will only know after I have played with the incoing, and also 
tried broadcasting, and gotten feedback from a large group.
What about registering the Virtual Devcon and the real ones and putting 
them on a YouTube channel ?
Reichart, I checked the link but it does not seem to run...
Alan, the stream has not "happened" yet.  This is a stream that "will" 
happen in the future.

In fact, this is one of my complaints of their UI.  IT does not treat 
it like a "meeting"
Janko, I used bandwidth that was unused in my FMS account (actually 
paid extra to cover possible larger attendence, but it was unnecessary). 
 An event like this could support 8x the number of people we saw 
for a total of about $30.
It's not just the money, it's also your time. it was extremely generous 
of you, Nick, and the others who helped with the organisation.
I would rename DevCon to QtaskCon
In fact, I would change the name of Rebol to Qtask.
(A little tongue in cheek there.. don't get too wound up)
hmm, Qtask might be good name for REBOL too :-) But - that is not 
possible imo, as Qtask is legal entity, which will have its own business. 
And Qtask is also a product.
Terry, while acknowledging your tongue in cheek, this conference 
was a little last-minute and that limited the presenters somewhat 
Props to Reichart and Chris for being able to pull something together 
on such short notice.
With any luck the next online DevCon will have more preparation time. 
I look forward to your presentation, Terry :)
Let me know, I'll present Rockstar.
Has a date/time been proposed?
Any update on the devcon "video". Has it been uploaded anywhere?