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World: r3wp

[!REBOL3 Schemes] Implementors guide

Nice. I meant industry-wide, but it's good to hear that there's help 
for R3.
Following the Win8 announcements, one of the interesting things is 
that WinRT, the new runtime, doesn't have blocking APIs. Only async.
File I/O can be pretty slow in some cases nowadays, particularly 
for accessing SD cards. I get freezes with AltME pretty often because 
of it waiting for blocking calls.
Not only that, Altme has lot of rooms for speed improvements  :)
funny thing is that single most effective way to increase disk I/O 
on windows 7 is to make all transfers non Async  :-)
it has been reported as being as much as 50% faster though all the 
explorer reporting becomes totally wrong... i.e. instead of wasting 
time trying to determine how fast and how much time it takes, it 
just does its copy and reporting is completely off, but its actually 
much faster.
Sounds like a trade-off between throughput and responsiveness