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btw what happened to the old R3 V2 gui from carl? could this be used 
as a starting point fpr another GUI?
the style was not bad imho. any architectual reason why this wasn't 
developed further?
Tom, Carl's GUI was inadequate in many ways. The one we are building 
now is directly based on it, but replaces parts of it, like the resizing 
Pekr, what you think is ugly and cheap design, is actualy THE FUTURE 
of UI design. Every GUI will look like this in 2-3 years, I wonder 
you don't see it. At least you understand this is the definite and 
final design of R3GUI.
TomBon - I think, and I hope, that not much changed in underlying 
architecture design. But you probably refer to Carl's Spring skin 
:-) First time I saw it, I found it strange, now I miss it :-)
But seriously, as Henrik said, functionality will be done first, 
then the look.
Rebolek - my dog randomly drawing would come up with better aesthetics 
probably :-) One should have pleasure to play with the stuff in the 
process, while I have really a hard time looking at any single screenshot 
of new GUI. What I don't understand is, why it changed from the former 
look, if draw code for such style was already available?
Well, at least I have something to play with. If I will somehow proceed 
with adapting demo, I might try to experiment to change some style's 
look, to see how the design and functionality are separated.
Pekr, that's great! So let you dog do the draw blocks for some styles 
and we will add them!
Rebolek - that is an idea, with my dog :-)
I have no problem with replacing current look, if anyone provides 
something. But I'm not going to work on look now, because the priority 
of this task is currently low.
I might try to "port" Carl's Spring look, to just see, how it works 
or not. It could show some potential problem with eventual skining 
Pekr, if you need any help with porting, I'll be glad to help. Just 
start with something easy as button, and let me know if you have 
any questions.
henrik, thx for clarifying. Pekr, yes, same here ;-)
I will not participate to any bug tracker, bug correction, or testings 
regarding R3/GUI until we don't have a full detailled schematic of 
R3-host-kit, while we don't know where we are going with this project, 
and while we don't know if a better path can be found to avoid this 
project to fall in porting maze.
Even Pekr's dog knows, that a better path can always be found!
And I bet his dogs learns faster, that we stated more than once that 
we currently don't spend any time on eye-candy. Maybe Petr learns 
it too ;-)
db-reactors: They will work for (my guess) 99% of all cases.
I have to support Petr's dog here. I fully understand why looks are 
not a priority for development, but I also know that if we proudly 
present the GUI functionality to the world with the current skin, 
almost everyone who sees that will confirm in his mind that REBOL 
is a thing of the past and will never touch it again
Shadwolf, if you want a REBOL GUI that can just be recompiled on 
all platforms based on OpenGL or QT or GTK, the current host kit 
fully supports that. You can just build such an interface on it
But I think the problem is that you want "the community" to do that 
work for you and profit from their work without doing anything yourself...
I apreciate the work put onto R3GUI. I am just a spectator, I am 
not involved into the development. So I whish to say thank you to 
all the people building R3GUI.

From time to time the community get nervous about lack of development 
or inadequate results. Please note that they are building the foundations 
for further work. One time in the future the GUI will have the look 
similar to MacOS or GUI found on mobile device. Until then an old 
fashioned GUI is better than nothing.

Please consider all the hard work put from unpaid people on this 
I like that the UI look isn't inherent in the GUI. Skinning was a 
value from the beginning.
I have only a couple of request: please consider now the modification 
to the event system to support multitouch devices and whatever is 
needed for smooth GUI animation. It is important for further porting 
on other platform.

Also, keep in mind that good documentation is essential to let people 
use your work.
A last note for ROBERT: I have read that r3GUI stiles will be developed 
until they are functional to the project specification the where 
created for. 

A clear, written, specific, development path to further develop these 
style and the missing other would be good to have a clear global 
view about the final goal apart this project specific development.
(sorry for all the wrong plurals... :-)
There doesn't need to be a specified development path from RMA for 
styles that are being developed outside of RMA. Independent cooperating 
projects are fine. We don't have to bog down the development process 
with too much management overhead.
Please Brian, what  RMA stand for ?
It's the initials for Robert's company.
Brian. Your opinion is ok for me. Lets wait how this develpment ends. 
Then we could work on what has been done to improve it.
How do I easily turn docs into html, readable along with images?
Googledocs can turn a doc into html ...
there are lots of different paths ... doc -> pdf -> html is one
I think Pekr speaks of the docs included in the RMA's gui zip. The 
format is apparently done to be converted by makedoc2.r
oh .. haven't looked at this.
:-) yes, jocko is right ... will have to look-up some old MDP scripts 
It's possible that these are done with Carl's WIP document generator. 
I'm not sure if that works with MDP.
could it be included in the distro, or even maybe better, to provide 
html version directly?
we want to ask Carl to free the WIP script.
if not, we'll have to modify MDP to be compatible.
well, you could run it via some automat script which makes your builds, 
to get us html, no?
it doesn't help, when we don't have the WIP script to parse the text.
Petr, the problem is, it's not MD(P) format and we don't have the 
generator script (yet).
Ah, so why Ladislav used such a format? Are those docs just an adaptation 
of Carl's docs? Or just to be later uploadable to official rebol.com 
site? OK, I can read plain text ....
Adaptation of Carl's docs
Kaj  sorry to tell you that but from you i'm  expecting nothing.
GuiseppeC you got my ask wrong... developing in the dark as they 
do in Rebol3 is not a good thing... Problem in this project is that 
most of us are spectators ...
from the page of RM-Asset.com we can read and I quote:

What's special about RM-Asset?

We are very productive. This is good 
for you because we need less time than you might have thought.

are very efficient. Internally we joke and say 
All good software fits onto a floppy-disk!"

We keep things simple. Our solutions are simple, easy to install, 
maintain and use. Most solutions are designed to complicated. We 
have streamlined designs making us faster while resulting in higher 

Fine but since you took over this proect we don't even have a prospective 
documentation (list of the widgets you want in it, the condition 
of this project, the stepstones on the road)or an api documentation 
etc... this means 0 lines of code. you claim to be the best to work 
fast to be serious. I just ask you to prove it.
Shadwolf - this is not the right group to discuss advocacy/strategy 
kind of things. But here's my take:

- RMA is a commercial entity, and Robert made it clear enough - they 
develop GUI to the point, when it will be usefull for their business 
apps. The chances are, that if it is good for them, it will also 
be good for others

- Robert is a good guy! He pays several top community guys, and - 
he gives result of such work - FOR FREE!

- RMA guys are VERY open, to listen to other's opinion, it is just 
they will accept only REALISTIC proposals - trying to convince them 
to change to differet underlying toolkit CAN'T work at this point. 
Even if such a toolkit would be good time solution, there are no 
free resources to make such a big change

- RT (Carl), plus the community, should be gratefull, to have at 
least RMA's GUI, if there is not other gui in the spot, and RT itself 
is not active in that regard.

- If I should name at least something what I am not considering so 
optimal, then it is a bit of a closed nature of development. I mean 
- I might wrongly understand initial impression of a SCRUM model. 
I missed the big picture, plus particular reports ... but - ANYTIME 
I was not lazy to ask, my questions were answered. Anyone but me 
can do just the same - ask. This is called - communication :-)

So much for RMA and their relation to development of R3 GUI ....