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if i can if i have access to the whole source code, but i will try 
...  most of the time i need to see the big picture to get ideas 
on how to proceed ... a mono C# clone intent have been tryed 4 years 
ago it was spirit then sudently the author disapeared and that's 
it ...
Because Java sucks. This is why Scala and Clojure exist too.
(i just discorverd the font size growth button in altme i'm happy 
That was the aA button I mentioned :)
scala clojured never heard about them  sorry
BrianH yes indeed thank you i didn't read that part .... with such 
tiny fonts i don"t read all sorry ...
Scala is the second-most popular language on the Java platform, in 
terms of job postings. It is basically Java's version of F#, but 
better. Clojure is a somewhat Common-Lisp-like language for Java. 
Both of these languages exist because of how breathtakingly bad Java 
sucks for everything Java is used for.
(lisp :) ahahaha and :( say no to car cdr car and all the parenthésis 
that goes with them)
ok so i would run for a rebol on scala :)
The only reason C# and the .NET platform has any traction at all 
is because C# is better than Java at the exact same things that Java 
is used for. And then the .NET runtime is better than the Java runtime 
for not only what people try to use the Java runtime for, but what 
the Java runtime is designed for. It's the libraries that fall short.
but then scala what is the increasing rate in actual state what can 
be done with scala  (do we have the same techs available in java 
or do is it almost it but not quite ?)
but .net runtime only exists in windows plateform and i'm not sure 
that its all windows plateform non X86 based...
Scala is a functional-oop programming language, so it can do everything 
Java can do and a lot more, plus strong concurrency support that 
Java drastically lacks. Its syntax has nothing in common with Java.
mono the opened C# doesn't have a complete compatibility with official 
.net thing  and it's slower than the real thing ...
oop means it's a you can do objects but you are not forced to do 
this ...  it's like php ?
.NET runtime (or semantic equivalent) exists in Silverlight, Mono, 
the iPhone (through MonoTouch and Unity), Second Life, Linux (through 
Intel's port), Windows phones.
twitter is based on scala :) nice but twitter should be based on 
rebol :P
Scala is not like PHP (and stop swearing: words like PHP are not 
fit for polite company). Sacal is more like OCaml, Erlang, F#, etc. 
Loosely though.
sorry for PHP ... that was to get the picture ... of what i ment 
It was a bad picture. Now I need mind bleach.
silverlight isn't it a for windows only Microsoft intent to replace 
flash ?
scala use the same dev tools than java like netbeans or eclipse
Silverlight works on Windows, Mac, Windows Phone 7, Meego, and Linux 
(as Moonlight). You are underestimating the Mono project: They have 
a lot of funding and support.
Scala is supported by many Java development tools, mostly IDEs. This 
is a really off-topic conversation. The whole thing should have been 
in the Other Languages group.
ok so basing rebol on moonlight/silverlight or rebol would be a plus 
i know that the grphical part of moonlight /silverlight will be extended 
but does rebol can get feet to it ?
ok the main idea behind my ask was more a way to say can't be the 
rebol VM inner source code can be more effective ?
Basing some REBOL-related tools on Silverlight and/or the DLR would 
be a plus. Keep in mind that we don't have to make the whole of REBOL 
run within the JVM or DLR - REBOL is great for making development 
tools, which can be used to generate Silverlight applications, just 
like they generate Flash applications. Or R3 could be used as a library 
by Java, or as a supplemental developemtn tool, or a code generator, 
whatever. Remember, most of REBOL is a set of awesome libraries and 
dialects. REBOL without most of DO or AGG is still useful.
ok so we have a rebol base in a language that means alot of work 
to have it on windows / linux/ macOSX  and some mobile thingies
but then we have extension/ modules what ever things based on moonlight 
and C# easyly portable but then obviously the part that would be 
a better fit to moonlight would be the VID / draw part ... and can 
that really coexists with the rest of rebol ?
let's take an example could a video stream be displayed by a rebol/moonlight 
thing ? using rebol natural easy network  layer to feed the moonlight 
extension for displyaing at screen ?
It's only a lot of work if you add it up. Noone will need all of 
this. The small part that they need will be a smaller bit of work. 
And others will need different things, and will do their own work. 
As long as people contribute back to the community and don't say 
things like "I don't work for free for a project that will bring 
money to someone else", without realizing that you will befefit from 
those other people's contributions, then we will all benefit.
Moonlight has its own network layer and video stream playing abilities 
already. That is not where REBOL will help.
BrianH but tideing the faith of rebol with the faith of moonlight 
is it good ?
Silverlight and Moonlight are good. If you want to make a REBOL browser 
plugin, they are the thing to beat. Flash is not as good, and not 
really competition if it weren't for the installed base.
yeah but most of people use flash ... mostly because of the tools 
and what you can do with the tools rather than of what the result 
perf will be and what the language structure is
BrianH don't forget that mostly flash is used by people who don't 
know what an algorithms is and which i call the "click nation"
Yeah, so we can't compete based on quantity, we have to compete based 
on quality.
R3 is best as its own thing. But it can be used to supplement applications 
in other languages, like Lua. Or it can be used to generate applications 
for other platforms, as a development tool.
could then moonlight and mono be interfaced with other side libraries 
like opengl  can i make a part of my interface as an opengl display 
Or we can use R3 to solve problems that need solving, where having 
a solution is more important than how. REBOL is great at solving 
problems quickly.
With Silverlight/Moonlight, you don't need a side interface, it has 
a GUI. That GUI will be accellerated by OpenGL or whatever is available. 
With Mono, you can integrate anything.
brianh right ... to the problem can rebol display formated dynamic 
text using Draw/agg dialect it only took me a steeve and 3 yeart 
to apport the solution ... and lot of discutions ...
You really haven't been paying attention to what has been going on 
for the last few weeks, have you? With the host kit?
and when you look at the solution that's so evident that you are 
amazed no one thought about that before ... mainly area-tc and viva-rebol 
are splitted in 3 you have the color text engine based on color-code.r 
carl script but instead of generating html it generates draw code 
in a block then it's rendered to a vid face using it's draw block 
 for the ihm the feel block is used on the same vid face ...
BRianH indeed R3 lost me like 10 month ago ...
and when i see carl saying i pause R3 and patch R2  i'm like stunned 
... anyway ...
and having a proper resume of what is done is hard ...
Oh, then this conversation is more off-topic in this group than I 
thought. Well, here's what you missed:

- The R3 GUI is being actively developed by commercial developers, 
and it is much faster than the approach you just mentioned.

- We have had a couple releases in the last week, with more to come. 
In other words, we're not stuck.

- The GUI code has been moved to the host, and is thus open source.

- Everyone involved is hard at work, communicating, and busy. This 
includes Carl.
- All of your criticisms of the project are outdated.
Check the other !REBOL3 groups before you make any suggestions to 
throw out a code base that is already being used for commercial development.